Kathy Griffin To Sue President Trump: 'You Have Victimized Me'

Actress and comedian Kathy Griffin now says she's the victim in the bloodied, beheaded Trump photoshoot, claiming the Trump senpai has bullied her.

The renonwned funny woman has hired attorney Lisa Bloom and will hold a news conference Friday. According to Bloom, she will lash out at the Prez, promising to get revenge for "bullying from the Trump family she has endured."

Kathy Griffin faced more fire today after reportedly traumatizing 11-year-old Barron Trump, who saw the images of his 'father's dismembered head' on CNN.


Her career is already fucked so she might as well double down

oh so this whole thing was a jew scheme to steal some shekels why am I not surprised

With every passing day she looks more and more like a nonpassing tranny.

Kind of a shame really. 15 years ago a mere 6 pack would've supplied enough beer goggles to make her fuckable.

Now between the Carrot-top-with-straightened-hair look and this batshittyness I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick.

She's going to lose in court, and fade into obscurity.

>I took a picture of me with a man's severed head to cause controversy.
>Please feel bad for me now that it's gotten me into deep shit.
This F-list "comedian" is going to ride this as long as she can to stay relevant.

>desperately claws at screen
>"I'm relevant!"

people fuck drumpf and white fuck

They just don't get it.

a reaction is bullying?
fuck liberals christ


I hope this goes to court. I want to see her lawyers actually try to pull of the "I was only pretending to be retarded" defence

>I took a picture of me holding their fathers decapitated head
>omg stop saying bad words about meee

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
- Polish Proverb

What did Trump do personally? I haven't been following this much

>the absolute state of lefties in 2 0 1 7

i am lafffffinnn

Journalists in Syria have been established to be aiding ISIS beyond just providing propaganda cover; the Mighty Wurlitzer is wheezing itself to death attacking its audience. I am so done with this nonsense that the First Amendment protects censorship or nudging campaigns by hostile elites.

>american liberalism

>omg stop saying bad words about meee
Did they even say bad words about her? All I saw was them saying it scared barron and that they didn't like it. Did I miss the personal attacks?

>she took a picture holding Trump's head
>Trump's 11 year old son thought it was real and got scared
>Trump posted on Twitter that he was upset because she scared his son, and that she's sick
>she thinks she's the victim

Nothing. Griffin is the idiot who saud plainly what everyone around her was implying but not spelling out. So they have to crucify her to look semi-professional, but this is hardly a new or original thing.

>went full Isis on the president

Fuck she think was gonna happen?

I agree with her hillary should have won its not fair it's not fair

any sympathy I had for her just vanished

im glad her career is over now

What's the point of posting this? Why can't you just shake your head and move on?

Oh, nevermind, I know why. Sup Forumstards are such fragile snowflakes and can't take anyone making fun of their god emperor so they post stupid shit here for reaffirmation.

only people who hate the US support trump

griffin is a patriot for attacking him

She is the victim