He never look at original cave painting, only ever see fire light shadow puppet

>He never look at original cave painting, only ever see fire light shadow puppet

Other urls found in this thread:


>he read BC or Marble cave painting
>he not read Drawing and Black Mammoth cave paintings

There go uggas who fail at shadow puppets.

Thread music:

Say that to face and not across canyon.

You ever go see cave painting? Always smelly cave dwellers there. You describe painting, they say no, that not canon. Have to look at every other painting first.

You go see shadow puppets, get to breath fresh air. Shaman give funny smoke, make shadows more fun. Get to see stars, shaman tell stories about those too.

Cave paintings for smelly no-maters.

B.C. New Birth >>> Marble Tribal War II

Captain Cro-Magnon v Rock Man #48545845844>any BC

No Fear cave painting better

Me not same cro-magnon, but what No Fear?

You total monkey. Go back to tree.


Me am bring superior music to fire talk
Pleases gods
Story of great beard hunter


cro-magnong friend being right

>when Sun-Man have Captain Caveman's block-rock and Mightor's skyfire club
Good painting

>40,016 BC
>cro-magnons still am say "BC/Marble/Black Mammoth/No Fear/Painting/no--tribe cave paintings am crap. Must only see no-tribe/Painting/Black Mammoth/Marble/BC cave paintings or then be stupid neanderthal

this make me sad. all cave painters have good cave paintings. me think fellow cromagnons better read everything they am liking. no matter what tribe of painters

>Captain Caveman be neanderthal all time long
me am take crap over Marble

You are of skarab.

I say that am good looking painting but bad story
it decided by cromagnon-hand-raising, so many fighting results plain mammoth poop

me no understand

he no neanderthal
he of many-headed-snake tribe
YOU less advanced neanderthall for not realise Captain Caveman am great hunter with hidden plan, or maybe shammaned head

>nother fireshadowoog pooing in painting cave

You am mistake Marble vs. BC with Good League/Revenger

>he still read Marble

so berrypicker. go back to tumbling rocks

>not using mind interface holograms
get on my level cunts

>More cave arguing
Haha! Gathering of bottom rock dwellers always give me good chuckle. Only argue about paints and who be worse at paints. One day you all go outside? Go and hunt mammoth like regular man? You all just lesser women at this point.
I go get handful of berries to watch coming dung rain you all make.

i have. realise now.
me am sorry. here. have new stone axe.

talking thing of future smells nice
also no hair. must be berry-picker
we am mate now

*clubs head*
*drags into cave*

what you do in cave painting talk place then, you stupid neanderthal?
you do same.


while u white devils were bein cavemen n shit us BLACK men were bein kangz and building pyramids n shit

My tribe made by wise man Yakub. You tribe made of monkey by volution. We am fly to stars one day, you am still monkey that day.

I come here when done with hunting big fur beasts all day. You bottom dwellers always here, never leave cave. Always know where to find you group. I already come home to sexy wife who is only 70% hair - best in cave village. I kill time until sleep with good laughs.

I get berries from cave women, no pick them by self. YOU women.

*teleports behind you*
not so fast cunt

Me only like fire hand puppet shows

cave paintings nothing but neanderthal pandering

>me do not have mate berry-picker

we mated three winters ago. she like cave paintings too. very beautiful. only hair on haid

you go stuff club in poop hole and go away with opiniions

why am boy-whose-ten-sisters-all-live best cave painting am painted today?

you too late, clean berry picker
me am knocked you out
my meat stick already deep in
you take seed now. make strong hunter offspring

why no No-justice: gods on land cave painting to be seen today?

Beard Shaman and Beard Shaman followers will angry at cereal painter for New Birth. Me think it is good idea to include blue shining one into BC stories.

Who win in battle: Man with Arrows of Green or Man with Eyes like Hawk?

Man with Arrows has Punch Arrow. He win.

but you havent seen me in my final form caveman

they really different things
you am to compare B.C. New Birth VS Marble Present

Man with Eyes like Hawk done many ridiculous things
cave painters expect us believe he only caveman, but all he do is super
he the better hunter

man with arrows of green can tie rock to arrow. Me think Man with Eyes like Hawk would have head cracked

>2016 BC
>Not reading on tablet

>2016 BC
>Not breeding with Unga and Bunga
>Not being alpha leader of pact
Me think you are ape who love male meat appendages

We need a Loss edit.

Tribe not need more Unbirth redo of cave paintings. Fuck out of tribe.

>"Me father put stick in ground. Make time shadow."

What Ugga Moore mean this?

Ugga Moore has secret knowing of why some has lines on face and some not have.

>breeding with unga and bunga
how can you breed with unga and bunga when all 3 of you have penis

is Conan good prediction of future?

Hail unga

It not gay if wearing loincloth

What is?

Loud Cave

>everybody talking cromagnons and neanderthals
>2016 BC
>not 40,016 BC

What am best contemporary cave paintings and rock carvings?

we already have this thread last moon. stop trying to make caveshit epic maymay, it never happen

Want to drag Cavewoman to my cave.

>it never happen
>days-long thread in last two editions
>everybody has fun but you want us not to
>we make the usual discussions funnier/creative

demon of future crazy. eat him

You am no fun.


go back future man

>You'll never be stuck alone on an island with that cavewoman

Damn shame.

Me have to search for new cave painting store, owner got eaten by wolf
dont know why keep happen

>fly to stars

You unga too many shaman mushrooms.

Me get new Rahan Action Fetish, Limited Bunga Edition!

forget munga.

>1000 b.c.
> still get action fetishes on rockbay

Do you think Yakub stays in exile among the Anunnaki on Nibiru because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created here on earth?


me no unga steven starboy, too many rock woman and starboy no mate with small spear woman

starboy cry very much, is berrypicker

why never pick talk about red cow broke horns?

am dying of uprightshit

cow mother talk banish cow paintings

God damn it.

>Sup Forums is comprised of filthy, unwashed cavepeople

Get with the fucking times.

If you had as many shiny rock as Ungah Scrooge, what would you tell cave painters to paint?

Big words from berrypicker.



woman with big dirty feet

me offended you offended!

woman mate with meatstick

but that wrong.

me am confused

why giant green woman die from flying exploding spear shiny rock man's black neanderthal friend accidentally threw? am she not stronger and stronger than 5 woolly mammoths put together? it make no sense

why is bald, talky man allowed to paint on wall with everyone else when he no play nice and respect other painters' contribution to whole cave painting?

because he alpha talky man
the alpha talky man?
the alpha get to make decision for painting
big decision
even if choice stupid
stupid like talky man.


amazing. spectacular.

flying exploding shiny rock be weapon for hunting big alpha purple hunter

>me never mate with the she man

she painting, no mate

Why black flying man have such powerful weapon in his shiny loincloth if possible for it to fly by accident?

underrated post

because bald talky man total mammoth poop head


me love these threads
always gets me bellowing

dumb berrypicker

Angry frog tribe should go back to berrypicking

Me hate fat ugly berry-picking no-maters ruining cave paintings


Me think Marble fire light puppet shows much more better than marble cave paintings/. Cave paints all done by berry Pickers that want to make everyone into berry picker. Fire light shows have mammoth hunters that are real mammoth hunters, not stupid berry Pickers.