Rebirth made me think of this. So quick storytime

Rebirth made me think of this. So quick storytime

Best issue of Astro City.

One of the best single issues ever

Get Ready

It's that one issue before the Vertigo run, isn't?

I have no idea

i actually don't like Astro City that much

No dawg, this is the wizard 1/2 released in between the original 6 issue mini and the first ongoing. And I second OP, one of the best single issues ever.

this issue tho? 20/10








Holy shit, why does it have the DC page flip logo? Someone download this recently? It was originally published by Image and Wizard.



For its digital release.

hope the resize didn't fuck this up

it's been printed sseveral times. the first came with a foil and non foil cover.

u got me

yeaah that's the ticket, i got this off comixology



a bloo bloo bloo


I saw this issue storytimes on Sup Forums before and it's what got me into reading Astro City.

Have they never done an Astronaut issue?



My anus is prepared.