What the fuck was her problem?

what the fuck was her problem?

She wanted black cock

She didn't properly communicate what she wanted. Then again, it's also his problem for making assumptions about the relationship.

she just wanted Chad's cock
you know, like every other girl in the world

Was literally about to post this.

She didn't fall in love with a dopey beta male. No problem at all, really.

too many os in her name

Didn't she clearly tell him that it wasn't going to be anything serious right at the beginning?

She is a woman, that's the only problem.

i came here to post this




you dont get oneitis ever you always work on multiple girls at once. this was his problem

I love this scene... you get to see her arm hair. Anyone else like arm fuzz?

this. Summer was being standard girl she didn't have any problem

Tom is a beta male, ie average guy = hated by girls

she was a fucking friendzoning bitch who didn't love a man because he loved her

i hate women so much, this would be so much easier if they didn't let them vote

She was just young and confused. She also warned him that she was both of these things right from the beginning, so it's really his fault for sticking his dick in and falling in love with crazy.

these. women are dumb childish cunts but men are just as bad for thinking they can change them.

That's love. Women and men think they can change someone and when it doesn't work they are surprised... and when it works they leave because"you changed, you're not the same guy/girl I fell in love with"

She thought she could do better

She didn't love him passionately. Why would she setle for a lukewarm relationship? Just because he was nice? Just to not be alone? She was young and will meet lots of other people. Just because you love someone a little doesn't mean you have to stay with them all your life.

she preferred being with me

She's a modern, liberated woman who just does what she wants. You got a problem with that, shitlord?

she's a summerfag

can't wait for fall to start again

She didn't want to date a beta that took dating advice from his 12 year old sister.

She was a cunt who led him on, and he was a naive idiot to think she'd want him after leaving. The "I told you up front" excuse doesn't fly when you spend more than a year with that person giving them exactly what you said you wouldn't.