13 reasons why

just finished 13 reasons why, what are your thoughts on this show?

novel idea. failed execution. not the actors or the director's fault.

>muh let's not tie it up in case 2nd season

the end was pretty weak too

hannah had a weak actress, so did alex at moments among many other minor roles, and clay was a pretty generic orbiter character but i enjoyed it overall still

the tony thing was retarded though

they hyped hte rape scene so much and it was a letdown. 3/10 overall

the most narcissistic and contrived thing viee ever watched

>beautiful mermaid hair



tony is a g. best character on the show.

alex was shit. the barista sucked too.

I would go as far to say it's the worst shit currently on Netflix. I was incredibly happy when the dumb cunt actually did kill herself. The dumb bitch probably ruined her parent's bathroom when she did it. It also took the M. Night Shamalamadingdong level twist meme seriously. It made ME want to kill myself.

>what are your thoughts on this show?
It was shit


>Not Alex
>Not Zach

The only two people who did literally nothing wrong. And were reasonable to boot, unlike Clay and Tony.

All the characters were dumb as fuck and di stupid shit

Yeah this was my biggest gripe with it. If they had just neatly wrapped it all up in one season and not left all these half-baked open-ended potential future plots in then I would have had waaaay more respect for the show.


What's the second season gonna be about anyway? She hid another set of tapes about another 13 reasons why she offed herself? Except this time, they were videotapes?

Bryce did literally nothing wrong

seriously messed up the momentum in the last few episodes and the finale was shit

alex and zach were worthless characters. i still have no idea why they were there.

I think the next season is going to be similar in the sense that each episode is going to be about a specific kid and pretty much just their issues instead of hannahs problem with them

diversity duh

Was he autism?


The producers fault really. Too much meddling. Fuckers.