God damn this little lady can not act

God damn this little lady can not act

God damn you really hate being a perma virgin, Jason. Wewza

ayy lmao

I can tell by that single expression on her face that she can't act.
What did she mean by this?

Whats the best photo you have of her neck?

Anything with her head tilted back with her clavicle exposed?

Them poison numbers

giv ayylmao gf

she makes my dick act (get hard)

I dont give a fuck she makes my dick hard

Better actress coming through....


What is this stance trying to convey?

>thanks for trying out for the part, what we're looking for is someone who can make her eyes well up with tears and stare at the camera like a sad puppy on quaaludes throughout the entire movie

>Hey Caleb why were you looking down there xD

To this day I don't understand why she was amused and teasing him in this scene

>Just lower my acting requirements to crying on que făm

what a shit picture

TW:waifu criticism
that Jew bitch literally cried when she saw wonder woman

you KNOW exactly why

Well no, first assumption is sexual but that's not possible because they're siblings

>thatJewbitch literally cried when she saw wonder woman
So, I cried after seeing Logan

Isn't she a witch though?
Aren't witch's problematic?
I didn't see it because it looks like barely concealed cûnny.

Did you cry because the lead was a male?

>that's not possible because they're siblings

I cried because females were underrepresented.

>willing human male has agreed to the copulation
>intercourse foundation has been established, a memory foam bed mattress
>subtly asserts her dominance, gently lays the human male flat on his back and begins straddling him
>grabs erection and inserts into her moderately lubricated pussy
>gyration begins, fulfulling various hip motions and analyzing the male's face to find the one he most likes
>when finding the one motion, gradually increase speed
>now the most important part, human male's bloodflow is maximized due to the stress of the intercourse
>male ejaculation reached, instantly slams down onto his pelvis and initiates kegel exercises
>due to her modified ayy physiology, her vaginal canal is perfectly modulated to maximize semen reception
>for example, the vaginal lubrication hardens after the heat of friction, keeping the erection locked in place, only able to be dislodged until the bloodflow reduces post ejaculation
>during the ejaculation process, the uterine passage and fallopian tubes initiates a pressurized vacuum that synchronizes with the male urethra, actually sucking up more semen from the now open prostate and vas deferens than the male would have released on his own
>so in essense, the woman sucks up the entire seminal content the male currently has in the most powerful orgasmic process he could ever experience

>now, with his entire genetic material spent, the male begins the refractory period.
>however, the vaginal lubricant also has a secondary function of injecting a time-release nerve agent that only enters the bloodstream when the male erection subsides, thus ensuring it only happens post coitus
>the nerve agent basically spreads through the muscles and nerves, placing them in a certain "stasis", at a period when the male is completely and utterly relaxed due to the subconscious belief that he has done his biological duty in passing on his genetics
>so now after his most enjoyable sexual encounter he is permanently in a state of blissful relaxation
>this muscle stasis also ensures the meat is as tender as can be and preserved for the future offspring to consume

hurry anons



Sup Forums criticism of actors
>post picture of a face
>act as if the criticism is so self explanatory you dont need to explain any kind of reasoning
You're only making yourself look stupid.