Not sure if the pun is intended or not, but the verb "satsa" is also slang for shooting your load

Not sure if the pun is intended or not, but the verb "satsa" is also slang for shooting your load.

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det satsas mycket på kvinnor och barn nu.

This is a current political event.

not again
haven't we suffered enough?

I support the Swede, this is documenting CultMarx degeneracy without breaking any law or rule.

>I have a little sister who is three years old, a little brother who is one, and an older brother who isn't here today, and I have two mothers, says Rakel Landin, 11.
seems like the older brother is beginning to realize what's up.

mods... ?

Pride kids
Thats the most degenerate combination of words ever contrived

>French-algerian Imam blesses lesbian disabled racified queer-muslim couple on Swedish pride festival
Can't make this shit up

Pride parade area for kids


fuck you france for bringing this shit. none of those three are swedes

It wouldn't happen anywhere else though.

>You can go dressed how you want and no one judges you. You can have whatever color hair you want, he says as he pulls his hand through his pink hair.
Kill me.

I have a neighbour who is a autistic homo.
He tried in quite retarded way during a barbecue last weekend, bring my attention to the fact that he was at pride that day. Asking if i was at work today, and i said it was sunday. And he inelegantly told me he had been at pride today.
What is it with these autist fags anyway?
Why do we encourage idiots to exist?

what exactly do you want us to tell? what is so weird to you about this LGBTQ friendly camp?

The funny thing is everyone around me thinks I agree with their opinions or whatever.
Nobody knows that I love trump.
My mother has talking shit about trump.
But I just tell her I'm not into politricks.
Machiavellian intelligence FTW

Stop being so intolerant :^)

That's not even the same person.

I want to exterminate Swedes.

I agree I have to play more with my diversity dildos. ;^)

It says right there in the article he's done it many times in France.

Thank god this degeneracy was made illegal in Sweden.

Influencing children with sexual propaganda is the definition of evil.

Någon i göteborg som har en handgranat?

Oh boy, another gay child that happens to have gay parents.

What are the odds?

>year of our lord KEK (pbuh) 2016
>sweden has not yet been glassed


The first one on the left is so cute


Only swedes speaks swedish, translate to english u fucking tards

Kek, everytime I'm drunk my friend's always get me to talk about how we women voting rights was a mistake.
Good friends lol. 50%percent of the time I can make the girls agree with me. Also I live in smack in the middle of Stockholm so these are empowered student womeens.
Hilarious in retrospect, but I'm half Slav so I can be more racist. All friends are typical Stockholm Swedes.

Ah come on, you guys have gone so far you managed to drag MUDSLIMES and others into it. Look at it. Nobody else has ever managed to achieve such a thing. This is impressive in a horrifying way.

I'm a guy, shitty autocorrect.

They're making efforts at converting all the kids at pride to gay "culture", by creating kids zones, and they interview kids how they feel about it, and all of course are so gay about it so.
And the Busch-Thor woman is the leader of a christian conservative party, which is often ridiculed by the pride people.
And then this article about kids "sexuality" and "curiosity".

It says right there in the article that is posted that "French-algeric Ludovic Mohamed Zahed is the imam that last year gained fame when he started Frances first "including mosque".

Its the frenchies dude, and they're spreading their filth.

Spreading degeneracy among Muslims is good tho, tänk lite eller är du en jävla muslim???

>tfw you'll never save her from her progressive parents, raise her on healthy values and make her fall in love with your traditional masculinity and marry her when she becomes old enough

hmm, yttrandefrihetslagen, pressfrihetslagen, successionslagen, regeringsformen... fan, var för länge sen man gick i skolan

Why are all the swedes girls so gullible. They buy all this propaganda the universities spew out.
They don't even question anything, they're so mentally lazy.
I'm so sick of people being such sheeps about things.
And if you question their ability you get bullied and harassed and made into a persona non grata, or non-normal. Since all normal people are supposed lick the butt of the politicians here.

My workplace is full of retards of all kinds. Makes me wanna arm myself and massacre them all.

Why even live

>Expecting women to create independent ideas
Women are just overweight children

I can't take this shit anymore. Sweden is commiting suicide.

Swedes have to accept mass immigration of muslims, state funded programs manipulating their kids and letting them be openly taught and praised for being gay all while the population is declining.

Say goodbye to Europe as you know it.

Six? There are only four constitutional laws.
Learn how to count fucking dyscalculian tards.
I'm so sick of women who claims they can't do maths since its hard, and even fail in simple knowledge of their own country.
A simple google search showed me how many constitutional laws we have.

Pendulum is gonna swing hard, just chill and enjoy, get rich and don't see women as adults.

Sorry if you count the Riksdagsordningen as a law, but it's not included usually, you get five constitutional laws, but it's still not SIX laws.

1/4 swedes that pop up on my tinder are trannys.... I swear to god im not even meming
Its fucking wierd

>using tinder
That's your first mistake right there

>111 km
What fucking radius are you using, you live in nordkap or something???

Its not a slang for that, good bait dock.
>Sats, slanguttryck för sädesvätska
Bra försök dock ahmet

Close but no cigar for you mehmet

This guy gets it :^)

I live in Oslo... Here is another "swedish" tranny
This one scared the fuck out of me



better luck next time omar

Please release Breivik, so he can cleanse the earth from these abominations!


And so the eradication of innocence continues, spearheaded by bitter feminists dykes and cucks who threw away their own thinking it would somehow make them stronger.

The spread of this western decadence is simply a matter of misery wanting company. They will never know the pleasure of pure love and so they seek to deny it to all, unable to bear the idea of such a thing existing at all.

Killing them would be a mercy.


Why are there so many swedish trannys moving to Oslo? I take back what i have said about "party-svensker" they where 100x better than "trans-svensker"

Please explain. I've never heard this expression before.

>Checks year and flag


This song accuratly explains it

Are you sure they're swedish though?

Because the only reason I can think of is because they want to live in a city, I guess.

Oslo seems a bit far unless they're from near the border I guess but then they'd probably move to Gothenburg?

So it's basically about Swedes that come to work in Norway and have sex with Norwegian chicks? It's an actual song about Norwegian guys getting cucked BY Swedes?

Im sure they are, the profiles aleays says : Swedish in oslo, just moved her, want to meet new people bla bla bla .. X

Ameroca does it 2

Oh those, we call them "Stekare" in old stockholm slang, they're like "daddy's money"-snobs.

Its about how lame and feminine they are, it mocks their metrosexusl fashion, how they live in 15 man hives, and spend all their minimum wages on drinking each weekend, etc etc

Party svensker have no money, they just do the style and are super lame

We killed him because he was the bad guy.

Hmm okay, must be a offshoot of the stekare then.

Jesus fuck, inverted satanic trips. Very fitting. Indeed this is scary.

Var Jimmie där?

Nä, SD är enda partiet som inte är med på pride.

Gör mig mer säker att SD är rätt parti att rösta på, de håller inte på försöka ta åt sig röster genom att vara snälla mot bögar

Same here, it's getting annoying though

Pride lät de inte vara med, lol kolla upp det.

why are those fucking lips a thing....... absolutely disgusting

Fan, nu blev jag faktiskt lite ledsen.

Det är trist, men du måste hålla med om att det är strategiskt rätt från deras sida. Om de kan positionera sig själva som försvarare av homosexuellas rättigheter gentemot muslimer kan de tjäna röster på det, och när de blir utestängda stärker det bilden av att SD är orättvist behandlade och diskriminerade mot.

Machiavellian intelligence FTW :^)

So is Sweden going to be the first country to legalize pedo relationships? I can see it already, they'll bill it as child sex rights, shit if they can march in fag parades and cut off their own dicks, who's to say they should be judged for being loving gerontophilies. Kek.

I'm not sure, the queen is a big child rights lover, she would scream her head of if it were allowed.
But then again, the crown princess might not be so afraid to cross the boundaries.

of course the only white guys are faggots

Well, it's legal to have sex with 15 year olds, and Muslim refugees who are married to 12 year old brides are given housing with each other, so it's not like they are discouraged from having sex with teens or preteens. I doubt it will go further than that though, at least not for non-muslim men.