Let's be honest, objective, smart, and not meme for once:

Let's be honest, objective, smart, and not meme for once:

How crazy is the 2016 Election season? Out of all the elections I've been part of or read, this one's probably among the most insane I can think of.

Why or why not?

It's the first election in decades that is actually an election and not just theatre orchestrated by two camps working towards the same mutually beneficial end.


Trump just ripped the mask off the Democratic Party and revealed they're the exact same as the Republican Party. Look back at how Jeb attacked him. It's identical to how Hillary attacked him.

This is the first election in a while that's actually a choice between ideologies and not just a colors

One's a plant, the other's not. Imagine all of the books and documentaries based on this election, if we even still are able to make such thing if the TPP/TISA/TTIP hadn't been passed by that time

Utterly insane.

It is the definitive proof that the internet has driven society mad.

Look around, the western world has gone completely insane and suicidal.

America has become a meme.

Circus actors in a crazy show to entertain old puppet master Jews.

Its all a game.

Memeing aside

Im pretty sure things are never going to be the same

it's a reflection of some pretty crazy times.

I'm running for President of US in 2020. Who's with me?

It's fucking crazy. I've been on Sup Forums for more than 5 years and 2012 was fucking nothing compared to this.

No. With the advent of KEK, live has become a meme.

We memed ourselves. We memed ourselves at a quantum level.

It's insane, but only compared to the straight edge, "We have our shit together", elections of the 20th century. We've had some real jokers and corrupt fucks run and even win back in the day and we got through it. Maybe the media nowadays is just so expansive it highlights it more. I mean, Lyndon Johnson was basically a psycho. Nixon was a complete paranoid autist. I wouldn't be too worried OP. We're fucking America. Our shit smells like roses compared to the rest of the retarded monkies on this planet.

Sorry for the meme but it's honestly what needs to happen and needs to happen now. The current front-running bozos are so corrupt and so criminal that it's horrific. We need some real minds in positions of power.

Same. I remember being excited about the 2012 election. I remember even being one of the Obama boys back in 2008 before I woke the fuck up. I remember the 2004 election, the massive hatred against Bush, watching Bush address the nation after 9/11.

All of that is nothing compared to this.

This shit is very likely going to be the biggest election we ever see in our lives. It's an entirely new frontier for America if Trump wins.

Shut the fuck up. This isn't even good shitposting, it's just stupid. You're a shame to our nation.

You know damn well that the establishment is going to learn from this year and meme like newfriends during the next election cycle, right? Just putting it out there so you're aware lads.

Yeah two people who see the state as the "all powerful" is going to go over real well.

Yeah because between Trump and the Clinton Foundation, shit's looking real good. If Hillary wins (which she won't) she'll be impeached.

If Trump wins, he'll bully every kid on the block until they all gang up and kick the piss out of him.

>Real minds
>An aerospace engineer who has never done shit in his field
>A tour guide who regularly plagiarizes quotes
>Both Bernouts

Get this meme shit out of my face.

If you don't see how gov is too big, you don't see much.

Please no.

Any other hot takes, Captain Obvious?

It's not that crazy or unprecedented. We've had people with no political experience run for office before as the nominee of a major party. We've had plenty of corrupt politicians run. And we even had an actor as president in the 80s.

The only difference is Trump is bombastic and unpredictable and Shillary is scripted to the T and calculating. This juxtaposition makes it look a lot crazier than it actually is. Add in the thirsty thousands of media outlets all competing in 2016 and you get some crazy headlines as well as some nice phony "controversies" that no one except the media elites talk about.

It's reflection of a low human/moral values in society and TL DR muh feelz culture.

>implying being proficient in aeronautics and cosmology necessitates being a good politician
>implying scientists are above corruption

Nye and Tyson would honestly make terrible statesmen. Are you mentally ill?

And just so you know, their public personas didn't spontaneously arrive from their achievements in their respective fields; both of them have worked very hard on becoming public figures in their communities since the 1990s. That is to say, they aren't exceptional minds; they're just reasonably accomplished men that spend their time on popular science. Don't fall for the STEM meme, leafy.

Yeah whatever. NDG and BN have both been appointed to congressional committees and did remarkably well as statesmen. Unlike the corrupt "biz-as-usual" clowns we now have, they are objective, they actually THINK and make informed decisions. Yeah the horror.

You goons keep your puppets and you can whine and bitch about here for another 8 years.

Obama says nothing is wrong