What do southern Americans sound like to the rest of the world? Is it an aggressive or passive accent? Attractive?

What do southern Americans sound like to the rest of the world? Is it an aggressive or passive accent? Attractive?

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>aggressive or passive

You know it will make sudacas confused, don't you?

Here in Joisey and pretty much all of America a southern accent is associated with being lower class

Of course there are different types of southern accents, some which sound higher than others

I'm glad that New Jersey has passed judgement on our classlessness

I can rest easy at night now

>Is it an aggressive or passive accent? Attractive?

None of the above, just sound like the aural manifestation of sister fucking

New York here, Southern accents give the impression of being lower class and having lower IQ. Some areas in the South sound slightly better than others, but for the most part they're all equally shit

Have a nice day!

It sounds like intellectual disability. Not trying to banter or anything, the association comes directly from american movies, books and series and I acknowledge that.

>watch cartoons for little girls
>getting to have opinions
pick one

watching chinese moving pictures while shitposting

I find it cute and endearing. Stereotypes aside a Southern accent is one of the few American accents I actually like to listen to. The Boston and classic New York ones sound wonderful too. Everything else ranges from horrible to barely acceptable.

correct opinion(s)

retarded and uneducated, which largely lines up with HDI

Then maybe you should learn the difference between "South Americans" and "Southern Americans / Southerners" if you want to communicate in English on an English language imageboard. No one has to baby you.

Your heat map shows the percentage of whites. South eastern states are disproportionately nigger.

>Here in Joisey
OMG I could here the Jersey accent from a mile away.



Been around the country lived in both North East and West US.
And everyone thinks they sound dumb, unintelligent.

It's mostly memes and keks tho.
But most of the people I grew up with actually believe they are poor and dumb.

For me, it sounds good but not attractive, it's pleasing to hear but it's not a turn on sexually

and? niggers are southerners, southerners are niggers. same dialect, same stupidity.

And to that point.
If they have that Cajun Louisianan accent (my fav southern accent) and are intelligent.
I would defo bang.
Nothing like a sweet Southern belle.
I want her to show me all kinds of hospitality.

I grew up in Mississippi and Louisiana and Georgia forost of my life, but as a kid because ioved so fucking much I dropped the accent entirely. It creeps out of me occasionally. The word "Montgomery" sounds like "mawn-GUM-reh" if I don't catch myself.

I was that southern accented 10 y/o with a mic on Xbox Live.

slightly more interesting than other yank accents but all in all no american has a nice or attractive accent
and californians are horrible to listen to

I love it.

please tell me i pass


Pretty much this.
I usually associate southern accent with stupid rednecks.

It's agressive and everyone thinks you sound retarded.

What is American supposed to be?

Do Californian women really speak like this?
