I cant belive - five days, milions o people in my shithole and "great ISIS" cant do shit xD

I cant belive - five days, milions o people in my shithole and "great ISIS" cant do shit xD

Seriously, they managed to do something in germany/france, but they're unable to do a thing.

I think muslim terrorist can finally go back to fuck their goats because they missed golden oportunity. maybe someone will offer them a place in museum of epic fails and world greatest dissapointment

> hurr durr ISIS stronk propaganda video
Haha, shill harder mudshit

>german and france with superior security and armed forces
> attacks on daily basis
> poland with famous poor defence, mainly because underpaid police wont risk intervention and/or suck with paper work
> 0 terrorist attacks

Other urls found in this thread:






And terrorist cucks still cant do shit, only bark about muh islam strong xD

I hope Poles don't pay attention to this senile Italian/Argentinian goblin.

He has lost all support from Catholics, the church has gone the way of governments; completely controlled.

Niemal całkowity brak kebabu i innych "ubogaceń kulturowych" jest w sumie jedyną dobrą naszą cechą. No, chyba że zaczniemy przyjmować ich zgodnie z zaleceniami Watykanu

They dont pay attention to anything. They're caling themself a 90% catholic country.

But when pope/priest says something bad about their behaviour, they go apeshit because you cant criticize a pole

But he did not do that O.o

Ale zauważ user że na SDM zjechali się ludzie z całego swiata i taki kebab niemiałby problemu z wbiciem się w tłum

To tylko utwierdza mnie w zdaniu ze ISIS to pizdy pastuchy harde na swoim piaskowym polu po jebaniu kozy xD


Party hard WYD style


Here's a link to a polish article from breitbart

*linked from breitbart

I wouldn't say that our defense forces are shitty. We have raised our security alert 3 weeks prior the event, monitoring everything. Right now internet is being check non-stop 24h for terror threats. Even people who make stupid jokes are being prosecuted. Our police even caught one shitskin from Iran who was renting an apartment near the road that pope was suppoused to take. He had traces of C4 on him.

well ISIS don't want to go there , you have such a bad reputation every arab is afraid to going to Poland.

I thought it was Iraq.

best proof for Poland being such a shithole, that even sandniggers do not take us seroiusly. Poland is literally worse than shit

Dear Putin please invade us.

Low energy bait.

>sandniggers dont take you seriously

They always hate Poland from its core but they cant do anything because you are to "racist"

It's because they are in rio.

We don't, I'm actually angry this fuck is telling us how to do politics. He should be preaching on how to save Christians being persecuted by fucking muslims everyday. Instead he wants pollut our nation with shitskins and their horrid ideology that islam is. Fuck this pope.

Poles don't support and don't help terrorists. That's it. Fuck Germans and French for helping terrorists in their countries out of guilt.

>No burgers in this thread.

>post yfw you were born in the safest country in the world

Good, we dont want them here.

Thanks to this guy.

Just off yourself.

Poland has given Muslims a LOT of good reasons to not want to come into the country. Most of them involved an armored, winged motherfucker charging at them on a horse doing their best to put a lance through their face.

Poland has been like that since the protestant reformation. IE, "we're whatever branch of Christianity that gives us the most benefit."


Not directly related to the topic, but I'm an American Pole that wants to connect with his roots and learn to speak the language of my ancestors (Great-grandparents, we don't leave Poland *that* long ago). Is there anything online that would help with that that isn't just throwing my money away?

All that he is accomplishing is losing eastern europe for the Vatican. Western Europe already doesn't give a shit about popes. Good job. Good fucking job.

I cant help you with that but I can post a meme

afaik it was sorta obvious they wouldnt strike there. They seem be trying to be unpredictable. I mean just look at their attack. Metro all of sudden, shops and shit. Places of daily routine where u do not expect them to strike.

Yeah, Bastillie day but its like no1 gave a fuck about it and so it was potential target.

As for things like NATO summit or SDM where every1 expected happening nothing happened.

I hope poland gets attacked so your diasporas will start shit in western europe against mudshits, we cant excactly rely on the swedes and germs to do anything except bending over.

He look it's that self hating faggot troll again. stop making poles look bad

Every Catholic I know hates him.

I'm a burger my wife's polish

>Is there anything online that would help with that that isn't just throwing my money away?
I can teach you some polish online when I get bored of work. You just have to leave some shady russian email in here.

By the way, You do realize that you can apply for polish citizenship, right? You can inherit citizenship from your great-grandparents.

> terrorist attack
> peeple instead of running away in fear, started to get angry
> some of them goes nuclear, gets improvised weapons by destroing local objects
> chase terrorist who hide in one building
>on second hour whole city goes savage, running with torches around city
> terrorist get burned alive in one house when people sing AUEAEUAEO ISLAMSKA KURWO
> next day 50% of city population got arrested for destroing local objects, burning house and making big mob without registering them first

How about you be a little more proactive, take out the longboat and and do a little bit of raiding to soften them up for us?

zapierdolić also means "to fucking kill someone".

Nobody talks like that anymore

> nie pierdol
"mi tu farmazonów" stays unspoken, but the meaning stays the same