Why dont you support Jill Stein?

Why don't you support Jill Stein? Green Party is not just about environmentalism, they have a full fledged platform of issues they address. Clinton and Trump are the same on most issues. Stein actually has a unique platform.

Jobs as a Right, and Key Support for Labor

• Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Government would be the employer of last resort, and the unemployed would have an enforceable right to make government provide work. Create direct public employment, as the Works Progress Administration did, in public services and public works for those who can't find private employment.

Health Care as a Right:

•Establish an improved “Medicare for All” single-payer public health program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings by eliminating the $400 billion annually spent on the paperwork and bureaucracy of health insurance. No co-pays, premiums or deductibles. Access to all health care services, including mental health, dental, and vision. Include everyone, period. No restrictions based on pre-existing illness, employment, immigration status, age, or any other category.

Justice for All:

•Terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, close Guantanamo, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial. Repeal the unconstitutional provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act that give the president the power to indefinitely imprison and even assassinate American citizens without due process.

•America's youth should not be put in jail for offenses they commit.

These are just some of her platform positions.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jill Stein wants the US to withdraw support for Israel. She's a fucking idiot.

Because contrary to Sup Forums knowledge I am actually not a cuck.


I do support Jill Stein actually. I think everyone who supported Bernie should vote for her.

and so on and so on and so on

>withdraw support for Israel
>a fucking idiot
Come on, dude.

she wants to build a wall on the mexican border

She also wants to take in Syrian refugees and is overall a fucking huge progressive socialist.


pretty based for not shilling for Israel and also blaming neoliberals and the Clintons on putting the world into its current state. her stance on "assault weapons" is dumb though and she has a stigma of being into homeopathic healing crystals and shit.


Not even staying in the shadows anymore.

I took the Jill Pill.

>Jobs as a Right
>Create living-wage jobs
Government's role is not to employ everyone, once again. That was done before...with communism. The money for those wages has to come from taxes and the government is pitifully inefficient at everything it does.
>Medicare for All
Anything other than what we've got now would be an improvement, prefer Trump's idea before of issues with public healthcare in other countries but wouldn't be terribly opposed to it if she cracked down on immigration.
>Justice for All
If she does do those things then great, would support that
>youth should not be put in jail
What is her proposed alternative?

Also what is her stance on immigration? Gun rights/control? Foreign policy other than Israel? Terrorism?

I support Trump but will humour you by learning more

She is kinda hot for an old lady desu

I would vote for her before Johnson that's for sure.

I wonder if she drinks piss...

She's who I tell Hillary supporters who vote for a vagina to vote for. Basically just make the argument "do you really want our first female president to be this corrupt?"

Because she's a fucking idiot who's almost literally campaigning on a platform of unicorns, rainbows, and a million dollars for everyone in the country. She would absolutely no way be able to implement 95% of the shit she's proposing.

She isn't even on the ballot in NC. :(

As an independent I wish 3rd parties had more of a chance but they really don't with how the system currently is.

because she's a dumb DUDE WEED kike bitch


Damn, I want to #FillTheJill now.


Need I say more?

You need to contact your local gov't and see if you can actually put her on the bill. You'd need signatures but I'm sure if we got Sup Forums to work together we could do it. Also, you could go to a college campus where you could get many signatures as well.


They already tried.

>America's youth should not be put in jail for offenses they commit.
1/10 made me reply.

Because people like she and Sanders have no concept of reality. I can promise toy this-- Western Society will never advance to anywhere near its full potential until we accept what science has been telling us for over 100 ears: negroes and mestizos are not as intelligent as Whites.
the fewer Whits you have, the harder it is to run the type of society they describe. You can have that sort of society in Iceland (which i all White, and where you have nations like the US doing all the tech innovation).
The ultimate answer to to split the US into about 4 or 5 different nations and let people live with their own kind.

She wants you to stop sucking Israel's dick, she'll never get enough support

hello there Shlomo!

this, what a gilf

Shit. We need to try to get her on the bill for our respective states, especially blue states.

>Also what is her stance on immigration?
>Improve economic and social conditions abroad to reduce the flow of immigrant refugees, in part by repealing NAFTA, ending the failed drug wars, and halting CIA and military interventions against democratically elected governments.

>Foreign policy other than Israel?
>Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, human rights, and nonviolent support for democratic movements around the world.
>Stop U.S. financial and military support to human rights abusers. Barring substantial changes in their policies, this would include Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt.
>End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, withdrawing troops and military contractors.

>Freeze the bank accounts of countries that are funding terrorism, including the Saudi royal family.

Because I want Earth to look like Coruscant.

>Clinton and Trump are the same on most issues

I'd probably vote for her if I was Murrican tbqh.

Im a trump supporter bit I do want bernie bros to vote for this old kike bitch

That's it guess I'm a #jillpickle now

>A socialist Jew

Nah I hate her but I support all the Democrats who are going to vote for her and emcourage all of them to do so!


I want to bang her so bad. She looks just like my ex gf if my ex were 40 years older.

Willing to bet Jill Stein likes a finger up the ass while she's getting fucked, too.

Voting this sonsabitch

Because I'm not a hippy.

Because I don't support homeopathy, alternative medicine, AIDS denialism, banning nuclear power, or banning GMOs.

Wow, I don't agree with any of those positions. In fact, you could say I disagree with them entirely, with the exception of ceasing spying in citizens. Thanks for confirming me in my intense disagreement with a politician who I would otherwise be in total ignorance of considering she has no chance of attaining high office and she would already be classified under politicians so wrong I have no reason to care about them.

>America's youth should not be put in jail for offenses they commit.
Are you fucking serious? Do you think anyone on Sup Forums is going to agree with this?

I don't support Jill Stein. I want the Sandernistas to support Jill Stein though, just so that Crooked Hillary will lose.


>foreign policy based on diplomacy...nonviolent support
Sounds vague as fuck and hesitant to back anyone who plans to support "democratic movements" in any way given the precedents
>Stop support to human rights abusers
Ok, quite like anyone who will give the finger to Saudi Arabia and Israel
>End the wars
Also good
>Freeze the bank accounts...
Meh, sounds like a non-answer. Would support that but that's not going to do shit about radical Islam, at least in the short term

basically this

>so spend more money on foreigners? Only will lead to a bigger deficit and more countries expecting stuff.
>yes, go to war over muh human rights
"Bye bye oil!

>end the wars in....
She is a bit behind huh? Too broad of a policy

How the fuck will she freeze them?
>won't stop terrorism lmao

we should support Jill all over internet and then vote Trump.

>Sounds vague as fuck
It means "stop spreading democracy with drones".

She means she wants to end NAFTA, which has only hurt Mexico and increased the flow of immigrants to USA.

By the way, unless Trump has flipflopped again on this issue as well, he wants to end NAFTA too. Clinton wants to re-evaluate it, whatever that means.

Yet plans to still nonviolently support "democratic movements." Whether bombing brown people, starving them, indebting them, or inciting civil war it's all shit. Not saying I don't want to end the drone strikes but I'd choose Trumps apparent non-interventionism (unless I'm mistaken and she's actually more isolationist than it sounds)
Good, what are her intentions regarding immigration in general? And illegal immigrants specifically?

Also about ending the war in Afghanistan. USA just made it longer. How well has this war on terrorism worked so far?


>whatever that means
It means she won't do shit.

shes beyond retarded regarding nuclear energy and a number of other things.

Like legitimately learning disabled.

Not denying that, one of the near-infinite reasons I'd vote for a rock over Clinton

>we should support Jill all over internet and then vote Trump.

really? how clever!

>Halt deportations and detentions of law-abiding undocumented immigrants, including the shameful practice of night raids being used to terrorize refugee families.
No information about the people coming in.

More of a gun grabber than Feinstein.

>•America's youth should not be put in jail for offenses they commit.

This is retarded. I am in agreement that there are serious issues with our justice system but the idea that many of our youth don't deserve to be thrown in prison is fucking retarded.

Is that sarcasm? If I gave a shit, I would be spending a significant amount of my time trying to convince Bernouts to vote for Stein.

>Halt deportations
Well they're criminals living here, I'm in favor of deporting them. If a new path to come back legally is created that's fine but the whole "do nothing" stance regarding those already here is just annoying

Anything about tax plans, gun laws, judicial system, or corporate outsourcing?

She's Green, of course her gun control policy is stupid.
>We certainly need an assault weapons ban, but we need more than that. There are some 260 people every day who are injured or killed by gun violence, so it's very important that we ban assault weapons, for starters, but there are other steps that need to be taken quickly. Local communities need to be able to regulate guns, as needed, to deal with their violence. So, we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. We need background checks, so that the mentally ill are not possessing and using guns. And we need to end the gun show loopholes, as well, because there's far too much violence from guns, which is not needed.
>It is more dangerous to the occupants of a home to have a gun than not. It's more likely that you'll be injured by your own gun than that you'll be defended against some intruder with that gun. It's an enormous public health problem in our cities--there are tragedies every day where young people are being shot, as victims of gun crimes. It's tragic. We're not arguing that nobody should have a gun--but public safety should factor into constraints.


Hey kids don't think Bernie is liberal enough?

Well than have I got a candidate for you!

I'll take a bullet before I vote for a socialist

>Government would be the employer of last resort
Forgetting for a second how this line goes against the whole rest of that section, what polices will she be putting in place to enable private employers and thereby help those looking for private employment?

>Include everyone, period. No restrictions based on pre-existing illness, employment, immigration status, age, or any other category.
>>Penalizing being a citizen, encouraging further flooding at our borders, immigration status is worth mentioning yet veteran status is too low a priority to even make it on the list
Into the trash it goes.

That's all well and good but how does it address the myriad illegal residents, the enforcement of our national borders, the mess we created in the ME, and the fact that we don't want anymore fucking muslims here?

Meaning strength without being a dick about it or meaning careful not to offend fee-fees?
>international law
Why hello globalist agenda, what are you doing out of the trash where you belong?
>human rights, and nonviolent support for democratic movements around the world
What about the dudes who give no fucks for human rights in their own countries, violently suppress democratic movements in their countries, and are actively working to remove both in ours? What's the plan on that front?

>Freeze the bank accounts of countries that are funding terrorism,
...of which we are one. We dismantle the fed nao?

Also you skipped the 2nd Amendment bit.

That isn't a glorious British name.
I think we know who's behind this. Pic related.

Hillary is Hillary and Johnson is a "libertarian" sellout but I'm quite comfy on the Trump Train

It all sounds very ideal but where does all the money come from? A vote for her is a vote less for Donald.

Don't let goldman sachs get another 4 years in the white house. Vote Trump or watch your country deteriorate further.

Obviously, you shill Stein to those who don't want to make America great again.

She's pretty hot for an older broad. I'd fuck her.

Because I'm not a socialist.

>Wanting to ban nuclear energy
>"green" party

Why do you think prisons are effective at ending crime? Or are you so cynical that you believe the problem of crime cannot be relieved therefore we need a hard handed punishment system to satisfy your sense of moral justice? You know, a little bit of mercy and true correctional support can go a long ways in the life of a young person instead of sending them to crime U aka prison.

Immigration is only a problem because capitalism pits worker against worker. If those workers were in unions and scummy employers were told to fuck off it would be fine

And capitalism causes refugees and immigration by destroying countries for plunder and distorting wealth concentrations across the world.

Nobody gives a fuck about these losing hands, Stein and Johnson.

Yes liberals, go support #JillStein, she surely has a chance against Hillary, she'll probably win!

>Jobs as a right
Stopped reading there. It probably got even dumber than that but it doesn't matter

Prisons aren't particularly effective and indeed the system as it is now is utter shite. But I would like to hear the proposed alternative
There's a limited amount of lawns to be mowed, bread to be baked, etc. Where there is scarcity obviously there will be competition, not every single person can have whatever job they want when the jobs are limited and specific. Your utopian ideas are nonsense founded in idealistic philosophy.
And no capitalism did not cause that, corrupt governments and globalism were the primary cause (though to blame one single thing is to be short-sighted)

>distorting wealth concentration
M8 the US would still be the richest nation.
>most fertile agriculture
>vast stores of oil and diverse mineral deposits
>most advanced technology
>and that's just California
Britain would be an absolute shit hole without the wealth moving properties of the capitalist system.

I'm not a commie Jew faggots from new York. I live in the north west my whole life. It's really fucking green and I bet I give more fucks than she does.

So what, we support them unconditionally even with their human rights violations?

Two state solution

My personal plan is this
>totally defund juvenile detention system and move the truly dangerous just absolutely fucked cases to mental health facilities or regular prison
>take the money saved and instead spend it on state sponsored boarding schools
>free to attend students from statistically slummy areas regardless of race get first dibs to attend
>break the cycle of shitty upbringings in single parent homes by providing the structure and security kids need to succeed
>provide simple uniforms for every student. Two sets. They do their own laundry, cooking, cleaning etc. Tasks are divided evenly and fairly and rotate so everyone learns real life skills as well.
>in a generation crime rates will drastically reduce due to increases of people receiving solid education without distractions of da hood wilst simultaneously learning the real life skills needed to survive and thrive like how to cook affordable healthy food instead of mac n cheese and shit.
This will likely never happen though as prison guards are one of the strongest special interest groups.

That ignores the issue of the actual crimes though. Does not address the issue of what to do with underaged criminals, just let them go?
Additionally while state sponsored schools sounds nice, many of the kids in question aren't the sort who bother going to school anyway; not to mention the issues with American public schools (and those of public schools in general)
I personally would be in favour of special underaged prisons for those who necessitate greater punishments; while they're in, force education and skills on them so they won't be completely worthless when they get out. As for lighter crimes...that's not really an issue judicial reform can solve, need to encourage traditional families (single mothers are practically factories for criminals according to the statistics) as well as reforming schools to not just teach 80% useless shit but also teach practical skills and such

>unlimited third world immigration

Nope. Sage.

Fascist marxism through the Backdoor, fuck off green commie

The low level offenders would go to the boarding school. And we are only talking about crimes committed by juveniles, which would drop drastically once they are all in boarding schools away from 'da hood'

But once again you're assuming they will actually go to the school; unless you're planning on rounding them up and locking them in the prison, very few would actually bother. Those that would, sure they would have a better life. But they are in the minority.

locking them in the school*

You have to separate the kids from the whole environment. Just adapting schools and detention doesn't work because there are too many negative influences and distractions from the task at hand. To best break the cycle you gotta start grooming them at a young age before they fall into bad habits. So the schools are for everyone starting as young as 2nd grade

>America's youth should not be put in jail for offenses they commit.
niggers won't get punished for crimes, so they will rob and shoot whatever they find. gj mrs. stein.

And are you endorsing forcing the kids to separate? If so then I oppose you on the grounds that that would be taking students from their parents to sit in what could potentially be indoctrination camps.
If not then your plan won't work because otherwise many won't go so you don't really fix the problem.

I agree the environment is the issue but we should start by seeking to alter the environment, such as by encouraging families to stay together (perhaps by not giving any tax breaks to parents who divorce, for example) and removing the BLM anti-cop culture.
Also adapting schools would work to an extent, as they are now they are effectively massive wastes of time to the kids, they don't want to sit around for 6 hours a day listening to some old people drone on about meaningless shit. Need to make schools more engaging and meaningful and you won't have as much of a problem with students wanting to avoid it

If they are already criminals they will have to serve their sentence through the school. If they run away that's on them they threw away their opportunity and next time they pop up in the justice system, which they will cuz those types always do, they will be charged as an adult with the additional charges of escaping prison essentially. It's not really an issue anyways the plan like I said is based on prevention of future crimes not trying to retroactively fix people who are fuckin up.
>throwing good money after bad.
You can further incentivise attendance through social stipends etc. It's gonna be pretty popular with deadbeat parents and the responsible extended family members who are forced to take care of way too many kids. The adults sign them up and put them on the bus to go away to school. Sure maybe some kids try to run away or drop out or something but you can't save everyone senpai and you shouldn't knock a plan that can't and be wary of ones that claim they will.


I mean all public education is indoctrination but whatever. Who cares as long as you are indoctrinated with the right principles. Could probably turn the schools into a pipeline for the military too since poor kids already are their main source of man power. That'd be dope. American Agoge senpai.

Also you will never make school more fun to a 9 year old than postin up in the crack trap with his older cousin and idol ray ray playing madden and smoking weed.

That's the point, familia.
If you want to avoid a bad president, you pick the one with magic for campaign promises. Because they can't do anything harmful since no one will go with it.

>they will have to serve their sentence through the school
So what I said earlier
>If they run that's on them
No it's not, crime affects those of us who do nothing wrong. We need to solve the problem, not just propose a solution then blame them when it doesn't work; either fix the problem or say fuck it and lock them up the first time (at least that way you're preventing them from committing more crimes while in there)
>social stipends
No necessarily against that
>you can't save everyone
No you certainly can't but you can propose a solution that won't just work with the few who are already not contributing to the problem in question.
I agree all public education is indoctrination
>Who cares as long as you are indoctrinated with the right principles
That is such an extremely naive and, frankly scary, perspective. Who decides what is the "right principles?" Was Nazi Germany fine with doing that? How about the Soviet Union? Modern universities? You need an education that will teach children to teach themselves as will as give them the skills to do so and to survive on their own.

Jobs and healthcare are not a right, and any state intrusion in trying to force this is fallible.

I'd rather dip my balls into a blender than ever vote for the Green Party