Explain to an eurocuck why ID is not required to vote in the USA

I mean wtf , so in november mexicans can go and vote no problem? What if i take a plane and go vote , how do they know i m US citizen ?

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Blacks and Hispanics don't bother getting them, even the legal ones

So the democrats can win

I work the polls. The way it's done is you have to have some form of id, unless you personally know the person.

Only for a few states. You don't need an ID to vote. Fuck I'm in PA and just walked in to vote back in 2012 without even registering.

Yup. Poll judge here too.
Wish it wasnt old ladies working all day though.

Even with free forms of ID, you need to have a basic level of literacy and be able to sign you name. So it puts black people at a disadvantage if you require them.

the % of the population with out an acceptable ID for voting, is tiny. less than 5%. Because you can't do anything in american with out a driver's license of some other government ID.

These people are mainly college students and senior citizens, and minorities.

They cost $25 dollars and voting should be free.

Because it's a form of fraud. Notice how voter ID laws are alway most ardently fought in states with large populations of illegals and minorities. It's an attempt by democrats to boost the number of votes they get

Here in Oklahoma you have to at least have the card they sent you in the mail after you registered that has your name and polling place on it. Or any valid government issued ID.

Then when you show up to vote they find your name on the list and tick that box that says you voted so someone else can't try and vote with your name.

Also you can't just "go vote". You have to register.

state ID is free in states with voter ID laws.

You register to vote. Your name goes on a list. You show up to your polling place and say "I'm Giovanni", they say ok and cross you off.

It's stupid, but others have explained the politics.

Because your average Democrat thinks blacks are too stupid and retarded to write their names on a form and get a government sponsored ID.

They're so NOT racist, that when you have something that says "You must pass a test in which you have to write your name on a line -- doesn't even have to be your name, it can be an X" -- they come out screeching "BLACKS ARE TOO DUMB TO DO THAT!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! YOU'RE RACIST AGAINST BLACKS!!! THE FUCKING RETARDS CAN'T VOTE FOR US IF YOU DO THIS!"

Lol it's almost like democrats are racist
>we should have some form of literacy test in order to vote
>das rayciss
>black people cant read you just don't want black people to be able to vote

I never understood why some libertarians on Sup Forums oppose ID for voting, it's the best option to curb manipulated statistics or illegals/foreigners voting and the vote is still anynomous, nobody knows who you vote, you only give the ID to "check" if you are allowed to vote on the country and then you are crossed off of the voting list, nobody ever knows who you put on the paper ballot. I guess some of them are paranoid that it is some kind of government way of controlling them or some bullshit.


State governments want to have lower nominal tax rates which they compensate for through higher fees on things like state IDs and keeping DMVs open in black areas can be really expensive which increases the time and gas costs for people who live in those areas.

Ok but can ANYONE register ? When i register do i need some kind of Id like driver license or anything? Basicly can a foreign register and do the same ?

you need your voter registration card or you can't vote. is this different in other states or are you all just underage?

Only for the white cities... in detroit you just shownup and say i want to vote democrat and they let you. My dad is a lifetime democrat and they let hom vote without any id or anything for the past 30 years.

hold the fuck on
so in some states you could go to multiple polling stations without being checked at all?

You could register as someone else if you had their name, Social Security number and date of birth.

Fuck off.

5% of half the country is a huge fucking amount of people. Typically half the country votes.

Here's the form in New York


They make it impossible to get one here unless you have 14 documents to bring in to the dmv and grovel to the affirmative action niggers

Its all rigged always has been

because people can't afford a 20 dollar id, and liberals wouldn't be able to bus in people from mexico and canada to win

When you fill out the voter registration form you have to supply your ID number or your social security number. Social Security numbers are only issued to US citizens and permanent residents.

so in november mexicans can go and vote no problem?

of course. we are part of the USs history.

because then they wouldn't be able to rig it and it would be a true democracy

Depends on the state

In What states? I want to vote for Hilary Clinton. I am near Texas and Nuevo Mexico.

Like the electoral college, it's an heritage of the early days of the country when communications were slow and the law was hard to apply thoroughly everywhere : in small communities IDs were not required because it would be expensive and long to get them so most people who pretty much lived in autharcy or in self-contained communities did not need them.

Why would you do such a thing

Because it'd hurt the democrats.

If you don't have an ID, you don't deserve to vote. I'll concede the point when you no longer need an ID to purchase a firearm.


Californian here, I showed no ID when voting in the primaries but there were also a Democrat and Republican checking off names in their separate books.

You don't need an ID to post on Sup Forums faggot

iirc only in california you don't need it (they want illegals to vote).

Yep they would rather buy drugs with that 30USD then get an ID card.

Because He called me a raptist and He wants to steal my money for building a wall. Also He called Mexico an enemy for the US. He is against for rising your wages too. He will nuke the world because He is a crazy Nazi. He insulted the latino,black, and woman community.

if no one's explained it yet:

when you go to vote in the U.S., they ask you for your name and address, find you on the voter roll, and then check you off when you vote. It's a very simple - and effective - system.

we don't really *need* IDs to vote, and, to be honest, it's much better this way than the "papers please" nonsense that it could otherwise turn into. Illegals voting is not the problem. Electioneering is. VotER fraud is no issue; VOTE fraud, is.

so that's the story there

>In What states? I want to vote for Hilary Clinton. I am near Texas and Nuevo Mexico.

An Italian talking about ilegal inmigration hahahahahahahahahahahha


>woman community
Amazon Island isn't real


now that i think about it, WTF do homeless people do??

i never even thought about that

Maybe you shouldn't rape so much then.

In Nevada, the polling places have big paper books listing all the registered voters for each precinct. You show up, tell them your name (no ID required), they look you up, and allow you to vote if your name is in the book. They also check off your name (with a pen). I'm not sure what happens if you're not in the book or have already voted.

The idea that you can simply show up at a polling place, tell them "I want to vote", and be allowed to is straight up wrong. Whoever spouts this crap is either lying or doesn't actually vote.

It's required to vote where I live

Then stop raping people you filthy fucking spic. If niggers don't like you, then you really must be a failure of a race.

Honestly US politics is fucking retarded.
If you have to have government photo ID to buy liquor why the fuck wouldn't you need your passport or citizenship card to vote? It's fucking disgusting how shitty Western politics have become, I just hope some others out there like myself are aiming to help fix this rotten system from the inside.

My race? My origins are in the Iberian peninsula. I am white.

illegal migrants here can't vote, they're sent to concentration camps till they can be deported back, besides I don't have any relatives who live in the us, except the cousin of my grandpa who was assassinated 20 years later anyway.

Different states have different rules, but many that don't require photo ID are like this:

>you just register to vote
>this may or may not require ID, but does require name and address
>on Election Day you go to your local voting place
>you tell them your name
>they have a master list of those residents
>you sign on your spot
>go vote

Democrats cheat this by having people vote under dead names and fake registers and stuff.

It's harder to have fraud when you require a real ID

Italians emigrated to all the world in the past century. You should re think again.


The vast majority of homeless people don't vote because they live in a separate society. The few that do probably are registered at their last place of residence still, OR register a homeless shelter or something as their address.

Your racial origins will matter when you live in a real country.

Are you implying there are no Mexican rapist?

rethink what? you seem to understand I don't give a fuck, I hope the deserters and cowards got what they deserved and died miserably as the sorry people they were.

He never called Mexicans rapists. He said illegals that come over the border tend to rape

But what if I show Up and pretend to ne you?

Because otherwise democrats could not win elections

Then you are a rapist. Mexico is rape babies of Spaniards and the natives

He didn't even say that he said "They re bringing crime, they're bringing drugs, they're rapist. And some, I assume, we are good people."

Only retards would get triggered by a truthful statement

No. The first Mexican was born in a marriage between Hernan Cortes and Doña Marina. BTFO. And He was christian too.

Spaniards needed to breed with natives if they were into the catholicism. Spaniards were not savages like your viking ancestors.


You really think Spaniards didn't rape into the thousands? Lmao deluded fucking retard rape baby

>eluded fucking retard rape baby

Nigger, the first Mexican was born in the holy roman marriage, not by rape. Spaniards made universities before your nigger tier raptist viking ancestors came to kill all the navajos.

ok angry joe calm down

So without id whats keeping you from voting multiple times?

They're pretty shitty people that come across the border illegally. They routinely use the info of dead children with no regards to the families of these dead babies that then have to spend the rest of their lives fighting credit card debt, repossession of vehicles and property or having the cops show up due to outstanding warrants of the child you never got to take home from the hospital.

They know exactly what they're doing and how it hurts people and they don't care at all. They feel entitled to steal from the dead for material possessions. There is no hell deep enough. My grandmother lost a child in the 70's and had to deal with this shit right up until the day that she died. It's absolutely disgusting.

Great bunch of people, truly.

I don't actually know. Good question.

You still have to be a registered voter, bud.

can underage people vote in america then since you dont need id?

Sup Forums literally gives you one

>*smacks lips"

Any canadians want to make a little roadtrip with me down to the states and vote for trump? I am sure its easy enough, if someone else can provide me a state in which this is viable that would be great. I seriously want to do this, if the democrats want to get an edge then i am sure a bus load of a few canadian pol/locks would sway people. In toronto if that matters. 100% serious


You have to register to vote, and I think (but am not sure) that you have to show ID or proof of residency (utility bills, rent receipts, etc...) to register. Somebody who has registered recently could tell us.

BTW, voting illegally in Nevada is a go-to-jail felony. They can and do jail a couple of people for doing this every election.


So guess its California then, COME ON CANADIANS HELP ME OUT HERE

Yes. And people can vote repeatedly. Dems count on people they pay to vote 10 times a day. Voter ID is a method of fighting vote fraud. The Democrats count on vote fraud, it is the reason they still exist, and have the power they do.

>I mean wtf , so in november mexicans can go and vote no problem?
>What if i take a plane and go vote , how do they know i m US citizen ?
They don't.

Now blacks in NC are saying they are being discriminated for being told they have to have an ID

And there is no doubt that's what Hillary will use.

There are two major trains of thought in this debate.
>Voter Fraud
Essentially, the idea of requiring a photo ID forces people to vote in person, only once, and they cannot fill in for others in other polling stations. The amount of voter fraud that occurs is definitely up for debate.

>Voter ID is racist!
Essentially, most people in the US that won't have an ID to vote would mostly be in the democratic camp. People that are unemployed, or uncaring, or just generally never bothered getting one.

So, requiring a photo ID is akin to barring these people from voting for the democratic party.

What I really don't get is why democrats don't disguise it as anti-poll tax rather than racist bullshit.

>Poll tax is unfair to the poor and the disenfranchised
>Poll tax has been overturned numerous times along with literacy tests due to its predatory nature

But noooo... racism. Like, fuck, the democratic party is in the right here.

Don't they need ID for gibs?

This is literally it

What states can you vote in without an ID?

In Florida you need an ID.

>Republicans: We should have voter ID laws so that we can make sure that the people who are voting are legally allowed to vote and be in this country, so that we can cut down on voter fraud and ensure that the election isn't rigged

>Democrats: That's racis, blacks can't read good and they don't have government issued ID cards like privileged whites do

Literally can't make this shit up

The democrats run the same play every single time, they don't change the formation, they don't even change the snap count, anything that works against getting democrats elected, here they come with "das racis".

Because Democrats would murder their own mothers with a rusty spoon if it got them votes.

You don't have it in Sweden, Purrluna, because you're not the fattest fucking country on Earth.

I guess so?

Literacy requirements were literally abolished because they were said to discriminate against blacks

what a fucking joke of a country. And you call us cucked.

>BTW, voting illegally in Nevada is a go-to-jail felony.

Harry Reid just gerrymanders Nevada to keep himself in power. A real sleaze ball that one.

I honestly didn't even know this was a thing until now.

I've always been I.D to vote. Figured it was like that everywhere.
I love in Arizona though so at least I know illegals wont' be voting here.