So what do y'all think about castration as a punishment for pedophiles

So what do y'all think about castration as a punishment for pedophiles

Barbaric, and pointless. Castration wouldn't stop a truly warped pedophile from violating a kid with other objects.

What about circumcision for cucks?

This mapleanon is correct, we tried castration in the 50s and 60s but it didnt reduce future criminal action

Absolutely pointless but apparently it makes "normal" people feel good for some reason. A wounded ped will just take out his castration in his victims in more violent ways. You might as well just pursue the execution of peds, that way they can't come back and hurt someone else.

Canada is correct, only by putting down child molesters will you ensure they can never again offend.

The same is also true for murderers so you should also be prepared to extend the same type of punishments to them.

This is true. Death is a permanent solution for a fucked up fetish.

if the girl is older than 13 its not paedophilia

I think that it isn't death.

I said child molesters, not pedophiles. Not every child molester is a pedophile and vice versa. For some (more often women) it is done for power and control rather than sexual pleasure.

If there was a foolproof way of convicting these people I would want them humanely put down.

Point taken, but what's your opinion on chemical castration at least that way they don't breed or impregnate their victims

just kill them

OMG you pedophobic shitlord.
This is just one example of the
type of threats that child-lovers have
to endure everyday. Do you have any
idea of the murder rate for pedosexuals?

Are you retarded? Seriously fucking kill yourself

Must have solid evidence...then cut them.

It's a stupid idea because they don't spread their pedophilia like an STD, they spread it by molesting kids whether they are fertile or not.

>Barbaric, and pointless
1st we are going to castrate pedophiles, then we are choping hands of thieves and then out of fucking nowhere whoa we are all chanting alakhu akhbar

But still wouldn't it be better to avoid possible abortions than to leave these fuckers with their balls intact

I'd be for it if it applied to women convicts, too. Equal rights, equal treatment. Right now, the idea of castration is just a one-sided way for man-hating dykes to get off at the idea of hurting and dominating men.

What if pedo is a woman?

8th amendment violation.
As is the sex crime registration system.

Most pedophiles are women, so...

sew the hole

I think you should fuck off neofag nigger


this guy gets it

Just arrest them, or euthanize them. Strange and sadistic punishment is degenerate

Different body part but same procedure


They lose all sex drive.

>punishing people who haven't committed a crime

castrate, hang, feed to the bugs.

this is the only way to deal with kiddie diddlers.

and other examples of nigger tier behavior.

You don't lose sex drive, you just can't get erections anymore.

True. Non consensual sex with 14+ year olds should just be considered rape.

Good, but with very strong evidence incluiding a video because DNA thricks can be done. Besides, woman who lie about rape should recieve similar punishment, I don't know, vaginal lips sewing or some nasty shit.

This, pretty much.

The other problem is false accusations. While I think that kiddy fiddlers deserve the most harsh punishments, its not unheard of for a person to be falsely accused (and convicted), and if you've already cut off their manhood, its a bit too late for an appeal.