What was the point of the flood?

What was the point of the flood?

What is the point of anything?

There was no flood, it was all in Kevin Sr's head.

he's so hot

I like his green eyes.

Tune in next week when all questions are surely to be answered!

There was no flood. Kevin and his dad are legitimately insane and have infected their hysteria into others thanks to Matt.

Kevin hasn't been dying, just suffocating/drowning himself to cause himself to pass out from asphyxiation and dream.


Lindelof watched the last wave and thought it was a cool idea

how has justin thereoux maintained that exact same hairline for 20+ years?

Theroux is the prime example of a dude who was nerdy in his youth but turned into a millionaire chad when he got older.

I had a dream that I was an international assassin like Kevin last night except instead of Patti I had to overcome the mental ghost of my ex girlfriend

There's no point to any of the weird shit on the show except to imbue a pedestrian love story with artificial significance

He looks weird without stubble and without professional hairdressers carefully obscuring his hairline

What was the point of this thread?

There was never going to be any flood. That's what the opening with the seventh day evangelists was about, people seeing things and making judgements with flimsy/coincidental logic. The whole point of the show his how people react to the unexplainable in life. Kevin Sr. thought a flood would come from a random assortment of events because of the unexplained departure. It's pretty eye opening how people don't get the reason for nothing being explained in the show, because that's how real life is. Things seemingly happen for no reason, and we react to them in various ways.

Except when things happening for no reason is the entire premise of your show for three seasons that makes for a terrible story with zero depth.

>I don't watch the show

Run along now.

There was no flood.

Member the intro with the pioneer family on the roof?

He looks so much like my dad who was an irish cop here in new york.

By having a good stylist

Probably hair plugs/transplant and that shit you can shake in your hair to add volume and fill it thin patches. Because that shit is certainly not naturally. You don't get a hairline that recedes that severely and then just magically stops and stays there for 20 years.

How did Kevin see his dad high on God's Tongue in International Assassin through the hotel TV if he had no knowledge of what his dad was doing in Australia?

W-why is he so handsome, bros?