Hey, do you speak English? Yes? Well that's just dandy...

>Hey, do you speak English? Yes? Well that's just dandy, do you mind pointing us in the direction of (local tourist attraction)?
What do you do?

To the red light district!

>I'm terribly sorry, but I don't speak nor understand a single word of english.

chances are the burgers are left perplexed about their ability to understand finnish.

Point them the right direction and even telling a route where they avoid any favelas they could encounter. Hospitality is always nice.

I always pretend to not speak english because I don't want to talk to them
also they speak so fast and like you were their friend
approaching someone in another country while speaking your language is very rude tb h
it's not because it's the lingua franca that everyone speak it

I would tell them directons for (local tourist attraction)

I am not an asshole.
No reasom to be an asshole

very stereotypical frenchman

how ?


Not him, but this seems to be the modus operandi of all french here. You're not the first french poster I see saying something like this.

I feel like no life will ever be like this, again


everytime an anglo asks me for direction I always send them to the wrong side on purpose. god, how many children vacation i must have destroyed

Direct them to the nearest Burger King.

>eh em sohree, baht je ne speak the ahngleesh
>*point them in wrong direction*

I'd point them to Villa 31.

*make as serious face as possible, turn on the movie accent*
>Go down street and turn corner. Have good day.

There are none here. Go back to your hotel.

with google maps is it even necessary to ask anything in the street?

Recommend them talking the villeros and smoking some paco.

Send them to Pieterburen, clearly lost.


The type of Americans to go around speaking exclusively English in a foreign country where they know English is not the primary language are also the type to not know how to use Google Maps.

direct them to the nearest immigrant neighborhood

Oh fo shu masta right dis way

Put a white flag out of my pocket, bite into an onion, offer them escargot and start playing the accordéon.
I think the only way not to appear rude to an American is to fit their stereotypes perfectly.

Its also here a stereotype that frenchies are either too stupid or too proud to speak english.

I say to them what I've said to a br*tshit couple that came up askign for directions.


lol @ their retarded faces

I avoid speaking English when I just washed my teeth.
Otherwise I would have to wash them again.