Can´t handle bruce willis

>can´t handle bruce willis

>why won't Ben call me anymore

What was that movie where Bruce Willis played himself and he was a complete prick?

cop out

the sex video he made with your mom

I wish he'd just go back to normal and turn off stoner shill mode.

lol never meet your heroes

b. willy in those red interviews comes off as a total spaz tho

>be a talentless hack
>direct second rate comedies with stoner buddies
>hired to direct a real movie
>can´t handle real actors
>publicly complains about bruce willis being mean

what a joke

Thank for the help. It was called What Just Happened but now I'm not sure if he played "Bruce Willis" in the movie. IMDB just has him listed as "Actor" in the credits.

Moonrise Kingdom?


I love his second rate comedies but goddamn what a bitch. Bruce Willis got as far as he did because he's a full on professional in the business. Kevin Smith only managed to strike gold because he can make stories that most youths can identify with.

>Bruce Willis got as far as he did because he's a full on professional in the business
>when people in the business actually know your work ethic
>vs hero worshippers on Sup Forums



It's really, really sad how he namedrops Ben Affleck ALL THE TIME on his podcast. Ben this and Ben that and i remember when Ben and i...and whatever.

Get over it already.

Every Bruce Willis movie since 2000?

Willis left Woody Allen's Cafe Society movie after a week of shooting his scenes.


Post that tweet where he talks about fucking his wife


kids are most of the consumers. hence pop charts and tv shows, even if its aimed sexually.

theres a sucker born every minute says the tootsie pop maker.

I still have Moonlighting in my library. Willis with what little hair he had left is best.

Plus Cybil boobs. 10/10 would impregnate.

>her clit/brown/taint-area still p0wns my dick
What did he mean by this?

July 9th, 2009. I’d been on Twitter for a little over a year or so at that point and one of my favorite things to do was write sex Tweets about (and to) my wife, @JenSchwalbach. Go back and read Tweets from that era: lots of talk of ass-eating and whatnot. And what fueled my sex tweets were how much my wife HATED them.
“That’s so embarrassing,” she’d say. “How would you like it if I Tweeted shit like that about YOU?”
“I would love it,” I told her. “Oh my God, that would rock.”
“I bet I can Tweet dirty shit you’ll hate,” came the fateful words.
“No WAY,” replied I, very confident in my unflappability. “I've written some of the dirtiest movies without sex or nudity ever made.”
“Then give me your laptop,” Jen demanded.
“So I can Tweet something dirty from your account and show you how it feels.”
“You can Tweet the worst thing you can dream up. You can even get help, if you want,” I laughed. “But nothing you ever write will ever bug me.”
So she did. She consulted some friends and came up with a Tweet that she felt was the worst she had to offer and Tweeted it as me, from my account, with the caveat that I could never take it down. This is the Tweet you see above.
The first thing I ever said about the ridiculous Tweet that would come to haunt me was that nobody would believe the Tweet came from me because pwn was misspelled - and as a longtime denizen of the internet, I’d know how to spell it. If you can believe it, THAT was my only complaint. Other than that, I told my wife, that Tweet didn’t embarrass me at all and never would.

Weed turned him into a worse human being.

>becomes insecure about his looks so he loses weight and starts making the "wide eyed ironic detachment" face in every image
>cries on camera about anything capeshit or Star Wars related
>stops writing actual jokes and characters and just expands on his DUDE smoking ideas
>can no longer write stoner characters in a humorous way. The J&SB remake will probably be them going to Congress and Bob giving an impassioned speech about legalization and the joys of being high

That was five years ago. Since then, not a week goes by… not a WEEK… without someone re-Tweeting that filthy 140 characters back to me and asking how I could write something so horrible and disgusting. The amount of online mockery I’ve been at the receiving end of due to that Tweet is immeasurable. People tell me to delete it all the time, but I can’t: I gave my word to the author of that disturbed little teaching-moment Tweet. Now, any time I complain about someone Re-Tweeting that shit at me, she says “That’s what you get for talking about eating my ass on Twitter, you little pig.”
It’s not a great story, but it's something of a morality tale. I certainly stopped sex-Tweeting my wife after that. Lesson learned. It absolutely BLOWS being hoisted on your own puerile petard.
Or, as I should say in honor of my good lady wife...
It does not “pown”.


>can't control his own body weight
>expected to be able to control a movie set