Why couldn't this movie take place in Oakland?

Why couldn't this movie take place in Oakland?

explain why

Because we don't want to see a little girl get gangraped and shot the moment she steps out of her house.

Did Oakland ruin pizza?

How do you get Gangraped and shot at the same time?

That sounds impossible you can just put it in the person while they're suffering from a bullet wound.

That's like the same theory of going to bed dead

Or going to bed and waking up dead


I was implying they raped her and then shot her.

Makes more sense.

Why would they shoot some kid?

With a special appearance by MC Hammer?

In fact, all the emotions would be MC Hammer.

Gang initiation.

Thinking about it, the story of the emotions of a little black girl from the hood sounds more compelling than the story of a little white girl who got a little sad then tried to run away like a bitch then chickened out like a bitch.

This. Riley was really a lame character, spoiled bitch can't even handle her emotions.

Why MC hammer?


510 native here

you guys don't know anything about oakland

enlighten us.

It's basically hipster frontier right

this guy has it right like, yeah, there are parts of Oakland that are very bad but it's been significantly cleaned up. Parts of Hayward and San Leandro are way worse.


Because he's a super dope homeboy from the Oaktown.

Inside Out is more deserving of a sequel than what the next few years of Pixar films will be. It's got quite a unique premise that could be worth a film or two. It doesn't even have to be about Riley.

But where?

The black, beating heart of Africa, where a small child is starving to death. The emotions must help him or her cope with the inevitability of death and the futility of their struggle.

The imaginary friend is a soybean that can only discuss how delicious it is.