FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2

FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2

and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...

i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.

who gives a fuck

t. conservative

stop whining about this already geez

She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.

also i thought this dyke died years ago

Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.

Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them.

Having any political affiliation makes you an eternal cuck and a complete retard who doesn't see that all of this is just a distraction.

Kathy Griffin desperately claws her way back into the limelight.

look trump is a retard but this is basically a threat, and you're not allowed to threaten the president, this is just unnecessary. Leave it to women to take shit too far

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Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:49:28 No.83377094▶
FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:54:39 No.83377305▶and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:22 No.83377330▶
i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:26 No.83377334▶
who gives a fuck

t. conservative
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:09 No.83377364▶
stop whining about this already geez
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:32 No.83377380▶
She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.

also i thought this dyke died years ago
Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:52 No.83377394▶
Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.

Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them.

Having any political affiliation makes you an eternal cuck and a complete ret

What the fuck are you doing?

drumpfkins BTFO


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>File: IMG_0414.jpg (122 KB, 750x780)
>122 KB
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:49:28 No.83377094▶
>FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:54:39 No.83377305▶
>and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:22 No.83377330▶
>i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:26 No.83377334▶
>who gives a fuck
>t. conservative
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:09 No.83377364▶
>stop whining about this already geez
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:32 No.83377380▶
>She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.
>also i thought this dyke died years ago
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:52 No.83377394▶
>Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.
>Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them.
>Having any political affiliation makes you an et

Top post.

Imagine if someone had done this to Obama

>it's a liberals and neocons once again show that they belong to the same Luciferian worshipping pedophile cults episode

>do this to a Obama doll and you're a racist zealot
>do this to a Hillary doll and you're a sexist and mysoginist, also literal Mussolini
>do this to a Trump doll and you're an artist


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>>Sup Forums - Television & Film
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/20/16 New Sup Forums Banner Contest with a chance to win a Sup Forums Pass! See the contest page for details.
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>>File: IMG_0414.jpg (122 KB, 750x780)
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:49:28 No.83377094▶
>>FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:54:39 No.83377305▶
>>and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:22 No.83377330▶
>>i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:26 No.83377334▶
>>who gives a fuck
>>t. conservative
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:09 No.83377364▶
>>stop whining about this already geez
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:32 No.83377380▶
>>She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.
>>also i thought this dyke died years ago
>>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:52 No.83377394▶
>>Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.
>>Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them.

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>File: IMG_0414.jpg (122 KB, 750x780)
>122 KB
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:49:28 No.83377094▶
>FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:54:39 No.83377305▶
>and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:22 No.83377330▶
>i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:26 No.83377334▶
>who gives a fuck
>t. conservative
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:09 No.83377364▶
>stop whining about this already geez
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:32 No.83377380▶
>She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.
>also i thought this dyke died years ago
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:52 No.83377394▶
>Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.
>Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them
>Having any political affiliation makes you an et

of course, things like this used to be illegal, but our part of the world has since become known as free

Imagine if a conservative celebrity did this to Obama a few months after he was inaugurated.

I mean what has trump even done at this point? An attempted travel ban for certain countries and just general bafoonery. Kathy Griffin wants to decapitate him over that?

wew lad

>Literally defend Mudslime rape gangs

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>Sup Forums - Television & Film
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>05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
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>File: IMG_0414.jpg (122 KB, 750x780)
>122 KB
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:49:28 No.83377094▶
>FUCK drumpf and FUCK white peoples #resist #notmypresident #wonderwomanintheatresjune2
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:54:39 No.83377305▶
>and the conservatives are the crazy violent war mongering ones...
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:22 No.83377330▶
>i saw a cracker the other day, made me sick.
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:55:26 No.83377334▶
>who gives a fuck
>t. conservative
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:09 No.83377364▶
>stop whining about this already geez
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:32 No.83377380▶
>She did an episode of some shitty sitcom in the 90s where Trump was a guest star and in the scene she was really excited about him running for president.
>also i thought this dyke died years ago
>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)16:56:52 No.83377394▶
>Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee,
>Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them
>Having any political affiliation makes you an et

>Yeah, because anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched, your entire side cheers with savage glee.
She's a terrorist, and that was justice. We're not the ones that celebrate "smash the fash", you commie.

I don't get it. There's always someone who thinks like this.

>look at this provocative thing that a leftist did, the leftists don't react but if a right-winger did the same thing they would be furious!

Yes, fucker. But it's not the same thing to them. People always act annoyed because leftists don't behave like they're neutral.
Well guess what, they're not neutral. They're leftists.


>Imagine if a conservative celebrity did this to Obama a few months after he was inaugurated.

Imagine if Obama was an incompetent, embezzling traitor

It wouldn't be a prop head


>conservative celebrity
It's like you wanted to write conservative comedian but you knew there's no such thing.

if i were a professional entertainer and i really, really hated trump, i'd make an effort and would never touch the subject in public

so cringey and embarrassing: a woman in her 50's acting like an edgy 12 yo.

>obama wasn't an incompetent, un-American traitor that should be in jail for spying on political opponents

He wasn't.

That's right, he wasn't, glad we had this little talk

You're wrong.

literally fuck trump and fuck white people the hag

Marilyn Manson already did this last year can she be anymore unoriginal.

>Trump's own lawyer gets subpoenaed by the HIC for being a traitor

JUSTy Griffin

t. libtards that get all their news from MSNBC and Rachel Maddow

so much for the tolerant left.

Source: your ass

He wasn't.

This is so childish lol
She probably has no idea how much of a little baby she looks like

>Both sides of the spectrum are just as petty, stupid, and subservient to billionaires who use them.

This is a truthful position

Not that guy, but he certainly was grossly incompetent and un-American. Come on, you radical.

drumpftards so SHOOK right now

Obama was literally a CIA plant.

Ask yourself what do you REALLY know about Obama?

How did he make a living before becoming a senator?

Why did nobody in Chicago where he "community organized" even know who he was?

Why did he continue to expand the power of the executive branch and intelligence agencies despite campaigning against it?

How did he go from a complete unknown, to being given a senator ship to running for president in such a short span of years?


Is she like 90?

There's middle ground between neutral and having a cringey photoshoot of a graphic decapitation.

I didn't see any photoshoots of a realistic Obama being lynched.

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Bro's listen up. I have been lurking around for a good few months and it has dawned on me that we have all been missing out on a golden opportunity. Due to the mischievous nature of the anons that frequent this board, it seems that collectively, we could form one of the Internets, even the worlds, biggest organized pranking clans.

Think about it. Think about the sheer numbers that come where and how we can utilize these members to participate in some epic pranks.

It is because of this, I have formed the official group and set up a website that I hope to affiliate with Sup Forums. ( Moot if you are reading, contact me via website, we'll sort something out )
The website is named after our official group name..


Come and sign up and and be part of the biggest pranking network on the planet.

I am JoshyD and I am the leader. Come and say hello and be part of......

The Umad Brah Crew

Lets do this!!!

He wasn't.

>Obama was literally a CIA plant.
Source: your ass


The right literally used to make Obama mannequins and lynch them.

Google "obama lynching photos" if you don't believe me.





CheckMate #Obamkins

Can you imagine if things were reversed? Leftists are sick. Leftism is a mental illness.

Deserves to win this years pulitzer prize 2bh


>Can you imagine if things were reversed?

You can deny the obvious as much as you want, but he was.


It's pretty sickening to hold a bloody head even when it's prop. I've read about set dressers and crew setting up bloody sets on movies like Kill Bill end up feeling disgusted with all of the blood and gore everywhere. Kath Griffin is a crazy bitch.

>Some hillbillies hang a blow-up doll with a picture of Obama's face taped on it
>Celebrity poses for a professional photoshoot of her holding a bloody hyper-realistic decapitated head

Source: your ass.

>be against Donald Trump
>watch films produced by Donald Trump supporters

Really chimichangas my brain popsicles.

>it's different because the production value is better!
lol, just admit you got BTFO


this but unironically

Carve your own path, become an investor, lift, and go live in a rural area.

Stop paying taxes.

posting anything breitbart should be grounds for permaban

t. nu-male cuck

Best post in the thread 2bh Senpai

I can see why lefties love muslims so much they are teaching them tricks

i'm sure work on the wall will start any day now

I am the one who made the obama shop, I wasn't responding to you with this But I agree. Admit it's not the same and you're just a buttblasted leftist retard.

Good, hope they start getting shot.

A rodeo clown wore an Obama mask and lost his livelihood and was investigated by the DOJ

No, it's different because one is being sponsored by the fucking media, you mong.

Kathy Griffin is looking old as fuck

>Some hillbillies hand a blow-up doll with Obama's face taped to it
>Massive media coverage, demands for crackdowns on hate speech, numerous late night sketches lampooning the right/conservatives

>Celebrity poses with bloody head her Jewish handlers prepared
>'So brave'

>Dying old celeb desperately attempts to appease globalists so that they might grant her a spirit cooking session with one of the many young girls recently snatched off the streets of Manchester
Nothing new to see here.


t. Mahmoud can't handle the truth.

>breitbart clearly included in image to make yourself look like Sup Forums

Stupid false flagging redditor

This is the absolute best thing that can happen for Trump and those who support him.

And the hilarious irony is that this woman doesn't even realize how much she's helping the Trump camp.

If I were a member of the alt-right I'd be spreading this story like wildfire.

Moderates and even some Democrats have become very concerned about the fanatical extremism that is growing on the left.

The left has become the very thing they're supposed to hate. They're crazy, violent, judgemental, self righteous and evil.

They want everyone to be gay or a sexual deviant. They want to force their opinions upon everyone, even using threats of violence. They want to enable muslim terrorists and normalize sex with children and animals.

Reminder that the guy on the left was the good guy.

No one with a chin that weak can be a good guy

It's a fucking Halloween mask.

Pathetic loser

It's pretty much how he won. Let the extreme left get the spotlight and do cringey shit endlessly.

The hair looks realerer than Trump's actual hair

Where do you even get half of this shit? Fucking retard.

t. increasingly nervous libtard

So... you cant answer the question?

"Where do you even get half of this shit" is not a real question. You don't want an answer.

Me, an intellectual

Nice argument

That's different than a celebrity doing it.

>The right

Yeah literally everyone on 'the right' did that, it wasn't just some hicks in Buttfuck nowhere.

What's wrong with her face

How isnt it a question??? It literally is a question. Why are you trying so hard to avoid it?

Are you a retard? Where the fuck was I trying to argue in that post? It was a question