Wally West Storytime - Part 13

>My name is Wally West. I'm the fastest man alive.
It's the end of William Messner Loebs' run!

Previous threads:













Cool beans



It's a shame that Waid almost completely forgot about some of Wally's supporting cast. Especially Chunk.


>I thought the homeless problem was over.
That's what you said just before the LAST TIME you became homeless.

Yeah, that really sucks. At least Johns remembered Chunk a couple of times.

No he just wanted his own cast




And The Rogues.



Well, he remembered them more than just a couple of times, ha!


Underworld Unleashed. Glad johns remembers then and heatwave origin issue is sad.


I like how little The Rouges were used in Leobs/Waid's run. The idea that they weren't just The Flash's villains, but specifically Barry's


They were kind of misused during Waid's run, see Underworld Unleashed

And Manta Retcon was so weird.


Poor Manta, nobody knew what to do with him for so long.


Glad too see him return to Aquaman Rebirth.


Yeah, I just hope Abnett remembers to use Arthur's other foes as well, right now all he has is Manta and Orm, and Scavenger sometimes



This is the Eighties. Power Girl doesn't like anybody.



She's a nice girl, really.


Oh yeah, this was her radfem phase, right? Isn't there a panel where she's literally shouting "MEN!!"?




































Last Resort Mini when?














>The tightest shoe will fit before the grass is cut

