Redpill Business ideas

It's time for a brainstorming.

What kind of business will become big in the next decade? Also, what biz ideas based on redpill paradigms can work out?

is that artie lange?


kek yeah, the degenerate

Well you want to avoid anything to do with interest-based loans, seeing as France will become a caliphate within 10 years.

I don't want to do any business related to finance anyways.
About the caliphate, won't happen, mark my words. Divine providence will help

Artificial meat,self driving cars, Virtual reality game consoles, 4k Televisions, hologram cell phones

what's 4k television?

okay what's your background? It doesn't make sense to say "red-pilled business" if you don't have experience in anything.

The red-pill is that you will do well in a business that you love doing and can actually do.

I'm a developer who's been involved with many startups in my life.
I know how to start/run tech business (think websites/apps/games etc).

I'm looking for ideas that rely on redpill paradigms. because the way I see it: blue pill is a deviation from the truth. But being closer to the truth means you're closer to success (not always).

So I see there are big opportunities for business if you don't swallow blue pill lies. By the way, all the top dogs at the top of the corporate world are RP as fuck.

What makes you think anyone will share their legitimately good ideas with you? We're all keeping this shit for ourselves.

Why do you think the "big boys" are RP'd?

Look at the top finance/media guys.
They know the truth of the world. The moral choice they made is a different question.

Let's start with the "MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL. SAME THING. THERE ARE NO GENDER blablabla" all this bullshit.
I'd say the top marketers, top media guys know this is bullshit and do their work knowing this is a lie.
Just an example among many.

>What kind of business will become big in the next decade?
Selling an air, as allways.

I thought there would be some biz geniuses on Sup Forums

I'm disappoint

You're on /pol not /biz

Business is not about ideas but about execution.

>opening some kind of gym, where you teach self-defense
>selling security equipment and/or service

What is the point in discussing ideas if there is no discussion on how to execute them?

I don't see how people who can understand a man-made system and excel in it are red-pilled. One who masters the art of music, is he red-pilled? I don't know if you are using the term correctly mon frere

>Business is not about ideas but about execution.
it's about both dumbass

Both are very important.
Although I admit a mediocre idea + excellent execution is worth a lot more than the opposite.

And brainstorming ideas is great for the mind.

I'm trying to find ideas to exploit the narcissism of women. Care to help me?

Start a cosmetics or clothing company. Business jews have been exploiting that for literally centuries.

"Magic ideas" are for people afraid of executing.

Cosmetics/Clothing is so crowded at the moment, i'm thinking about app ideas where there is more room for innovation.

Successful business is rarely about great ideas. Mostly it is about convincing people that they need the product to satisfy their instincts. You cannot image how many genius ideas went of business because the people behind it didn't depend on the instinct issue.

Man I could really got for some Carl's Jr.

Those burgers are fucking shit but they are so good.

The best business, depending on where your morals life of course, is the kind of business where you sell an intangible thing for a tangible object. It can be a feeling, a sensation, a speech, friendship, love, anything really. Anyone who is able to get rich doing that is damned smart, but also a scumbag.

Interesting, care to develop more? Is that what you do?

Like tinder but for people who want to fight

the economy is going to collapse soon so make cheap shit targeted towards recent college grads

make a product and sell it. Being a creator and actively contributing to the human race are the only true red-pill.

look into bustle

also you're a faggot and your ideas suck

-stanford grad