This kills the libertarian

>this kills the libertarian

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I will pay you a reasonable market price to

2 tendies and 12 GBP oughta do it

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Free market will fix this

Also kills inexperienced drivers who are speeding, have a low tyre pressure or for some stupid reason had an extensively low axel to the ground.

3 tendies*

it actually kills the socialist

All those describe niggers.

Who cleans my room in the free market?

Will the business cartel subsidize my GBP or do I qualify for a private mommy??

This is one of my favorite t shirts that I own.

>who will build the roads!?!?!?!

only if the road has a toll

otherwise it kills the statist

b-but muh free market ;_;



>it actually kills the socialist

As a Socialist, I would send a tax collector to your employer, take a percentage of your wages and use the money to pay a company to fix the road. If you or your employer objected, I'd advise them to vote for a different political Party committed to lower taxes. If you refused to pay, I' lock you up.


What would a "libertarian" do to fix the road?


I drive a truck for a living and constantly fantasize about how much quicker and more efficient road work would be with competition involved. As it is now the state just sort of picks someone to do the job, results aren't really necessary.

>What would a "libertarian" do to fix the road?
Blame the government day and night

>in a socialist regime


>If you refused to pay, I' lock you up
So you'd use violence against peaceful people. You're an evil person.

This assumes the road exists and has no owner. In a libertarian society, a private company would have built the road and it would be a toll road.

1 guy to lay the road
12 to stand around

The roads have failed us brothers, there is only one way forward.

Der Jude

In a libertarian utopia the roads will be built by the same people who build them today.

Private contractors.

not an argument

>statists BTFO

"Waiting on equipment/materials to show up"

Yeah, those guys would figure that shit out pretty fast if they stood to all lose the contract and be fired.

Like how did private parcel companies come to be? How are private companies able to manage billions of people on cellular networks? No way they could do roads.

I wanna go to based Finland some day, you guys are alright

Wonder what you're sliding today

retarded image
roads would be a select luxury use-only and quid pro quo/ too expensive for most to use, with draconian punishments for daring to circumvent

>So you'd use violence against peaceful people. You're an evil person.

To make an omlette you have to break some eggs.

In a libertarian paradise, will solar roadways finally be built?

Not as a socialist you wouldn't. You have the government deduct the money from my government factory job and have your government owned road repair company fix it with pea gravel 5 years later.

>cherry picking fallacy


Who would have the authority to enforce the toll?

I'd imagine a lot of that "standing around" is for when they needs something done quickly, like smoothing the concrete before it hardens. There's only so many people you need to drive the truck.

The rest of it is probably just union fuckery.

Did a quick search and found this. It's an interesting take on this, but I can't really vouch for it.

>Go to work in my libertarian paradise.
Live in the country so no automated tolls
>Toll roads demand their independence and refuse to collectivise toll collection process by journey.
>Barrier at every turn as coin payers have to pay at booth.
>Gridlock as queue extends down to other owners roads.
>MFW some owners charge by time spent on their road rather than distance or a single fee.

>implying that private roads would ever have potholes that would go unfilled

lol, retard

Looks like Hillary's tongue.

>this bullshit

Is your omelet Venezuela? Cuba?

I test the soil involved in road construction for compaction amongst other things. It's mainly the local council roads that are shit, and have the shitty workers. State road workers get blasted if they stand around, though some jobs do require more than one person. I operate in a 2 man team, 1 bloke will pin the holes while the other follows up with the nuke gauge to test for compaction and then dig up the sample. It sucks that we get lumped in with the fat coon council workers doing fuck all because we wear hi-vis

What kind of question is that? A property owner has the authority to enforce paid usage of his property. The private company that built the road owns the road (or it could sell to another private entity, but the point is the road has an owner). The owner would require that you pay a toll to use it. Examples already exist in the world, e.g. the privately owned 407 ETR in Canada.

Whatever company built the road owns the road and uses tolls to pay for upkeep including filling potholes. This isn't hard.

He's baiting you, Cleetus

As your employer (to whom you owe your very existence (and employee housing, corporate utilities, security, ect)) I demand, as is within my rights, that you DELETE THIS comment immediately.

I get this is a meme but wouldn't someone see the demand for road repairs and start a business to fix roads?

If you own the shortest distance between two points, why bother fixing the road at all? You have a monopoly on the shortest route. People will pay a premium regardless of the road's condition. You have no incentive to repair holes.

>a property owner has the authority to enforce the paid usage of his property

>What kind of question is that? A property owner has the authority to enforce paid usage of his property.

I don't recognise the owners "authority".

What now?

>someone makes a slightly longer route
>it's far cheaper and has good roads
>they take that instead
You realise that non-toll roads are still used even if they take hours longer?

In all seriousness I have a solution to the "road problem" in an ancap society model.

Okay. Here it is...

You have tolls on every road.
The tolls are subsidized by google, who place targeted adsense billboards at every 1000 feet.
>"how would billboards have the kind of value that would allow google to afford subsidiary?" You say?
You dumb fucking monkey. We have cars drive themselves!



>>someone makes a slightly longer route

I still have the monopoly on the shortest route. I have no incentive to improve it becuase it's the shortest and people are willing to pay a premium, regardless of its condition...

But you'd make more money if you improved it because you'd get customers from those taking the longer routes as you now have one more advantage. Where they can go faster because the roads are better quality. Do you take shorter dirt routes over highways when you drive, Nigel?

Doesn't matter. I just jewed both you faggots out of business with a monopoly

Google will rule you like fucking slaves, you mongrels.

>But you'd make more money if you improved it

Why bother risking money on investment when I have a guaranteed market ensured by a natural monopoly, Tarquin?

Where's the story about the libertarian detective or cop?

Yes, and not only that, multiple businesses would pop up, and the owners of said roads would pick the business with the most skill/best work for the money they are spending.

So not only would the roads be kept in good condition, they would be kept in perfect condition due to competition between road workers and competition between road owners.

A question for other libertarians, where do you stand on monopolies? I feel like monopolies kind of inhibit competition, halting progress.

Why is this an issue?

>libertarians rely on local governments/communal organizing
>They have a vote: Roads or no?
>Whoever votes yes donates an amount towards the project
>Whoever says no fucks off, it's not an issue and they have the right not to care
>Community takes donated money and pays construction crew to make road
>Not enough money? Get more or fuck off, if the people don't want to pay for it they don't care about it enough.

>Instead of paying money
>They get volunteers
>They buy the material
>They make the road

But user, nobody has the money for these plans? How will they build it, afford the materials and labors and other costs? Guess what fucker, it's a libertarian society, people have more money because a large percentage of their income isn't going to dickless retards in washington DC, and there will be rich i.e job creators willing to finance this as humanitarians.

How do you know that? History. Look at the hospitals, the libraries, the shopping centers, all funded by rich and altruistic capitalists like rockefeller or Carnegie. It works.


All those spics actually work tho.

You have no background in business do you? Why not improve your money by expanding your product?

Investment is how you become even more rich.

Nobody is satisfied with what they have, so they will gamble to have more. Plus, if you already have enough money to own a road, road upkeep will be a small price to pay for increased income.

What are toll roads?

>How do you know that? History. Look at the hospitals, the libraries, the shopping centers, all funded by rich and altruistic capitalists


Well, we've been down this route before.

"Altruistic" rich people were unable to meet the needs of the people. A series of public health crises, that affected rich people too, prompted government to take action.

Based John Snow.

Why do you think I'd risk my own money when have a guaranteed income stream?

What you're describing is essentially a simpler version of democracy. Not true libertarianism.

In libertarianism it happens like this.

>A guy owns a road
>he charges a toll to drive on it
>With the money he makes, he improves the road
>If nobody is using his road, he has no money to pay for the road
In this, the people "vote" by using the road, or not using it. Meaning literally everyone has to vote by simply making a choice in there own lives, so the true input of the people must be heard.

>believes in homoeconomicus...

Is it still 1920 where you are?

As a libertarian my main goals are destroying roads and getting rid of all the libraries and fire stations

I would love to stop at a toll booth every mile or so to pay to use these wonderful private roads.

Isn't bottled water just tap water with a fancy name?

you don't get to drive on it, smartass
same reason why if you take a shit on the street at disneyland you don't get to be there anymore

They've met the needs of the people just fine my friend. A public health crisis could also be efficiently handled by the free market, there is always profit incentive when morality is concerned, or self-preservation, and this includes the capitalists themselves. If they have the capital to research what will save them, you bet your ass they will put it on the market at rates where supply and demand meet that beautiful equilibrium point where they're making money and people aren't dying from said crisis.

Also not sure what John Snow has to do with this, am I getting memed?

Speaking of libraries and fire stations, both would operate in a subscription/insurance sort of way.

If you pay for fire insurance, and your house catches, the fire department will come put the fire out, then your home insurance people would give you money for the damage.

Kind of like taxes, but with more choice for the individual.

Name one (1) successful business that doesn't constantly attempt to expand and reinvent itself.

>you don't get to drive on it, smartass

Says who?

>same reason why if you take a shit on the street at disneyland you don't get to be there anymore

Disney's property rights are enforced by government.

The toll would be taken off a sunpass machine which wouldve filled by a company like google who owns the ads on the road.

It pays for itself

>Says who?
Says the owner that controls all the entrances to the road.
>Disney's property rights are enforced by government.

And also enforced by private security guards.

True libertarian ism IS a simpler version of democracy, it doesn't rely on a bloated federal legislative body to make generalized laws and regulations, it is down to the local municipality to make these decisions. I mean sure, your version is also compatible as well. Remember my third point about an altruistic capitalist who builds the road for the town or near the town? He becomes the guy in your example.

But if it is within the town, he would need permission.

you nigger

For highways, tolls would be taken at on ramps/ off ramps, and I'm assuming you would pay for "month passes" or "annual passes"

I'm sure, with competition, they would figure out a system that doesn't waste your time. Also, there are toll roads all over the place.

why is the owner's claim to ownership valid?

>They've met the needs of the people just fine my friend


History illustrates this is not true...

>A public health crisis could also be efficiently handled by the free market


> there is always profit incentive when morality is concerned



> or self-preservation, and this includes the capitalists themselves

What if you can't afford to preserve yourself because you've been priced out of the market by excessive demand?

>Also not sure what John Snow has to do with this

Are you 12.

He was a doctor in East London who identified the source of a Cholora out-break. He is the father of epidemiology.

Pic reated.

Because he controls the entrances...
Are you retarded?

If he controls it, that is the purest form of ownership.

i asked why he has the right to use force to exert control over his property and you responded with "because he controls it"
you're not very good at this

>If he controls it, that is the purest form of ownership.

You think "control" equals ownership?

Is this before or after someone invents a little chip to tell what roads you drove on and then bills you later

Meant mortality

Also they have met the needs of the people just fine, it's government regulation and promotion of private debt that has constricted altruistic action in the private sector.

>Can't afford to preserve yourself
If you can't find a way you won't have a happy ending, don't know why people think any ideology in general is magic and perfect. People will always die or get hurt, libertarianism/free market principles provide the most support.

>John Snow

Not 12, never heard of the fucker, must not be important.

no, you dumbass, eventually people would stop driving on your shitty road, even though it is the shortest

Do you think people didn't own things before the government controlled everything?

Ownership is not gained because someone says you are allowed to own something.

Also, you asked why his claim to ownership was valid, I answered it is valid because he controls the entrances, as in, if he has the power to say who can use it (power given to him by the fact that he can block you from entering) than he owns it.

How does he not own it? If the government decided to remove my ownership of my house, but did not remove me from my house,and other than some paperwork, nothing has changed, do I somehow no longer own the house?

Its hard to think of companies that have such monopolies because there's government preventing such things from establishing.

If you want an example that comes closes: Microsoft

>Also they have met the needs of the people just fine,

Really? Hisotry demonstrates, quite clearly, the "tragedy of the commons" required the intevention of government to prevent the deteriation of a common resourse... time and time again.

>If you can't find a way you won't have a happy ending,

I think you've said enough...

>Not 12, never heard of the fucker, must not be important.

The father of epidemiology isn't "important"?


I'm asking how you go from the descriptive claim that someone has control over a thing to the moral claim that someone has capitalist property rights over the thing
by your reasoning if I steal your car and drive off with it I know "own" it because I control it and can prevent you from getting access by hiding it from you

People can play a reasonable fee to have their roads fixed.

Not only that but the free market would have made pothole-free roads eventually.


Well only faggots don't take care of their tires and change their pressure depending on weather and season, so yeah.

>when will this meme die

seeI feel like trust busting is something that can't be removed. One thing the government does that is good for the economy I think.

That's fair, but I'm not an anarchist. I do think the government has it's positive aspects. For one, I think the governmnet should guarantee everyones rights to life liberty and property. In other words, if I kill you, steal your shit, or enslave you, I should be punished by law.

>the free market would have made pothole-free roads eventually
how? all those hundreds of 'road building companies' competing against each other?