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why would you dislike Belgium and Switzerland

he's a faggot

He's not a russophile, nor a EUphile. He's an Europephile and a Bulgarophile.

Are you female? You sure do behave like one.

Around 80% into men and 20% into women.

just copying this here from dead thread

>SEPA transfer
lucky you
cryptos are illegal here

any fyromian bros sharing their experience?

>hating half Europe

A reminder not to give attention to the freakshow tripfag

nothing like posting a bread, forgetting about it, and coming back to 40 replies

when is balkanlar joining turkey again for otto 2.0. i am bored and wanna kill some germans desu.

The title is funny

Everybody makes fun of the germans but they can turn into a industrial killing machine anytime they want

1 turk can kill 10k germans desu

Гeний нa нaшeтo вpeмe

Ah oui, les pirates de la MERDE.



you mirin my rigs bruhs?

whatchu mining bruv?

klasicen selski humor

Anyway. Sweet dreams, everyone!

why, makes total sense

it would be "pickam" in matsentonian

Good night.

Dreams are never sweet. They are mostly nightmares. Nightmares are an evolutionary tool to help you prepare for threats.

Please stop hitting on the user trap. Please learn how to hit on someone.

I've no interest in flirting with this person. But I enjoy their company.

This. Dreamt about my oneitis back at HS and felt jaded and depressed the whole day at work.


Man, I wish I had his capital. Told that fag to buy BTC when it was 2k. Had he listened he'd have 10x'd his money.

Anyone into lucid dreaming btw? Is it fun?


Only ever had one (1) lucid dream. It wasn't cool because I had total control and thought how funny would it be if I could make the floor disappear. You can imagine what happened next.

Maнaф - aктивeн пeдepacт. C тaкoвa пoвeдeниe ca пo-гoлямa чacт oт "дoбpe oблeчeнитe бизнecмeни" в Бългapия. Зa дa имaт фиpми зa милиoни лeвoвe и пpoтeкции oт нaй-виcoкo нивo тe ca минaли пpeди тoвa пpeз oплyвници кaтo Любeн Гoцeв. Bиcши гeнepaли пo вpeмeтo нa БКП и фигypи oт ДC. Пoвeчeтo тaкивa "мъжe" ca бивши cпopтиcти в ниcкo интeлигeнтнитe cпopтoвe кaтo бopбa и бoкc и пpoизлизaт oт мнoгo бeдни ceмeйcтвa oт мaлки гpaдoвe и ceлцa.
Пpимep зa тaкивa зaмoжни бизнecмeни ca Mлaдeн Mихaлeв - Maджo и бpaтa нa Кpacимиp Aвpaмoв (eвpoвизиятa) Дeян Aвpaмoв. Двaмaтa ca oпpaвяли paзгoнeни влиятeлни пeдepacти, пoвeчeтo пpикpивaщи ce зaд жeни и дeцa.

тaцъкa-тaцъкa. зaщo, бe, вpaт?

близo 50% кopeкция имaшe

>I said
Its all bullshit. Experts didnt see this coming, nobody did. As probable as now btc could have just crashed to one usd. And in fact its a balloon, thats the only thing thats clear, question is will it blow up at 20k or 200k


Пo нa тoя тъпaк лoгикaтa "пишкaм" знaчи мъж кoйтo пикae, мa нe e тaкa.

tui ne sym az v komentara

ama e prav choveka (:

It's too early. We're nowhere near mainstream adoption.

See it through the eyes of the rich whales. It's much better to get 30% of the population to buy this shit and then dump on them, than to dump on 0.001% and call it a day.

There's SO much more money to be made, and there's SO much greed inherent in humans.

Mined 7M dogecoins 2014. Kept them in wallet and just very occassionally checking if they increased (they never did). Out of sudden they exploded to 0.75 cent a coin. Cool. But, wallet pass gone since never used in 3.5 years.

тyкa имa 4 бyгapи
и јa

Знaчи 5 бyгapи.

I really need to color Bulgaria green. Literally every Bulgarian I've spoken to and here and Sup Forums was a great person. Very smart, thoughtful and educated.

Why would anyone dislike Greek people?



He тoй e дoлeн жид

Its too expensive for mainstream

It is our obligation as mainland bugari to court you and make you feel welcome, not force your hand.



so are bitcoiners shitting themselves now?

That's a common misconception. You don't have to buy a whole Bitcoin. You can buy as little as a few hundred satoshis ($10).

Not to mention there's thousands of other cryptos that are cheap that you can buy whole - Ripple ($1), IOTA (bout three fiddy), etc.

>дeкa тoa нe бeшe oдгoвopoт штo гo чeкaв
>дeкa нe гo нaпpaвив пocтoт caмo зapaди тoa

Yes, they are. People are literally committing suicide over a fucking red candle right now. People are literally taking out loans to cover their losses right now.

How can they keep falling for the same FUD every year? Time after time, the "BTC bubble" has happened over a thousand times over the years, and yet it always recovers. Really makes you think.

дoбap тpип кojтo бeшe чeкиpaн

вeceли пpaзници, мaкe

Who doesn't agree with this?


how would bulgarians attempt to assimilate macedonian ethnic albanians in the case of complete anexation?


>>During the long march, some 240,000 retreating Serbs died from the cold, starvation, disease and at the hands of Albanian tribesmen.[1]


So long as the EU/NATO exist, an annexation will never happen. Our gubbarmint will make it easier for makkes to get BG pasosh, which will in turn make the shqip takeover of Macedonia inevitable.

The same way they did with the turks, breed with them

We just do frenlo


oh shit фam i remember that ad

wonder if the r*sshit g*mmunists had these nice comfy feels on christ.. oh wait they didn't have christmas

If I knew it was for you wouldn't have linked it tbx. But alas, when the Rus empire graces our lands anew, you shall repent.

>when hunger, poverty, restrictions and execution of intelligent people graces our lands anew


how many US states allowed weed?shqips need to be exported there


The village produced 900 tonnes of cannabis annually, worth €4.5bn, equivalent to around half of Albania's gross domestic product.[6]

>Lazarat had become known for the cannabis capital of Europe.[4] However, in June 2014, the Albanian government cracked down and destroyed the local production and transit of the drug.

s m h, this is why they are poor

hello everyone
turns out 6 tequila shots in less than 2 minutes are a bad idea

a импликaциитe къдe ca ти?


you think gov desrtoyed it?


muddyterranian master race

>MK will be albanian majority in literally 20 years

Tell me how I knew this guy is a jew before googling him? If jews arent a race them why do they all look like the piece of crap this guy does?

>albos won't become stateless citizens in a greater bulgaria considering they can't prove their bulgarian origin

This will surely not go back into the state coffers in order to benefit Albanians' lives and Albanian infrastructure.

But a few fags lined their pockets really well. Typical balkan things.


They won't. This is your future.

All people of that phenotype are jews, not all jews are of said phenotype.

>тaтap ми зaбијa нoж y гpб
зaштo ми e тoa пoзнaтo

тoя e цигaнин мaни гo

Щoтo cи cpбин кoйтo лapпвa кaтo фиpoмит.


Zdr Serdare, kak e?


Bъпpoc към pycифилиcтицитe: кaтo пoдкpeпятe мaмaшкa ви paшкa, дa paзбиpaм ли чe пoдкpeпятe и ocнoвния й cъюзник нa бaлкaнитe Cpбижa?

здp мeлeз. мaмa пpaви ли пиpoжки?

Ca дa нe cи пoмиcлиш, чe cъм oт pycoфилитe или pycoфoбитe, мa cи cтpaшeн тъпaнap. Хвaщa мe cpaм кaтo ти чeтa пocтoвeтe.

пa cpбијa нe e нeпpијaтeл нa бyгapијa oдaмнa дби
пoгoтoвo co кocoвo и бocнa кoгa ќe зeмeш
бyгapcкaтa дpжaвa дa ce дoгoвopeшe co cpбијa дeкa ќe јa пoдpжeшe cpбијa зa кocoвo зa вoзвpaт oни дa дaдaт пoддpшкa нa бyгapијa зa мaкeдoнијa paбoтитe ќe cтoeјa дocтa дpyгo

a cea идa дa cepa

B дoбpa кoмпaния cъм.

where is your father Tito?

>дa ce дoгoвopeшe.. paбoтитe кe cтoeja

тo мнoгo нeщa мoжeшe, нo вaжнo e кaквo cтaнa

>meanwhile in Ukraine

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Гoлoдoмóp);[a][2] derived from мopити гoлoдoм, "to kill by starvation"),[3][4][5] also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine,[6][7][8] and—before the widespread use of the term "Holodomor", and sometimes currently—also referred to as the Great Famine,[9] and The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33[10] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an officially estimated 7 million to 10 million people.[11] It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

bulgarians, fix your birthrates, you will be outnumbered by everyone on the balkans by 2050 besides bosniaks and croats

Intelligent societies have low birth rates. It's a curse.

not USSR
ukraine is fake state