How sad were you when you realized he didn't have whale teeth?

How sad were you when you realized he didn't have whale teeth?

post proof he doesn't have whale teeth

I was pretty mad because I saw the teeth for years. I thought it was a really cool look he had.

I was even more surprised when I read Crisis the first time and found out he had an initial form.


i can't believe a rock fucked up the dc multiverse

This is the second dissapointing truth I've learned today after finding out the Asian mist is just breaking a condom in your mouth


Baleen isn't teeth

Fuck off whale biologist

What the hell are you talking about?

very. I thought the whale teeth made him look more distinct, more huge, and gave him a perpetual scowl

Kinda looks like Igoo, from The Herculoids


I always thought he was some giant undead guy with shriveled prune lips.

the fuck are they then


nothing will convince me that he doesn't, sorry

Nah, fuck that, they're whale teeth

You're just insecure because you aren't qualified to study cetaceans, also you're lumpy and you smell awful.
I call them like I see them
Whale Biologist

Go back to your hom universe Thanos, you're drunk.

He has a wrinkled face.



I've never seen this before. I like how he sort of looks like your generic bad guy Kirby monster from the old universes he wiped out.

Wait. Why does he wear the mask?

Uhh.. wrestling move faggot.
You would gobble a condom up too.

He's just really ugly and looks like a big rock.

because he's a big guy

Secret identity

No one cared who he was before he put it on