Bane? Haha I'm the CIA Dr. Pavel FOR YOU!!

Bane? Haha I'm the CIA Dr. Pavel FOR YOU!!

We at Reddit are loving this meme thanks guys up vote plz xD

You post like a younger man, with nothing held back

Admirable, but mishtaken

I was wondering what would break first! Your spirit, or your body!

Somebody hothead this get out of here

Theatricality and deception! Powerful allies to the uninitiated!

I am a big guy 4 u xD

Ediт: thx for the gold guys!

ITT rebbitors pretending Baneposting is their meme


For fuck sake

See filename, and cool your cranium

Yes baneposting is a thing on reddit now but they'll never understand it the way we do.
Every Sup Forums meme that gains traction on reddit is only understood there in a really loose, general sort of way.
For example, redditors who try to banepost will frequently spout Bane or Batman quotes from the rest of the movie, not understanding that the meme is mostly centered around the plane scene.

Sup Forums has a bane subculture that will never be replicated anywhere else.

I was flipping around TV last night and TDKR was on. It was jarring to see the plane scene as part of an actual movie. I've only seen TDKR once shortly after it came out , but I've seen those first five minutes more than I'd like to admit.

It's like I forgot these five minutes of 4you were part of an actual movie and not just some thing that popped up on Sup Forums five years ago for us to shitpost about.

>all these hotheads
sure is summer in here

But we're poking fun at the plane scene and making fun of how stupid it is. Redditors think they're in on the joke when they don't even understand why we thought it was funny and how it became a meme in the first place




Perhaps we're wondering why you'd call this meme Reddit, if you haven't been there before.



Do you feel in charge?

What does Sup Forums think of my Tinder profile?

What's retarded is that despite this, I'm continuing to get matches frequently.



Can someone get this hothead outta here?

/deadmeme general/?


alive meme


alive meme



take the final scene of twin peaks season 2 and replace cooper with cia and bob with bane. Caption "How's pavel? How's Pavel? how's pavel? ahahahahah... how's Pavel"


i saw this meme on reddit therefore its a reddit meme

/dead meme/ general?

Sup Forums are bragging about pepe and doge but the truth is they stole pepe from some dudes blog and they stole doge from reddit