I'm going to post this every day until you like it

I'm going to post this every day until you like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


The most upsetting thing about this is the lack of wings on his head.

I like it

And I'll point out the outrage it caused in normies outweighs any personal negative feelings anyone that reads comics should have.

But user, I already like it.

That's how you know he's HYDRA

you better insert pic related somehow to make it a proper daily dose, faggot

Yeah, good point. A lot of people liked the movies and started to get interested in comics!

The general public started to give a shit about superheroes again! We can't have that shit. By showing them just how stupid comics really are, hydra-cap nipped that in the bud and ensured that comics remain a niche, dying medium for true believers only!

I hate it.


This is utterly surreal to me that this has become a huge cultural thing right now. Why? This is nothing new. Comics have been capitalizing on shock-value since forever.

I'm curious to see how Marvel responds, though. Either they'll make it more serious than they originally intended or they'll backtrack. I'm happy to see the public taking notice of this bull either way


They should be tentacles.

>Why? This is nothing new.

Because, until recently, no one gave a shit about these characters except for die-hard fans who are used to comics being pretty stupid.

"Beloved character turns evil for some contrived reason" is cliche and routine for comics. But then there were a couple of pretty good movies. And now a lot of normal people, with normal expectations for story quality, have begun to care about these characters. And when comics do something routine and idiotic, like make Captain Fight-nazis a nazi, they are surprised and upset. They're not used to the level of stupid that comics readers take for granted.

This isn't tumblr. No one cares.

>Casual audience takes an interest in comics
>Have higher expectations of comic writers
>Quality of comic writing starts to improve
Am I in Bizarro-World?

is it wrong if i hope he actually does attempt to kill Brevoort (and hopefully fails and nobody ends up hurt) just so Marvel gets it through their heads that this whole "anger=sales" is fucking retarded?

>Whatthefuckdidyoujustfuckingsayabout meyoulittlebitch.jpg

He's gonna become the demons?

Let's be real here, user. Almost none of the people outraged by this have ever read the issue.

What's the deal with this? I haven't been on Sup Forums in like a week. I figured I'd ask you guys instead of the normies who never know anything real.

Cap became Hydra and Red Skull became Sup Forums if you want to know more, read the fucking issue.

>Marvel panders to new readers
>realizes they aren't quite the suckers old fans are, and will actually drop shit they don't like

Read the comic, but the gist of it is this.

His mother joins Hydra secret society and brings him with her when he was just a kid. So ever since then, he's been a super secret Hydra agent. At least that's what it looks like for now.

I believe you