Why is Chile more developed than Portugal?

Why is Chile more developed than Portugal?

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that's the validity of this meme index

why portugal though?
does chile have a rivalry with them?

It's not. Chile outside of the big cities looks like a third world country from 1880s.


Because of this guy.

>Jews help economies

pic related

earthquakes do help develop

Why is Chile less developed than Pooland?

It's the fate of the muscular colonials to outstrip their masters

t. Alberto Barbosa


because pooland have billions of EUR aid from EU

The portuguese HDI is fucked by the low literacy rates of its old people.

This is the only metric where Chile is remotely close to Portugal

Because globalists need it so, so that they can show to the world that being a cuck is better than being a sovereign nation

Poortugal also gets a lot.

HDI is a meme i guess


HDI is this, no mention about literacy rate

A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth

Education index: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling

A decent standard of living: GNI per capita (PPP US$)

HDI is a meme index.

much much less than poland tho

oh well

6 years old article?

Our poor are your middle class. Poverty doesnt mean hungry and homeless. It means i cant afford to buy a new phone.

>10 kg

>Education index: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling
This is their problem, Portugal has a ton of old people who didn't have the best schooling
In the other two aspects Portugal is better

Do you seriously believe you're at the same level of portugal at any type of socialeconomical metric?

stop trying to compare any south american country with the europeans
chile is a brown reggaeton shithole while portugal is white and european

>Santiago by spaniards

>Lisbon by spaniards

Did you forget something?

Why is Portugal one of the poorest places in Europe? (one of the lowest HDI, lowest literacy rate, lowest life expectancy, lowest number of laureated scientist, no relevant universities, one of the highest murder rates, highest unemployement rate, weakest economy, and usually on the bottom of every european statistic chart?)

Don't they have access to mediterranean and atlantic sea, ports, important trade routes, fuckton of colonies all over the world in the past where they just took lots of resources, cnnected to maniland europe, fertile lands etc?

Not even insulting Portugal or memeing, just curious how a country with so many geographical and historical advantages is so low in Europe?

Education index, there you go. Arab states should have the highest HDIs if it weren't for literature rate.


*literacy rate

>Rita Morbaw
Ah yes, the new europeans.

Hear me out. Portugal used to be a Germanic country like Netherlands but then they imported a million African slaves and bred with them. This made their skin dark, their hair kinky and their work ethic non-existent.

its just about years of schooling omg, not fucking literacy rate

and arab states are shitholes

By Europe I assume you mean Western Europe, because otherwise all you said is demonstrably false. In that case, I know for a fact that
>highest unemployment rate
Wrong. By that metric Spain, Italy and France are worse off.
>one of the highest murder rates
Wrong. We're below all the Nordic countries.

Whatever advantages we had were thrown off the window when we failed to industrialize and spent more on the colonies than in ourselves. Whatever though, better pretend this country doesn't exist so south americans stop coming here shooting up jewelry stores and blowing up ATM machines.

Yes, and then I rode a unicorn into the sunset

they're trying to make themselves look comparable with europe by comparing the 'poorest' of the rich part of europe


Please immigrate there and send the refugees there.

Portugal IS VERY BAD. Stay away. Thank you.

Fuck Off

Because we have less brazilians

Yeah, like zero years of schooling for so many people.

Meme answer or true answer?

we're doing better than i expected