Will nothing please these harpies?

Will nothing please these harpies?

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its fucking bullshit that women have to deal with sexism everyday

I hate how mansplaining has pretty much come to refer to that annoying situation when a man knows anything.

>SJWs need to invent words in order to group think narrate
>literally inventing fucking words to explain something

>Appealing misandry
If any website published "Appealing misogyny" there'd be blue haired landwhales trying to tear the place down brick by brick.

Stop oppressing women


Don't worry, in the real world no one takes them seriously

I'm worried that I'll fly off the handle and actually assault someone if they ever tell me to my face that I'm "mansplaining."

>treat every blockbuster staring women as a triumph of feminism despite females starring in movies for decades now
>cry, lactate and lick toilet bowls in celebration of a shitty super hero movie
>take self indulgent patronizing victory laps on social media as if this is some groundbreaking accomplishment
>act hostile towards men for no apparent reason despite men having created and bought wonder woman comics and other media for years and never opposed a feature length film

what's their actual fucking problem?

Holy fucking cringe.

>stop patronizing me omg

Fucking grow up

>Wonder Woman thread#400
>timespan: 3 fucking days

just what I was thinking about. thanks


This was such a glorious backfire, had to revisit it.

Holy Jesus.

Women are so fucking dumb

lol sounds like a Simpsons joke
"That was an appealing misandry you did there! HAHA, thank you but I couldn't avoid that mansplaining I got all over my shoes! Darn!"

Never try to appeal to SJWs.
They take it as a sign of weakness.
If you submit to their demands they will devour you.

>losing herself
It is so fucking easy to spot fake fans.

>be kinda chad, easy for girls to fall for
>hook with new girl
>the second this kinda shit comes out their mouths

no wonder so many women are not getting married anymore

>anita used that bitch like a steeping stone
>making bank now

>misandry is literally desirable now

Lesbians have always hated men.

They no longer want marriage. Men are now seen as being walking rape time bombs until proven otherwise

This is the cause in the recent rise in counter-semitism

>white name

Sup Forums was wrong again

Her mother is Jewish

>despite some appealing misogyny, Superman can't avoid a nagging

>those accents

>Brooklyn, NY

>Appealing Misandry

Of course she's a dyke

Wow you really think you can just mansplain ITT? Just wow, literally can't

Women can't ever be wrong, shitlord.

Haven't seen the movie yet, what """"""appealing misandry"""""" is there? Or is this just a SJW LARPing as a film critic?

Fucking ruined lol

You can't prove it until you die without raping someone, man-pig. Prove your worth by dying for the matriarchal cause


>walking rape time bombs
this phrase made me kek

I skimmed through the article, and basically, she's upset because a character has to explain to Wonder Woman certain things, like the existence of snow, or why people dressed weird in the Victorian era. Which are reasonable things for a character to be confused over, but Wonder Woman (apparently) is supposed to ascertain everything because shes a strong woman.
So to sum it up, is she just a SJW LARPing as a film critic? Yes.

>men having created and bought wonder woman comics and other media for years and never opposed a feature length film
Men wrote and produced this movie.

I really, REALLY hope this movie bombs.
Like, kills the careers of everyone involved, bombs.

This pro-feminazi agenda is getting on my last goddamn nerve.

He shut her the fuck down

Post link

>I really, REALLY hope this movie bombs
user, it's gonna make more money than BvS...

The movie is the complete opposite though

inb4 Captain Underpants buries it.

rekt m8

>come to refer
>implying it ever didn't


It's almost like it was specifically created to stop men from telling women anything because women don't always know what they're talking about but aren't open to ideas that are different from their own.

I was not even aware that there was a word that was the male equivalent of misogyny. Probably because it's never used because men don't fucking cry on the internet every time a sitcom husband does something dumb.



Literally women are ignorant dumb cunts and fucking Proud of it

No, never, because their entire moral center is based in self-righteous outrage.

You know what would be a better thing to say? "I'm not looking for an argument, but my initial opinion of this event is ___." Completely honest, doesn't involve made up words and it doesn't have jack shit to do with someone else's chromosomes. And even if you don't want someone to disagree with you, all you have to fucking do is ignore them if they disagree with you. Is this what male privilege is? Because women can do it too.

what even is that?

>A woman explaining something down to a man - condescending
>A woman explaining something down to another woman - condescending
>A man explaining something down to another man - condescending
>A man explaining something down to a woman - mansplaining

So if we already have a functional term, but we use a different, pejorative term dependent on the gender of the subject, isn't that the definition of sexism?

Women think arguments are bad

Literally anytime a man explains something to a woman that she didn't know. But because a man did it, it's automatically bad.

Stop mansplaining fuckboi

Animation movies make money a few ways

>Animals and/or cute mascot
>Some stupid shit that gets foreigners in seats

I don't see Captain Underpants doing much more than $300 WW.

It's the concept of a man speaking condescendingly to someone else, typically a woman or whatever analogous non male trans thing. Condescension is optional, but that's the general definition.

I don't even like arguments, but Christ, there are so many ways to avoid them that don't involve dumb shit like this. Maybe if you don't want someone to disagree with you, you can just shut the fuck up about it.

>A woman using the seat next to her for her purse or the seat in front of her to put her feet up - perfectly acceptable
>A man sitting with a wide stance - manspreading (an epidemic that MUST be stopped)

Remember when that woman tried manspreading on the train and nobody gave a shit?

Sounds like Melissa Anderson wants to get ducked by a hedge fund manager who turned her down once.

She sounds pretty salty that Chris pine is in the movie.

Everytime a man tries to defend a point that a woman is against, he's mansplaining. To some feminists men are not allowed to talk about feminist issues unless they agree with them. If they don't agree, every argument men say is automatically considered mansplaining, and it is automatically considered invalid and sexist.

Yeah, she spout a bunch of bullshit about how "people were giving me funny looks, I can't see how any guy that manspreads can put up with the social scrutiny"

Except she was fucking wearing a short skirt. That's why people were giving her funny looks. They could see her vagina.

They won't be happy until everything is in ashes.


What she thinks:
>omg, manspreading is a fucking travesty of white fucking male fucking privilege
What they thought:
>what's that smell? nevermind, i know what that smell is

Disagreeing with a woman pretty much makes you a rapist

fuckin' rekt. give this man a medal

post vid

Turn on adblock first.

TOXIC masculinity!

>>what's that smell? nevermind, i know what that smell is

imagine being a woman and having to be told everything because you know nothing.

I can understand why they'd be so pissed.

>"bu-but it is... It is a word p-people use..

It's kind of poetic how when anyone is asked to define "mansplaining", they do so with the same condescending tone they seem to root as the reason for the term. Also, when they say it out loud, you can almost see them start to realize how fucking stupid it sounds.

>Last name Anderson literally mentions man (Andros)
>Same etymology as the word "misandry"


Who wants to tell her?

Imagine being a human being and being willing to learn things.


>Comments are disabled for this video.

As long as nobody is surprised by this.

Woman here. Fucking sick of having to deal with ugly beta men thinking they have a shot with me because some old Hollywood movies convinced them the ugly guy gets the girl. So glad there finally are female role models and main characters to show these beta boys that we don't need them.

>inb4 mansplaining


That's definitely not what they mean by "mansplaining." The term is insufferably snide and inherently generalizing, but it still does refer to a phenomenon that definitely exists.

>gender studies teachers
>teaching history


what, you mean being a patronizing cunt?

I'll accept mainsplaining is someone comes up for a term to describe the bitchiness with which females disregard male opinions when they happen to be objectively correct but contradict a women's feelings so therefore must be wrong.

Misandry is a fundamental component of every version of feminism.

I honestly don't know how a supposedly self-respecting publication like The Guardian can bring themselves to keep providing a platform for this loathsome, moronic cunt.

>Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.
Why actually do this?

>Why actually do this?
They don't want to be argued with. They're only interested in their own voices.

The only time I've ever seen this "mansplaining" shit in real life, it went like this.
>girl makes dumb joke about mansplaining.
>another girl asks what mansplaining is.
>a beta faggot steps in and exclaims "I would explain it to you, but it's much more important to the issue that I remain silent and let women speak"
>the original girl explains it.
>the girl who asked just says "so, it's a man... explaining something?These new terms are really getting out of hand..."

Only the dumbest of fucks take this shit seriously in real life.

The author of the article was angry that because Wonder Woman is basically a fish out of water story where the main character is from an isolated island with no contact with the outside world, the man she was working with had to regularly explain things to her that she would naturally have no knowledge of.

Essentially, she pans the movie because Wonder Woman is not an all-knowing, all-powerful goddess.

No. It's their job to be offended.

It's also done by dream works

So they've remade Thor and/or Hercules Visits New York, but with a woman.

No...you...ww1...war...classic trope...i mean...

So they combined Thor with Captain America but with a woman.

it's LITERALLY suckerpunch.

She's got a vibranium rape whistle

That's pretty much what mansplaining always was.

>women says something wrong
>man interjects to correct her