Looks like someone got their hands caught in a cooke jar!

Looks like someone got their hands caught in a cooke jar!

A good Spanking is in order for you boys

Nothing will keep us from controlling that satellite, specially you!

Then it sounds to me it's time to rumble!

Indeed, but it is you who wil take the

He hasn't been dead even a month and you're sticking your hand in his urn!? Disgraceful

I'm sorry hun but did you just sing that?

Of course I did
Wait! yes I
>I'm sounding shrill against my will, and cannot stop this singing!

The only positive I get from this thread is


>no Dinah
>no Batman to cuck Ollie

Why even do Music Meister at this point?

>And in my ears, I swear I hear a quite distinctive ringing!

>This silly game is very lame, and someone's going to pay!

>An unknown force, but where's the source that has us in it's sway?

>Who is doing this to us? And on this, we must concur;

>They're dastardly, despicable, disturbingly inexplicable...

>And imminently kickable!

>That dirty, rotten rat is...

>The Music Meister!

aw no

I hate you.

The Meister would probably wind up being one of her exes, or connected to Cisco's brother somehow.

Really though, if the cartoon can get NPH can CW? Or does having him seen add too much money to his cost?
