
Post more pics like this

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You Have No Free Will

Red-Pill is degenerate.
You are a fucking simpleton.

Crimson Pill


where's the black pill



Commencing crusader dump


*casting my energies of green-pilled power*

I'm looking for the bread pill.


mandela pill


Ah shit


ironpill is best pill. Prove me wrong


End of part 1.
Anyone want me to go on?

Yes, go on.


More please


fuck yeah Iron Pill


Dumping what I have.

Who has the "saved pill"?
I've been looking for that since a long time.


I'll never understand Sup Forums's hardon for Rhodesia.
It got overthrown by fucking black supremacist communists, that's how bad it was.

Damn okay one sec





Where is Trump Pill?

Damn. I'm having a hard time finding the middle part.
Here's the one from the archive:

please do

reminds me of this



I have a pretty cool walking stick, but no robes
I also exercise often but more for personal health/ strength than to have an attractive body
I don't do drugs regularly but have in the past
Stoicism is important to me and influences a lot of my behaviour/ way of looking at the world but I'm not entirely against materialism/ attachment
So of all of those I'm closest to brown pilled

Didn't happen like that







what the fuck is this autistic shit

What kind of a huge faggot would make/save this image.




Oh shit, thanks so much for finding it.
Read this first before reading my dump, guys.

Oh thank God. I wonder if he'll ever finish it.

Can a non-white spic anti-NWO Trump supporter still be like Iron?

Grow a backbone, you pathetic dicksucker.

Red pill literally describes all conservashits

It was betrayed by the British. I was born there and my family had to come to England in the early 80s when I was a kid.
It was a nice country. I had black and white friends; we went to school together. Life was peaceful.
Now look at Zimbabwe. A fucking hell hole. I cannot return there as I'd be murdered.

White Africans have been slaughtered. My best m8 is from RSA and he had to get out. He's Afrikaner and fled. It's too fucking dangerous. Here's a documentary:


I doubt it. It was a danish dude who made these glorious iron pill comics back then. He basically vanished from one day to the other. There were rumors he got a prison sentence back then, but that were only rumors and I don't know for sure.

Hmm. Well I do own several walking sticks. One of them I bought from a crippled native. It's got a weird juju about it, very comfortable in the hand -- worn through use and time.

these iron pill comics are some staggering autism but I can't stop reading them

The Rhodesians defeated the insurgents in a stunning manner on the battlefield, rewrote the book on COIN, much like the French did in Algeria, all while under intense international sanctions. It's amazing they lasted almost 40 years on their own with little support.

Their military was a shoe string production held together with grit and the sheer willpower of the officer corps. They hold the record for the most combat jumps done by any nation done in a time of war. After Operation Dingo the U.S., Israelis, South Africans stood back in awe and made serious attempts to learn from it.

The insurgents had gear and training given to them by the Chinese, Russians, and North Koreans. But failed to take the country by force. Only with U.N. supervised elections and hard shilling from leftist human right groups did ZANU mange to take power.

It is a viciously misunderstood tale of the Cold War.

>It got overthrown by fucking black supremacist communists, that's how bad it was.

They were wasting communists left, right and center. The British placed sanctions, demanded majority first etc in reaction of Rhodesian independence. America did nothing in the face of a communist take over of a western power and the Soviet union was arming any ape dumb enough to fly a red flag. Foreign allies with holdings fell apart, leaving only South Africa. Finally they conceded and called for an election after years of struggle and slow decline, Mugabe got victory. Operation Quartz was called a nogo at the last moment and then everything spiraled to shit.

This is a politics board.

is where the role-players hang out.

They can't really do that can they? Throw you in prison for drawing comics that appear to be nationalist/racist, can they? Can they arrest you for being racist online??

I eat Golden Xanax pills
Fuck your medicine you fake doctors!

where's the rest of it?

No, it didn't have anything to do with the comics, although it had something to do with his political activities if I remember correctly.

pt. 4 was never released.

the whole collection if anyone is interested


i'm more near the orange pill than anything

(btw where should be put the ancap?)

I used to actually check on this page once in a while but suddenly he just stopped making them. I wonder if he's done for good

>much like the French did in Algeria
The only book we wrote in Algeria was how to take every poor decision and have them backfire hard.

This the black pill is a must

orange pill best pill

Except my ideas of world fixing are Sup Forums pot tier

found the kike.

Damn. Europe needs some probiotics.

That is not the true black pill

Its about self destruction and chaos

Galula wrote some pretty groundbreaking stuff that is pragmatic and sensible. But yes, the use of conscripts over professional soldiers was huge fucking waste of time and resources.