Who's Tony's legacy character? Cap has Bucky, Spider-Man has Miles Morales, Carol Danvers has Kamala Khan...

Who's Tony's legacy character? Cap has Bucky, Spider-Man has Miles Morales, Carol Danvers has Kamala Khan, Johny Blaze has Robbie Reyes, even Hulk has Amadeus Cho.

That's kinda relevant question for MCU since RDJ is gonna age like milk.

It should be a hot chick.

Fiege has said that they're going to James Bond it.

Tony is more egocentric so I guess it makes sense he would have legacies. And so many of his stories are making sure no one else uses his technology

War Machine

Riri Williams

MCU is replacing heroes with entirely different heroes.

Cap (if not Bucky) will be replaced by Black Panther as the wise, noble warrior respected and admired by his countrymen.

Iron Man will be replaced by Spider-Man as the smartass science hero.

Thor will be replaced by Doctor Strange as the man who had to overcome his pride and is now deeply familiar with the arcane.

Mary Jane, I guess

But who will be the new SMASH?

Years ago, I would have said Amadeus Cho.
But now...I think it's Lila Rhodes. If they ever do anything else with her.

Wasn't it himself, or something? Like, there was a teen Tony once?

Teen Tony from The Crossing.

They will just invent a bastard child that can take up the mantle. Maybe like said since in one future vision thing (that has largely been forgotten now) he was said to have a daughter (or grand-daughter dunno). And MCU Tony also has a history of fucking around.

Isn't the current Tony Stark already a legacy character? I don't remember if they retconned it, but the original Tony was evil, and the current one is just a version of him from the past.

Teen Tony+Spidey=Shipping Fuel Infinity

>Fiege has said that they're going to James Bond it.
What, if the actors get too old they replace them with new faces?
That's bold given how connected the characters and actors are. But if it works with James Bond all the time I see no problem.

Who cares? Hulk was never popular.

Yeah just recast it and maybe have a dumb joke

Rhodey was Tony's legacy character, but then Tony came out of retirement permanently.
No. Original Tony was always a good guy until Civil War. During Civil War and Secret Invasion he did a bunch of really stupid shit that surpasses incompetence and borders on evil. Then instead of trying to redeem the character, they just restored him from a backup disk.

No, seriously. That's what they did. There was a backup of Tony's mind from before Civil War, and they re-installed it just like rolling your computer back from a restore point to get rid of malware.

Way, way back, the original Tony did indeed turn evil (and his actions were often questionable even before that - Armor Wars and Demon in a Bottle spring to mind) because he was under the control of Immortus, who was pretending to be Kang. Tony died, and was replaced by Teen Tony, the Tony Stark from a Poochier dimension, but when this didn't help sales he was killed off and put in the Heroes Reborn universe where, thanks to Franklin Richards recreating him from memory, he was kind of an amalgam of the two Tonys; he then escaped from this universe when Rob Liefeld threw a tantrum six issues in and walked off the project, meaning it all had to be brought back in-house at Marvel and hurriedly rewritten into Heroes Return.

The Heroes Reborn Tony - somehow - wasn't born until the 1960s in the universe he now lives in, even though the original Tony Stark was a middle-aged guy who built helicarriers back then.

What the fuck




I wonder how true they will stay to that. Notice how the side characters (with exception to WM) haven't been replaced yet. Especially Red Skull.

It was Rhodey. He was the replacement Iron Man when Tony got BTFO a few decades ago. The War Machine persona came afterwards, when Tony got better.
Of course in the MCU they've cast an 80 year old as Rhodey so it'll probably be Pepper or, if they go the multiverse route after Infinity War, Teen Tony.

One out of three. More like:
>Carol will replace Thor as the punchy hotheaded space hero
>Strange will replace Iron Man as the suave analytical facial hair bro
Retains the Freudian Trio dynamic.
I can't shake the feeling Spidey will remain something of an outlier, due to his shared rights situation and relatively low-key setting.

We don't talk about Teen Tony, and there's good reason for that.

It was Rhodey, now it's probably Pepper/Rescue.

Maybe that female War Machine soon.

>Isn't the current Tony Stark already a legacy character? I don't remember if they retconned it, but the original Tony was evil, and the current one is just a version of him from the past.

Heroes Reborn undid the Teen Tony thing. Blame/credit Franklin Richards.

It was Rhodey a long time ago. Hell, he even actually was Iron Man for a little while when Tony was deep into alcoholism.

But there isn't a single person on the planet who actually gives a shit about Rhodey, so he probably won't be it now.

Nigga I'm a rhodey fan. He was my favorite part of Iron Man comics in the 80's

Wasn't there a kid in Iron Man 2 or 3 that Tony set up with his own lab? I'd imagine they could just use that character in a few years, maybe he figured out a way to build his own suit IN A BARN, WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS, and he gets noticed by whoever the current Avengers are.

Closest thing in the mcu is Peter, unless he has a bastard child somehwere.

Teenage Kang the Conqueror.

I thought Tony was the legacy character for this guy.

>Cruise as Mister Fantastic never
why live

This is why normal people don't read comics...

>it'll probably be Pepper

doubt it, she's already 80 in Girl Years

he's had like three new bodies since then

hey there's always Moon Knight

>RDJ is gonna age like milk.
he's gonna become delicious cheese?

Didn't paltrow went crazy or some shit?

In the MCU?
Spidey, for sure.

>Quippy smart-ass
>Strong sense of personal responsibility

Once RDJ is too tired/old to do it anymore, I guarantee they're gonna make Spidey the new face of the MCU.