What does Sup Forums think about Chelsea Clinton?

What does Sup Forums think about Chelsea Clinton?

I shudder to think how much her parents had to pay someone to marry her.

Chelsea Hubbell you mean

Webster Hubbel's ugly daughter.

Deport! Get Her Out

Nice boobs

married a jew. The Clintons have successfully completed their transformation from Arkansas hustlers to permanent members of the Illuminati.

sauce me is that really her tits?

People would have to pay the Clintons in order to marry "their" daughter. It will be an unhappy marriage of convenience, just like Bill and Hillary's.

Hillgoblin in training

She is clearly a creature of the night
Vos wampir

last digit of this post is the amount of plastic surgeries she's had since 2000

I'd bet my last bag of cheetos that that is Lucy Wilde.

she's married to a kike

She looks like a typical Anglo Irish Burger

Oh she's also:
German, Swiss-German, French, French-Canadian, remote French Huguenot, Dutch, and Swiss-French

Let's just say Bill is taking good care of his """wife's daughter""".

>Married a Jew
I think it's the other way around. (((Mezvinsky))) most likely married into the family to gain influence, and probably steer American politics to be more (((pro-Israel))).
>Conservative Jew

His parents are Democrats and he went to Stanford.

Also, (((he's))) got deep ties with (((Goldman Sachs)) and a (((hedge fund firm))). His father jewed his own family's friends and family.
>Muh shekels

3/10 would not fuck again.

I'd hit it

>those two front teeth


there is only one race, one ethnicity, the human ethnicity

I'd bet you think her knees are too sharp as well.


weird skull

Womb of the Anti-Christ.

she looks semitic as fuck if you see other pictures of her, especially when she's younger, she has a full on Jew-fro.

Maybe one of the Clintons is a crypto-Jew?

I found her annoying after 3 words and that shitty facial expression.

Revolting hellspawn

Kike chompers

FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS!? Who you think you got, Chelsea Clinton?