So, what nation has the best chocolate?

So, what nation has the best chocolate?

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I don't normally toot my own horn but I have to in this case. We have quite a few god-tier chocolatiers.

Switzerland or Belgium

India lol

>muh microchocolatiers

>Leaf flavored chocolate

Sorry, not enough butyric acid for burgermutt palettes.

American chocolate has that delectable vomit taste everyone knows and loves.

>muh hershey is the only american chocolate


Pretty much is. Everything that isn't disgusting vomit chocolate is just French and Swiss methods that mutts have claimed as their own, just like everything else.

>no added sugar


clearly says madagaskkkar chocolate

Lindt, Milka, Cadbury

That's the case for Canada as well, though.

Also that doesnt mean those products aren't good.

Switzerland and Belgium
Altough Finland has some good shit too.

I've only tried NZ's tiakarete Whitakers as far as foreign chocolates go, and they're miles away more refreshing in taste compared to the supermarket Cadbury ones here.

Highly subjective and what you are used to. That said, I like swedish, finnish and estonian chocolate. American and german chocolate just tastes strange to me. Swiss and belgian are somewhere between.

Why does everyone always overlook us?
Isn’t Cadbury world famous?
Anytime I have been to a foreign country they always mention Cadbury

Belgian is the smoothest imo



I don't need chocolate for that, m8.


wtf I love east asia now

French is best

Cadbury is pretty good but it's not a premium brand.

Most snobby people generally look down on milk chocolates, also release cadbury brand ice creams already you fucks.


>It has to be a 'premium' brand for it too taste good
If you're actually Chinese then I guess you've never had good chocolate.

I guess he meant to say that Cadbury only tastes good when you take into account the price and how widely available it is. It can't hold a candle to some of the Swiss brands I've tried.

I prefer Belgian chocolates, and not because I'm Belgian but because it's basically the only thing we do right (and beer).

what said

The majority part of my life was spent outside of China and 5-6 of those years were spend in London, I also loved chocolates and probably tasted every brand sold in your supermarkets aside from the extremely overpriced ones.

Nah, chocolate is haram and banned in that caliphate.

I'll have you know that my town boasts the best chocolate in the world.


Belgium, hands down

does switzerland actually make chocolate? I only know about Lindt


in this order

A Murrican larping as a Murrican... classic

Who's larping? grosse homme

Mexico of course

Lindt, Frey, Cailler, Milka, toblerone, Läderach,...

I've never had or seen Cadburys


Toblerone? More like T_b_e_o_e.

Microchocolatery making craft chocolates with unusual spices?

Thats a shop right?


Nope. New design, lower weight, same price.

hardly! a proper chocolate factory, out in the rolling countryside, selling its exquisite wares and truffles to the finest shops of new york and beyond

haha swiss chocolate

It's actually been owned by an American company since 1990.

We had to do this because europoors couldn't afford the old one with more chocolate

turkish delight

thats just for the brexit ppl tho, dont worry its still good


goymoney a shit

not chocolate

Cadbury is pretty normal tier in the grand scheme of things, still nice though for what it is as long as it continues to contain at least 20% cocoa.


Switzerland or Belgium.
Fazer Blue is technically Swiss chocolate.

I have never heard of it.

That's Alps ice melting due climate change

Austrian Zotter chocolate is breddy gud.

Tony Chocolonely is unironically the best






Over here, Switzerland and Belgium are known for good chocolate. German chocolate is quite okay too though, but generally not considered as "fancy".


First of all i would like to say Italains are the finest expensive chocolate, Belgium is good for daily consumption but the best? Its clearly S. Tomé e Príncipe.
As a kid i would only like Kinder or Aveiro chocolate cigarrets

The Olsen twins are actually fraternal, not identical.

>Italains are the finest expensive chocolate
lol delusional shitalian, turn off that proxy

Switzerland and Belgium. I like Milka.

I actually like italian chocolate

Is it made of pasta? Where do you buy it?

Not a proxy, just my opinion.

NOT america that's for sure!!!

We are.

Pretty much agree.

hurt my hands

nobody knows for sure and whoever says he does is lying. you'd have to try all of them. it is not impossible but you'd have to be on a mission and even then it is highly subjective. so you faggots should be saying "i tried these and i liked them" etc instead of claiming you know what's best.

Nestlé is swiss

t. vomit chocolate lover

He might be a British English teacher, in which Kit-Kat was invented in Britain by Rowntree. Many well known chocolate brands were invented here.

Probably somewhere in South America.


switzerland, france and belgium

the rest is irrelevant

Unironically France
Belgium comes close second and who cares about the rest honhon


>when we started the club 30 years ago, chocolate from switzerland and belgium were the best of the world. Now french chocolate is known wordwide. Swiss chocolate is still very good, and chocolate from belgium is inconsistant. However, more and more japanese chocolatiers inspired by french techniques are excellent. The rest is irrelevant.

Good article


Once you taste Ferrero, you never buy other chocolates.


Ate some polish chocolates the other day, pretty nice

>all this european faggots claiming chocolate
I didn't knew nahuatl was spoken all over Europe

>Gee, it's like I've never heard of African cacao before.
