Why is free college bad? wouldnt an educated workforce improve the economy?

why is free college bad? wouldnt an educated workforce improve the economy?


So who pays the salaries of all of the professors, for the facilities, and for the other resources of the schools?

God damn do I hate Canadians on this board. Your shitposting isn't even funny.

What's free about it exactly?


College is a privilege, not a right.

>but it's good. You guys are dumb meanies
Free college is a great idea in theory, just like socialism. Doesn't make it economically feasible leaf

>wouldnt an educated workforce improve the economy?

Depends if they teach useful skills or bullshit arts/social crap.

ok publicly funded college for everyone. What is so bad about it?

STEM majors should be free

the rest should be 3x as expensive as they are now

Why you need an educated workforce when the jobs available are trending towards needing idiots?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 95% of jobs today could be done with a high school degree.

Also this. Free education falls flat as an idea if everyone gets a useless feels degree. It doesn't magically make a leftist any more qualified for a job that isn't fast food

We're not here to amuse you, fuckstick


If they singled out the useful degrees and made them free, sure. But I doubt that's how it'll happen. I ain't helping some chick get a degree in women's studies just so they can turn around and blame me for their fuck up.

I'd be fine if it were for doctors, scientists, etc.

But you know damn well most women and negroids will use it to get degrees in shit like Gender Studies, Psychology, Creative Writing...sorry, I don't believe in subsidizing that shit.

Why would I want to pay more taxes for 35 years to fund LaQuisha learning about African history? Sounds like a bad deal to me

think about the highschool diploma, since its free and anyone can get it, it basically has no worth. You dont have to put any effort into getting one since you can basically stay int he system until you get it. This meens that if you dont even have a g.e.d or high school diploma than you are a useless fuck and wont be hired anywhere, not even mcdonalds.

if college became free up to an associates or bachelors, it would become the next highschool diploma. you would have these lame ass schools poping up to suck up that subsidization money while handing out basically worthless associates and bachelors diplomas. that diploma will loose all of its worth since escentially anyone can get it and having one doesnt make you smarter than anyone else. you think inner city schools are bad? try inner city community colleges with piss easy classes just running uneducated fucks through the system

tldr: free college makes college worthless

It creates an arrogant society. No one would want to be a plumber, electrician, cop, construction worker, etc.
All of these jobs are "beneath" college educated individuals.

The US lacks skilled labor more than anything. Further the unions have fucked up hiring skilled labor in most states.

150.000 dollar student debts are funny as fuck tho

>So who pays the salaries of all of the professors, for the facilities, and for the other resources of the schools?

If the system works, the students will pay them with their taxes once they land a good job.

>why is free college bad? wouldnt an educated workforce improve the economy?

No, we still need laborers.

>why is free college bad?
if you taxed the 1% at 100% their income for 1 year you'd still not pay for all the tuition debt incurred in one year

So mexicans. Liberals really are racist huh?


We have that in Poland. I'd prefer student debt.

>You dont have to put any effort into getting one since you can basically stay int he system until you get it
But who said that free college would also be effortless?
The problem is that if you're a genius, but poor, you are unable to get into college, and you have barely any opportunity, yet if you are a half retard, but rich, you can get into any college you want.

Free college means funding people who get into it, not giving it to everyone.

I like this argument. I never did like the idea of a free college education. If you want something, work towards it. Learn necessary, useful skills for the better good of the workforce, that's what I think anyways.

>Why yes I would like to devalue my education so it can finally make sense why burger king employees have bachelors. That way no one's embarrassed!

This. And blacks drop out more than anyone.

If you want to pay everything with taxes, then let's start by having private corporations that call themselves universities pay their taxes.

When they start naming buildings and professorships after rich alumni donors, I don't think that's tax money they're operating on.

This is a bullshit statistic. You clearly can't even grasp how much money the 1% actually has.


But lets for a moment assume that it would be free

Right now only dedicated people that actually want to get a degree (yeah, as if) go to college because they have to pay for it.

If it was "free" everyone would go there because 'lol its free" and people who don't actually know shit about their field would get in the way of people that actually want to learn something there.

Paid education is the best system, period

Most of the unemployed are educated you dumb fucking leaf.

It would reduce profits from for profit businesses around education system, banks giving student loans for example. That would be fucking communism.

The public shouldn't have to pay for things that don't help the public.

Worthless degrees like Swedish dance therapy, gender studies, music theory, etc. don't help anyone, they are just a $100,000 excuse for lazy libs to go an extra 4 years without working.

Public funding and assistance for STEM degrees would be a better idea, but public funding for all higher education is just wasting money.

Not to mention that higher education does guarantee anything. Just because someone has a 4 year degree doesn't mean they're going to get a 70k+ paying job. Graduating from college doesn't magically create high paying jobs.

Clearly you don't know how many people go to college.

College is a better value here.

Ahh comrade you are correct we should just take all their wealth and redistribute it. I see nothing morally wrong here

Also there is no free education. Alternative to self funded education is tax funded education.

Why should I pay into a system that actively works against me and people like me with Affirmative Action?

here in texas mexicans qualify for 6 years of free college. now the program doesnt cover advanced stuff like being a doctor but does cover stuff like being a nurse and such. and yet mexicans still have the highest drop out rate. the only people who will actually go to college for free are whites and asians. but since a lot of them will get useless degrees id rather they waste their own money.

Why are there so many shit posts from leafs? I don't get it. Your crap isn't even funny like Australia.

Just on the off chance you aren't baiting for replies. Free college is retarded for two reasons:

If everyone has a college degree, the degree is fucking worthless.

If you can go to college for free with no strings attached (and you better believe it would not have reasonable strings, like only for useful degrees) you end up with a bunch of subsidized bullshit like gender studies degrees.

I can't really imagine a situation like that in a modern society where a genius cannot get into college even if he's poor, in Latvia definitely.. I think our system is good funding wise, yet the quality is another aspect

itsn ot that its bad its that saying "free" college is stupid as fuck. its not free you pay for it via higher taxes its just less noticeable than a big one time loan.

Go play Sim City 4. Start up a city, and build nothing but clean industry and high density commercial, then tell me just how well that shit works out.

>The problem is that if you're a genius, but poor, you are unable to get into college
Lol no.

If you're a poor genius you'll have colleges paying full rides, especially ivy leagues who will actually pay you to go to their college.
No one ever seems to mention that.

There is no such thing as free, you retarded snownigger

>do NROTC to pay for college on scholarship
>get stuck in this shithole
>bunch of whiny SJW homo fags want it instead of actually working for it
>want to raise taxes so I can send them to underwater feminist basketweaving class

i hope they make college more expensive

Tuition free Public University is good, but tuition free Private University is a horrible idea.

Public Elementary, Middle, & High School are payed with through taxes so why the fuck does public education all of a sudden have tuition rates when you get to college?

Who said that? I'm just saying that people shouldn't throw out bullshit statistics.

This motherfucker right here!

You're only playing sim city right if you type FUNDS to get free money every few hours so you can implement any utopia you want, regardless of how often it tells you that the citizens are upset.

Because then you'd have more scum in college bringing down the good students

If we assume that college education results in acquiring relevant skills that can get you a good job (by good I mean within the field of your education), then free college would be great. Such graduates would contribute to the economy and free college would be nothing but a clever investment.

But the grim reality is that most colleges are literal meme-tier bullshit which provide zero qualifications whatsoever. What the fuck can a person with a diploma in management/gender studies/etc actually do? Nothing besides the worst jobs, really.

1. It's not free, it's funded by federal taxes
2. It reduces the competitive nature of the free market, and as a result reducing the incentive to offer a better product
3. By the time you die, you will have paid for your education several times over

Sure an educated workforce is good. "Free" STEM degrees would be a wonderful investment. Wasting billions of dollars on people to get their bullshit liberal arts degrees is not.

Student loans aren't so bad if you get some scholarships and don't go to an out of state school. I only had 35k worth of loans after going to a really good state school. Paid it off in the second year of having my job. It really makes me kek when some of my middle and high school teachers went to ivy league schools to teach grade school. They didn't pay off their loans until they were 40.

SC4 is shit, SC2000 is where it's at

My cousin did that, already got free college because his mom is a professor, so he got paid for going to college. He served in Hungary

hamburgers not understanding how unregulated college tuition ruins society.

it's neither. its a necessity in an increasingly high tech society in order to keep up. i wouldn't expect a spic to understand anything more advanced that digging ditched though

It's bad because of everyone's educated real wages will decrease. Law of supply/demand. If everyone has degrees, pay will decrease for everyone, as markets will be oversaturated with workers.

>They didn't pay off their loans until they were 40.

Not if ((educated)) = Women's/Gender/Black Studies degree or some shit like that.

If "free college" were to = training in a trade, or something commercially/socially beneficial, then yeah, we could subsidize that because it would benefit society instead of the individual.

It's not bullshit. Taxing the richest people at that level in the US really wouldn't cover the cost.

Art courses should have their costs raised and trade schools should be free.


Don't compare modern soceity to a sim game that starts in the year 1900

The universities can regulate how much uptake they will have on a single course.

When American are actually paying good money for their education, they can get to choose exactly what they want, whereas if it was less market-sponsored, you would have more open study places at educations that actually matter.

thats not how real economies work. if everyone is educated there's more demand for high cost supplies. money is just fictional bullshit anyway. everyone could just work for free and be given everything for free. nothing changes. you're literally defending pretend paper

>If you're a poor genius you'll have colleges paying full rides, especially ivy leagues who will actually pay you to go to their college

Sure, but I used genius as an exaggeration.
My point is that due to college not being free, a smarter poor person does not have the opportunity to get into college, unlike a dumber but richer person.

Certain people are unable to get a college education only because they weren't born in the correct circumstances, even if they have potential.

desu College is really only expensive to the middle class, since the government actively tries to screw them over.

Even for the middle class college is outrageously expensive, but the government does calculations based on family income and how much they expect your parents to pay for college, they don't even assume your parents won't pay for college. If your parents make a little over 6 figures, such as mine, they will force the entire burden on you. I've gotten scholarships out the ass due to a high GPA and two years of community college, but I still am in debt. I'm not too worried because I go to a school with an extremely good internship program, so I will likely get a job as soon as I'm out of here (I've never seen any senior here in STEM who hasn't been lined up with a job before graduation). But I can only imagine how fucked the average white kid is.

college in switzerland is nearly free and we have the best rated STEMlord colleges in continental europe.

suck a dick hambrugers

education is a buzzword

anything they tell you could be making you more stupid

also its unfair to people who dont want to go to college ever like me

if you get free college you also owe me 20,000 in cash

Well, first of all, we don't actually need more college graduates.There is no shortage in the labor force for college-educated individuals, except maybe in fields such as engineering and medicine. What we need more of is skilled labor, ie electricians, roofers, mechanics, plumbers etc. Illegals provide us with unskilled labor, but not skilled.

Secondly, college is perfectly affordable as is, if you are smart about and treat it for what it is: an investment. Think of a college education like a house or a new car, only an idiot pays full price. On paper, college charges tens of thousands of dollars per semester/year, but that's sticker price. Colleges only charge that much if people could actually afford it, which they can. Grants, scholarships, and low-interest loans alone make them affordable.

But, let's say you want free college. You can do it, in many different ways. The first is joining the military. 3-4 years in the military nets you full GI Bill benefits, which includes discounted to free (public) college. Many states also grants free tuition to their national guardsmen. Secondly, for the non-military route, you can get a degree on the cheap by spending 2 years at community college before transferring to a proper 4-year school. After transferring, commute instead of paying to live on campus. These two things alone cut your college expenses at least in half. Add in grants, scholarships, and, if needed, a low-interest loan, and boom, near-free college.

and what if instead of free college, government fix elementary, middle and high-school and we actually learn something that matters there?

>hamburger defends right to be a fucking idiot

This is super autistic and you have no idea on what "productivity" is. Supply/demand isn't the only economic factor.

It's one thing to have public schools, it's another thing when they go from public schools to government schools

Why does the concept have to include all possible "free school for lazy assholes" scenarios? Could not a government-funded education system exclude frivolous degrees? Would it not benefit the entire economy to have a well-educated workforce? Is not a well-educated population less violent and prone to crime? Would your taxes not be going toward a better society in general?

You can already take college classes at your local community college for like $10 a course.

Democrats just wanted to go to prestigious universities like Harvard using somebody else's money instead of competing for scholarships and merit-based grants

Ever notice how tuition rates go up and education quality goes down when schools get more funding from taxes than people attending?

>Let me tell you about your country

It's quite easy for a poor person to go to college, actually, and cheaply. I basically pay nothing at all.

t. A poor person in college

>even believing in mandatory schooling and forcing little kids to be in jail a large chunk of life


>given 12 years of free school.
>need 4 more years of free school.

Fuck off.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Sauce?

>Don't compare modern soceity to a sim game that starts in the year 1900
SimCity 4 starts in 2000, and can't be adjust. What does that have to do with anything though. The game's actually considered very realistic, aside from the lack of foreign policy issues.

American brand libertarianism is premised on the idea that human beings are evil and therefore we should all watch out for our own.

Sounds damn good to me.

Some of the best stuff I learned in those schools was jerk off stuff like law and technical theater (brilliant broad-scale intro to trades). I got a yuge leg up for university costs and job opportunities through the advanced classes, both STEM and otherwise, but I got a yuge leg up on life from what's normally thought of as pleb shit.

If you're a genius, but poor that's what scholarships are for.

I'm not talking about your country, I'm just talking about free college in general.

no, all it does is create a sort of inflation in high skill jobs, since everyone gets an education and no one is willing to work low skill jobs - low skill jobs lose social status.

That is the real reason we need to import so many shitskins in Europe, not declining birthrates.

But they don't teach underwater basket-weaving there! Don't you know, a college degree is guaranteed job! Or, that's what my admission rep told me, anyways


My point still stands.

This is stupider than denying the holocaust.

You clearly haven't taken a class anywhere recently.

The assumption that tax money will get people into ivy-league schools who wouldn't normally even qualify is idiotic.


but they are

see Hobbes' State of Nature

It's not the only factor, but if everyone's educated the only way we'd see improvement in the economy is if more small businesses were formed to hire people. Problem is, the way you pay for free education is often at the expense of small business, as corporate taxes hit everyone equally.

Also how can you retards deny that real wages have been going down, even though more people are educated than ever? Face it, the more educated fags there are, the less benefit one gets from a degree. Degrees nowadays are nearly worthless.

Buy me a fucking Mercedes or my friend here will blow your head off.

Hey look everyone! I got a free Mercedes!

I don't think you understand, nor does anyone who says "Would it not benefit the entire economy to have a well-educated workforce?", where the answer is a big NO.

In the US you go by college by choice. No one can force someone to actually go to college and neither can they force someone to be educated. There also isn't any huge monetary barriers stopping people from going to college, especially for idiots who think loans are free money. Since the Fed Reserve has made it easier than shit to get a loan.

The only people who don't go to college are, people who are already educated enough to know that most of college is a scam, people who are too stupid to even get in college, people who rather be on welfare than go to college, people who rather sell drugs than go to college.

The truth is "Free college" will only benefit people who are already going to college.

It's not so much that humans are evil, its that some people are assholes and will exploit any and all well-intentioned efforts on someone else's part.

Yeah, but with the 12 years of free school there is also the option of attending private schools which you have to pay for.

So there are private colleges you must pay for, but not public colleges you don't have to pay for? We're nearly required to do 12 years of just learning general knowledge for free, but when it comes to actually preparing for your career & fulfilling another man's needs with your ability to ensure a properly functioning society we have to go into years of stressful debt.

Our education sysetm somehow gets away with being flawed as shit.

also how smart you are is based on 90% genetics/race

no matter how much EDUMACATION u got

its a proven fact by studies

if youre stupid youre stupid if not then you arent

so really the only thing that matters is hands on training and practice in real life with professionals so you can copy what they do

college is for normy fornicators who just go there to have sex and THE EXPERIENCE IM SO YOUNG I NEED TO GO TO COLLEGE FOR THE PARRRRRRTYS BRO YAAAAAAA WEED