The Place Beyond The Pines is stylistic trash with no substance terrible plot/character development and for the most...

The Place Beyond The Pines is stylistic trash with no substance terrible plot/character development and for the most part subpar acting. Eva Mendes was terrible. Any other thoughts?

actually its super truthful and thought provoking film which im going back to time and time again.
The way it shows the generations relating to each other through time i never seen elsewhere. It is very honest.

The 1st 50 minutes are so cringy for me, the way gosling meets his partner makes no sense, he just was riding through the woods super fast and "hey u can ride pretty good kid" " "when you ride like lightning you crash like thunder" A lot of the lines between the two seemed cheesy. Eva mendes character is so random and forced. Her relationship with the black guy seems disconnected and cucks him in .5 seconds even though shes lived with him for a year. Which i guess makes some sense since its ryan gosling but comeon they couldn't make a scene where she atleast shows some remorse or goes "oh i cant do this its not right"

I did like Bradley Coopers performance tho

Ray Liotta is a pimp too

>Confirmed for having a beta male father figure that stuck around.

The tiny details and realism is what makes it kino. When gosling is a telling eva that he wants to look his kid in the eye when he tries ice cream for the first time and she starts crying slightly out of frame the shit was real and something you could miss because they weren't trying to hard to point everything out in this movie.

He gave his kid chocolate icecream for the first time and you call it kino

Yea thats what I said..

did you watch the movie?

who would realistically give their 1st born chocolate for the first time you degenerate. Vanilla would've been kino

Cant argue with that I guess.

You made a good point that I never thought of though. I liked the scenery and a lot of the scenes I thought were just random, but I never thought they were unrealistic, just bad for plot development. Perhaps I was looking at it the wrong way and should just enjoy each scene as is and not care too much about the transitions.

The transitions are abrupt but it makes me think it gives the movie a almost dream like sense through out it especially with the passing of gosling dying and even the continuity of it starting in the 90 and moving 15 years later is almost blurred almost like "it follows" did

This thread is vacuous trash with no critical substance terrible writing and for the most part devoid of purpose. OP was terrible. Any other thoughts?

I overheard a group of people unironically think it was a sequel to drive.

fck off """""James""""

I never watched "It Follows" it came across to me as an excuse to film people having sex for 90 minutes. I'll check it out now though

Well when you watch that movie pay attention to how you cant tell what season it is or what year it is.
google what I am talking about

will do, thanks mang

OP here thread. I have officially changed my opinion on the movie. I think it's good and would recommend watching

Haven't seen it, not going to see it.

Just imagine what was going through the brain of whoever posted this. When was the last time a thought entered the mind of this drone of a human being?


i bet this faggot is also one of those plebs who hate Drive, since basically gosling's arc is the continuation of Drive's story..

It could have been much better, the story wasn't that bad, just how it developed after Gosling's death.

Saw it in theaters. It sucked.

the guy playing Bradley Cooper's son was distractingly bad, even if I was supposed to hate him it wasn't done well.