What happens here?

What happens here?

the least butthurt baltoids

People live

what DOESN'T happen there

According to Polandball, potato farming and little else.

Fascism & xenophobia

im gonna hit a blunt

Are you a Latvian woman living in Britain?

STALKER but without radiation

Leave the Baltics ALONE

>this flag
>this post


He's a homosexual Kiwi who lives in London and has a crush on the Baltic states for whatever reason


come i need some butthurt in /ex-yu/

Alrighty cool


Those are some awfully small, hairless legs for a man.

He shaves because he is gay

How is he hairless on the face?


umm no sorry wolfgang

Kvass and potatoes

Produce Sprats
And yes, Dmitriy Medvedev is the president of Latvia
