H-h-holy shit

h-h-holy shit..

I'm now a


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I wish Finland was in this. Our media shills the fuck out of Hillary but the comment section is always calling them out on their bias.

Based Greece??

Thank you, Greece.
Thank you Spain for trying.

I am greek

Seems like an appropriate time to say that.

They invented civilization, of course they know when someone isn't good for it.

>Sweden and Germany
If this isn't a warning I don't know what is.

They don't want another Merkel fucking up the world.

Greeks showing their philosophical nature again. Based Greeks.


Your debts are forgiven

This is why we hate you eurofags
Greece is cool tho

> (OP)
>>Sweden and Germany
>If this isn't a warning I don't know what is.

I'm scared, SwedeBro. I'm truly scared for this upcoming election.

what a (((coincidence))) that none of the countries she would be liable to destroy were polled

really makes my neurons transmit signals

>most cucked nations: the list


kek, greece hates trump even more

they are just anti-us anti-eu anti-german anti-nato in general

>Your debts are forgiven

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, dude.

Pew is a reputable source, and we already know what the results would be from goat fucker countries.

Not my debts, not my problem, that's what I say

>only country who hates Hillary cannot pay its debts


Of the 19 other countries that are in the G20, only 1 of them had a survey that said that they would prefer Trump to Hillary. (pic related)

>the more corrupt and lazy the country, the less confidence in clinton

Really makes you think...

Here you see the power of all world mass media deployed against Trump.
Luckily the interviewed can't vote

what I want to know is why China is the least unfavorable toward Trump

>tfw no Russian survey

Greece knows shes responsible for the refugee crisis

Where the fuck do these statistics come from? I sure as shit don't have any confidence in Hillary.

All these 'polls', who comes up with those results?
Never ever in my life I have seen a poll, got invited to participate, heard anyone even talk about being part of one.
Where are those polls, who participated?
Questoins, questions that no one ever answers.

>China is the most pro-Trump from that list
I'm now a #MaoMissile

there was more polling on Russia in last year's global attitudes survey

Thanks, RussiaBro.

That is not interesting though. I wanted it on candidates.

>straya 70%
Where did they do the surveys? Must have been the Melbourne greens/LGBT assembly


All top Hillary supporters, all top terrorist fun places.

Most people I know either have no confidence in both or just her. They could just be burnouts though.

>Greece knows shes responsible for the refugee crisis

The refugee crisis started when Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, leading to millions of refugees moving to neighboring countries (Syria initially took most Iraqi refugees).

And the idea to invade Libya came from Sarkozy, he was also the main guy pushing for intervening in Syria.

there is an entire section on their methodology for the survey


Greece is redpilled?

Does it hurt China if foreign companies are using their workforce as near-slave labour?

Thanks for this. Now I recognize anyone here without a Greek or US flag is a cuck.

Because it hasn't been brainwashed into thinking that unrestricted globalism and poorly controlled immigration are good things.

perhaps you will find this one interesting

That is interesting.

Polls are meaningless without the details behind them.
Who did they ask? These opinions mirror Wall Street opinions.

How is this poll in any way representative? They didnt ask me, normalen did they ask anyone i know. My money is on the assumption that they pulled those numbers straight out of their asses

no, and you're not either


Don't know, but in Perth the radio is constantly saying dude trump lmao how can anyone take him seriously. Most news channels are something similar.

This is the most boring and inconsequential thread in weeks.
Close tab...or POST BANANAS.


>media now reflects popular opinion


Holy shit why is my country so fucking retarded

>>Sup Forums------------>


If only you can understand our language you are going to find a lot of Propaganda


Remember how obama and his demo friends talked about world opinions of the US?

That was just political. He didn't care what you failed fucks think. He shows you that almost every day, and will send a drone with more details if you need them.

Very, very few of us care what any of you think. In fact, given that there are no other successful countries out there (how many interstellar probes do you have?), your opinion shows us what not to think.

Ok, bored with you all now.

Good luck finding someone else who cares even this much.

Literally a list of most cucked countries by rank.

Everybody in Greece who is not a leftist cuck wants the God Emperor for president


>83% Unfavorable for the U.S.

Okay, that is pretty worrisome. Jordan has been a long term ally, especially in terms of terrorist hunting. It's also our little talked about backdoor into the Middle East.

Jordan has a happening hiding within itself.

Poland 41 for clinton nice meme

>friendship ended with israel
>russia is my new best friend now


>be byzantine empire
>be strong
>get shit rekt
>1000 years later
>completely impotent and getting raped by everybody

Such is life in greece

Alright weebs, explain yourselves.

If no confidence in glorious Chinese premier you get bullet

Such is life in mighty Zhongguo

>tfw cant leave this shit country because everywhere else is cucked

Did no one notice Sweden in this chart?

>split between NO confidence and any confidence
>so 0% confidence vs 1-100% confidence
not misleading at all

Africa is bro tier. They secretly love us for letting some negroes have a shot at living in the first world.

>Like most people, I have never seen a pollster

All these numbers are based on mainstream media portrayals. Meaningless in any other sense apart from studying the influence of MSM narratives and spin.

to be fair the Hillary Shilling is real here. Every tv shows prefers Hillary and dont leave a chance behind to bash on Trump. You cant find a person on the street that actually likes Trump because of the one sided media attention.

>left out the US

Based debtors. But seriously fucking Sweden, Germany and Clogland wtf.

Why does Greece hate literally everyone, including themselves?

Greek Immigrant For Trump is not liking
what he's seeing

>Vietnam likes America

Seems bullshit, I bet they only asked women..... Women should not be allowed to vote.