Why does she like James so much over Winn and Cat's son?

Why does she like James so much over Winn and Cat's son?

Why the hell would anyone like Winn?

What about Cat's son?

How is James better than him?


/fit/ that's why.


His penis is black.

She has a preference for black men.

No big deal. We all have our preferences.

She's able to be honest with Jimmy, because Jimmy already knows about Supergirl.

Also, about being a Turtle Man, a Porcupine Man, or a Werewolf. The life of Jimmy Olsen is a hard life.

Also, she accidentally hit Winn with a Friend Zone projector that she found in her rocket, where the Phantom Zone projector was in Kal's

Never forget that angry user

I wonder about the sex and orientation of this poster

Isn't it obvious.

Holy kek this guy has some repressed fetishes or something


Who the fuck is jimmy? You mean james olsen.

It's funny, Melissa Benoist is married to the guy and they had the least convincing relationship of them all.

>Implying she likes any of them more than she likes Cat.

One "KIERA!" and she'd leave any of the boys in a heartbeat.

he's handsome, despite the show ignoring it
he's also a total sweetheart, smart and brave

You have to wonder about these people. Why do black men and black cock trigger them so?

Love triangles don't work if the rival is a loser

I can't explain the feeling
I'm triggered by it too but I generally try to suppress it.
It mostly has to do with the fact that blacks and Latinos are generally more confident, but dumber. The fact that women are attracted to this is enraging, because they're contributing to devolution by putting dumber genes into the gene pool.
I understand that in this case James is more of a mellow and smarter guy, but the idea behind it is still triggering just to think about

The writers wanted to pander to liberals.

>It mostly has to do with the fact that blacks and Latinos are generally more confident, but dumber. The fact that women are attracted to this is enraging, because they're contributing to devolution by putting dumber genes into the gene pool.
You are the one who's dumb.

Like, incredibly stupid.

But this is a fact

>resorting to posting """""facts""""""

and this

Kek, get over it, whitey. Gonna be great to see whites dethroned as the majority.

I'm not even white.
I just know that whites and asians are the superior races
doesn't take insecurity to put two and two together

By the literal definition of it, shouldn't the world iq always be 100?

Shhh, you'll break his fragile world view. It certainly wouldn't help to start talking about the actual relevance of IQ, or the questions on how culturally specific most assessments are.

I don't know. I'm not white but I hate all these mixed race couples on TV. I especially hate turning a fucking nerd into a handsome cool black dude who fucks supergirl.

never fail to dance around minor semantics Sup Forums
my original point still stand strong

Traditionally, Jimmy's role in most Superman shows has been comic relief.

In Supergirl, it's more of a supporting role, and a way to shoehorn in a familiar name. He isn't being used the same way, and there's no real reason he has to be a bumbling nerd either.

Self-hating minorities are the worst.

If it makes you rage, you should seek a psychologist.

Siobhan liked him well enough to fuck him in the supply closet.

>my original point still stand strong

Your original point stands strong like the colossus of rhodes.

Why does Sup Forums think about black dick more than me?

And I'm black

But this chart is by region...Even ignoring the human migrations, you have people like Native Americans being counted in.

Are you just stupid or generating conversation?

As a Hispanic, I am glad to see black stays the same