Fuck drumpf #resist #notmypresident

fuck drumpf #resist #notmypresident

kek this can't be real


You don't understand mom, my hobbies are #Important!

wtf I hate drumpf now

>only one picture online
>twitter photo feed is full of memes from 2010 and late 80s sitcom reaction gifs

wtf i hate mike ryan now

Rotten Tomatoes is never wrong

Was everything always so politicized? I don't remember this shit in the 90s but I was probably just young and naive

This. Wonder Woman was the final straw. I am officially part of the resistance now #dumptrump #impeachdrumpf

White genocide when?

Know how I don't even have to watch the movie to know it's full of shit?

>Terrible movie
>Beloved by morons
surprise surprise


Well, this is it. It's over guys.

You know, I don't care about their message but why do they always have to write like they're sassy 20 year olds when most of these people are grown-ass 30 somethings?

starts with man and ends with children

Yes, liberals were just as obnoxious all throughout the Bush years. I remember them burning effigies of him, calling him Hitler, etc. just like they do with Drumpf, and Michael Moore was lauded as the hero we need.

It just wasn't so in your face all the time because social media was still in its infancy.

Imagine being so pathetic you need a super hero movie to come out to console you because of an election.


Why do partisans do that? Implying conservatives calling Obama the kenyan muslim antichrist terrorist supporter for 8 years was equally obnoxious if not moreso


idleness is the root of all evil

Because the sad truth is that the general populace of America is hopelessly ignorant to the reality that their government is really just one big corporatist oligarchic cabal with varying factions. They don't want to come to grips with the fact that they (the voters) don't actually have a say in their country's policy decisions, so they rabidly argue for their team as if they do.


>Implying conservatives calling Obama the kenyan muslim antichrist terrorist supporter for 8 years was equally obnoxious if not moreso
I'm not saying it wasn't

Anyone who uses "kind of" like that needs to be shot in the face.

>dinesh d'souza

some know, some generally thought trump was some outsider anti political establishment wild card who would defeat le globalists and bankers but he's proven to be another pre bought drone, same as the rest

>a good time
>right now
>kind of
>right now (ten words later)
Why are these people so fucking inarticulate? Do they get trained to sound stupid somewhere?

Theres always that one guy

great film
really made realize I'm on the wrong side

What other republican candidate could have gotten the republicans to engage in what will likely be deficit spending via a massive infrastructure project? That's at least one thing different.