Was it autism?

Was it autism?

No. It was acting.



What in the......

Was it autism?

Did he get hair plugs or just a great stylist? He seemed to go from very thin hair in the earlier seasons to normal


nice dubs, but that's nothing; check these trips



How do people stand Steve Carell's grating voice? The guy is not funny and cannot act either.

He's funny and entertaining. He also is very convincing in the characters he plays

>Steve Carell
>not funny

Ive seen people say it was just different styling but that's bullshit, he just got a hair upgrade with Seagal-san in plain sight without a care in the world, and I'm fine with it.


in the office? funny as fuck. name 3 funnier characters in the recent 5 years

Obvious transplant

>a great stylist

How does a great stylist fix this

Mitch Buchannon
Ronnie Greenbaum
Matt Brody

it was pervasive development disorder


Ever heard of lightning?

i just started watching this show a few weeks ago and im on season 7 now
when does it start getting good?

If you're to season 7 and still don't like it I don't think its the show for you.


CGI, the technology wasn't there yet for the first few seasons

I hate him in everything except the Office


It was doubles.