Watch this. A.W.E.S.O.M-O, given the current trends of the movie going public...

Watch this. A.W.E.S.O.M-O, given the current trends of the movie going public, can you come up with an idea for a movie that will break $100 million box office?

How about this: TJ Miller and um... James Corden are emojis and they try and get this kid laid or something

Remake of the signing of the Magna Carta starring Idris Elba

Great! We'll call it "The Emoji Movie"

It's a CGI blockbuster, but instead of a script there's some notes written on the back of a mcdonalds napkin
It'll make $17 in the US and a few hundred million in China

which one's playing eggplant?

Uh, ok how about this. Some strong white female lead gets romantically involved with an oppressed man of color, white men are evil wizards that try to stop their pure love.

Um... Piers Morgan

Michael Fassbender.

How about this: make 90% of the cast Chinese men who spend the entire runtime molesting a hot blond chick and have like a CGI monster in the background. No ghosts though.

Idris Elba

Ummm... processing ok um The Rock... like does something and it like.. appeals to both redneck white trash wrestling fans even though he's also kind of black but that means he also appeals to the fast and furious ghetto trash fans so like...the movie does good or something.

RJ Mitte plays a guy who just badly wants breakfast after a terrible night. He goes to a diner but it is taking over in an armed robbery and a very long standoff where he is held hostage.

Kek... Awesome-O, are you also a... pleasure model?

Loading...Comic book film... Starring the rock... Set in Shanghai... Multiple sequels....Female lead is played by Fa Bing Bing

Basically the plot of Hancock, except the white guys were Heat casting-call rejects rather than wizards

it's like the focus groups, producers, and share holders finally have enough control to make a true cinematic masterpiece!

alright.. so Adam Sandler.. is like a Golden Retriever.. and he decides to join the Marines for an invasion of Syria..or something

Adam sandler makes a cameo?

A black man white woman interracial couple have to fight against racists trying to destroy their relationship. In the end the racists die in a gruesome fashion in an awesome revenge porn montage.

So Alexandria Daddario plays like the first woman to be in a western bukkake porn, and he family disowns her, but she's her own woman, and it's really empowering..or something