I am undecided, and I want you all to help me. Do I vote Trump or Hillary?

I am undecided, and I want you all to help me. Do I vote Trump or Hillary?

Vote for Hillary

Please explain.

Yup, they've dumbed us down.

If you're a globalist cuck who wants nothing to change, vote Hillary.

If you're a nationalist alpha who needs something to change, vote Trump.

It's as simple as that.

The fuck is wrong with your flag? 61 stars?!?! Go back to where you came from.

Trump. Definitely. Talking as a former Bernie supporter. Clinton is a corrupt, two faced bitch. At least Trump is honest and is against corruption and bad trade deals.

If you're a fan of a elitist establishment corrupt neoliberal globalism, vote Crooked Shillary

Johnson if you care at all about capitalism and lower taxes

hillary 2016 ououggghhh

Watch both of their acceptance speeches and decide.

maybe you should put more research into the candidates involved instead of blindly voting like a fucking retard.

trump...please do it user

go home, scott

Hillary nigga, fuck wrong wit u

Hillary if you want the world to continue the status quo

Trump if you want world war 3

Sup Forums's autism and blinded republicans are going for the latter, while normies are leaning towards the former

Nationalism in the Trump form doesn't solve problems, let the other Republicans show you true nationalism.

Vote with your conscience.

The most qualified person to be president vs. a TV personality

Hilary would start WW3 with Russia if anything. Trump is the one that is saying why can't we get along with Russia and other countries?

This is not my flag
What is this supposed to represent

Do you want someone who's been asserting our foreign policy before the leaders of nations, or do you want someone who will cuck to foreign leaders who stroke his ego?

You have no basis to say Hillary would start WW3. We've seen clinton in power and we know what its like. We haven't seen Trump. Hes a wildcard

>OP pic


>The most crooked person to ever run vs. a TV personality


Trump is a loudmouth with little understanding of politics who loves slinging personal insults at his enemies, which can be seen how often he makes a stupid gaffe when he goes off script. A man like him as president could be a disaster.

Yep... write in Bernie. Hillary is a long time TV personality

>.02 has been deposited into your account. #MentallyHill

Trump without a doubt

If you love America, vote Trump
If you are a globalist, vote Hillary

If you know actually know what it's like with Clinton in power then you know she must never have it again.

Reasons to vote Hillary:
>career politician
>will continue Obama's ideals
>will continue to pander to social justice causes
>will bring in undocumented immigrants and foreign refugees
>will pander to her donors including foreign interests

Reasons to vote Trump:
>will create jobs in America
>will decrease our deficit
>will work to curb our influx of undocumented immigrants
>won't put up with political correctness
>won't put more pressure on American businesses
>doesn't have to cater to donors and foreign interests

Honestly if you're fine with what Obama has done over the past almost decade then vote for Hillary. But if you pay attention to politics and know how disastrous Hillary would be, then vote for Trump. If you're happy living in ignorance and only have opinions that have been fed to you by the media, vote Hillary. If you want to fix problems with the country that might not directly affect you personally then vote trump. If you're happy with politicians making shady deals behind closed doors, vote Hillary. If you want to see a shift in the way the country is heading (and know what that means), vote Trump.

Honestly you shouldn't be voting either direction if you don't know what you're voting for. I'd love to say "if it doesn't matter to you then vote Trump" but that's exactly what the leftist platform is: they prey on ignorance by offering you the welfare state at the expense of the entire nation who funds it.

They're both crap.

I'd vote for Trump because Hillary messed up with Benghazi and Trump is an actual businessman.


>muh benghazi

How can any of you be so that we can trust either major candidate?

Hillary will divide our country like never before and we won't recover. Trump is a huge risk but he's a risk we must take. More than half the country will hate him when he takes office but we will eventually unite either in celebration of his great job Making America Great Again or we will unite against him.

Want strong borders, a stance against illegal immigration, a ban on immigration from known terrorist hot bed countries, a president who puts America first and not globalist agendas, one who isn't owned by banks and global elites, one who doesn't have a mountain of bodies behind them, one who doesn't change policy based on check size?

Vote Trump

Well we know which one we CANT trust
The one who lied to Congress, the FBI, and the American people

Just fucking go on isidewith.


I agree with everything you're saying but Trump won't do anything in his presidency. Though that's not for lack of trying. The entire 4 years the media and normies will be actively making him out to be Hitler incarnate. He won't be able to get anything done because the other branches of government will shift to th opposite party (like they always do) and his only power will be the power of veto. But that's exactly why he must be elected. He will put an end to the direction this country is heading and in the future we'll be able to turn it around. Trump will be only the first step in the journey of a thousand miles.

policy comparison doesn't mean jack shit when one candidate is a proven liar and a shill and the other hasn't thought through half his positions and is probably pandering pretty hard anyway

How about the mess that is Libya? How about the millions of dollars funneled info her foundation in exchange for political favors? How about a private email server with classified information? How about being referred to as "extremely careless" in the handling of classified information by the head of the fbi? How about the sale of uranium to Russia?

Fuck off Millennial Engagement shill.

>Implying this issue is irrelevant

Try harder.

All of trump's positions and plans are laid out on his site.

Clinton fucking lifted shit he's been saying since day 1 when she spoke tonight.

Vote trump if you :

1) If you don't like uncontrolled immigration of literally anyone (including but not limited to, Criminals, drug cartels, gangs, anyone of low IQ that has no skill or degree in anything

..basically anyone who was too shitty to even get in legally.

2) Disagree with the needless antagonization of Putin

3) You don't see the economy improving/recovering under hillary

4) You don't approve of Hillary's incredible failures as head of state, among other positions of government within the past 30 years, including but not limited to: the massive number of scandals (Benghazi), lies (sniper fire), among other shit.

5) you want to improve our failing military that has had its budget increasingly cut over the past few decades to the point that our de-militerization is almost as bad as it was post ww2

6) You agree with Trump's agressive stances toward ISIS

7) You agree with Trump's education policies on allowing students to pick the school they want to go to rather than being forced to go to the one they live nearest to.

8) you agree with Trump's emphasis on increasing job growth by lowering taxes to somewhere around 15% for the middle class

9) you agree with Trump's stance on political correctness

Vote Sanders

We know who you are.

You're not impressing anybody.

Sage shill threads
Ignore shill posts
Do not reply to shill posters

Nah its not irrelevant but her role in it is blown out a proportion solely to hurt her and to trick people like Sup Forumstards into not voting for her. The Libya incident is a result of Libyan rebels going against their word. She tried to do what was right, the Libyans failed.
All politicians receive money for political favors.
Private server was dumb of her, FBI's assessment was right. Sure.
She had almost nothing to do with the Uranium one deal.

If you're asking Sup Forums, then you shouldn't vote at all. Or roll some dice. Both major candidates suck anyway. Trump is a populist blowhard and Hillary is a career bullshit artist and wall street insider.

How much do you earn by post?

Vote Your Conscience