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Since when Armenian is Turkic

that's the joke.

perhaps the point of the thread was that?
I thought you kikes were suppose to be smart

Ne kerek?

Loan words are fucking everywhere, where's the joke here? Turkish too got fucklot Arabic words.

the problem is that Armenians and their cousins in the west claim that we steal "their culture" when they're the ones that stealing culture.

that steal culture*

Merhaba, today I found out that "čanta" is a turkish word, while watching turkish tv serial with my mom

Orıs tilinde de biraz türki söz bar


Kazaki annamak butun Turk dillerinen en zor oluyor

Bu normal. Ruslar "Bu sözler aslında Rus diline aittir Türki dillerle ilişkisi yoktur" derse ona da karşı argüman sunarız.

Ne sebepten? Ol şuwas (Chuvash) tili dep oyladım

Kazakistan'nin amina koyim, sikigimin Rus bozuntulari

Kazakistan'a laf yok Kazakistan=Based anime poster
k*Rgizistana atış serbest


k*Rgizistan'nin amina koyim, sikigimin Rus bozuntulari

Hollanda en guzel Turkce ulke

Orıs tilin üyren. Bos bolmas
Üyrenseñ, bütin ex-ussr adamdarımenen söylesersiñ

je li papak kao ono rožnato na nogama svinje ili papak kao klošar?

>"Mehmet My Son" Zero: Chronicles of Seljuk

What a great prequel.

What do you call this in kazakh? We call it taşak

>not adding a German flag


Obviously the Turks style from the Armenians just like how they style western Armenia and genocides 6 million Armenians and stole Armenians chance to be an empire.

>turkic language


delete this

suc cuk
succ cuck
