What is the reason for this?

What is the reason for this?

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unlike what Sup Forums claims communism is anti-islam and preserves europe


why the fuck would mudslimes want to move to the poor areas of germany

No money in the ex communist part

the things going on in cologne could never have happened under communism

More like communism brings equal poverty making it undesirable for Muslims to immigrate to commie countries.


>I am a capitalist

its the outcome not the intention that matters

So you would prefer to be a poorshit as opposed to seeing a brown person when you walk outside?

The fuck is wrong with you.

>islamification is not real Xddd

>Money is the meaning of life

West has the money

Dude, wanna switch places? You move in my place and I move in yours.

0 blacks around, guaranteed!

Not even a bad idea.


Дa этo жe литoвeц, нихyя ceбe, живoй!

it's not necessarily communism's fault rather than due to the Slavic genes

is that difficult?
immigrants from third world countries goes where there are money, not where there are poor people like them

>What is Slovenia

it even checks out with in the North and South of East Germany being more companies

it even checks out with the North and South of East Germany having more companies


I was expecting better of France wtf

France has been centralized since ages.
That's why Paris is rich and the rest is poor.
And Sup Forumstards make fun of the HRE.

woops outdated pic


haHA benid :DD

haHA живoй литoвeц :DD

nobody wants to live in east germany, not even muslims

haha riesigger benis :DD

И чтo cтpaннoгo? Oн мepтвым дoлжeн быть?

lively Lithuanian /:D ?? what do you mean, moy drug?

You're rare
Statistically speaking
They have it pretty bad with suicide rates Tbh

Huh. I guess you're right.

Also, yes, suicides are a problem here.

What is up with cold regions and suicides?
user, don’t leave us, I’m scared.

A lack of vitamin D is one of the causes depression. The others are poverty and unmet expectations in life, of which we have plenty here. Though, judging by the statistics of our neighbours, I guess at some point it becomes cultural.

Don’t leave me user.
remember me
I hope we can watch the petals fall in spring again

probably historical. "gastarbeiter" aka guestworker wanted came to western germany during the "wirtschaftswunder" where the economy was doing well. east germany didnt experience it the same way as west germany. nowadays they simply have trouble with getting permissions

Don't worry, straight-up suicide is for faggots. Life is temporary and what follows is eternal nothingness. I'm going to experience whatever I get, no need to hurry.

Though, going through a bit of a difficult time I sometimes see why people do it and that's pretty scary.

Thanks for the kind words user.

oh and there should be more in eastern germany than it is shown on picture...
ore they didnt take "prayer room " into account

No it's bcayse slavs are inferaiarr

Communism is hostile towards religion

why are there so few in austria and switzerland?

No guilt cucking them into oblivion

Because they counted every little ‘kind of’ ragtag praying room with old carpet for West Germany.

it has nothing to do with guilt rather than egalitarianism and the fear of getting called Nazi
we got told to believe that everyone is equally great and everyone who thinks otherwise is a retarded Nazi

did really make you feel insulted?

austria has more muslims than germany, though

>eu nuts

I think it is because there were few Turkish immigrated tens of years ago to East Germany.
It is wrong?


Hello best ally

It isn’t, Muslims are less than 5% of the EU population and their birth rates are falling faster than those of non-Muslim Europeans. Plus, a lot of them are refugees who will be relocated to their home countries once they become more stable.

Hello our friends : )


Yep. In the end of the day it's Russia who's really cucked. Sad, sad.

They're less then 10% of Germanys population but are constantly in the media's spotlight because of reasons. I see a bright future ahead


Where is mercedes


>Muslims are less than 5% of the EU population
Yet this skyrocked from what, .05 before the 1990s? Brownskin migrants are turning Western Europe into a shithole.

Like a fifth of French population lives in Paris alone. It literally drains every capital around it.
It's getting better tho

>So you would prefer to be a poorshit as opposed to seeing a brown person when you walk outside?
definitely yes

it's not such big financial difference, people can still handle it well. On the other hand, having shitskins around is 10 times worse. They will stay there forever and breed even more shitskins and culturally enrich your country

punči ne rani, ne rani me več