Nonblack comedians who have dropped n-bombs

I'll start.

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Le little white weiners man

Cosmo :(


don't laugh

Why should NIGGER not be permissable in a comedic context?

>Why should [n-word] not be permissable in a comedic context?
interesting question but can we watch it with those n bombs

It's ok as long as the joke is really funny.

Howard Stern has used it thousands of times, WITH "hard R". NiggeR

You mean NIGGERBombs? I think NIGGERBombs are a valid comedic element.

David Cross is the fedora of comedians

This. Nothing should be off limits, so long as it's actually funny. The more controversial the topic, the funnier the joke should be.

That would be George Carlin, sweetie.

>You mean [n-bomb]Bombs? I think [n-bomb]Bombs are a valid comedic element.
decent point but can we watch those n words

I forgot about him, I guess David Cross would be the trilby then

What would Bill Hicks be?

This thread is for comedians

Super Male Vitality

You should always be wathing out for those n words.

t. Sup Forums

He's not a racist, that's what's so insane about this.

Calling David Cross a comedian is very generous. He cannot write a joke or a funny story or anything, he is good in Arrested Development but that's literally it. Everything else he's done has been low quality garbage.

Aaron Berg
Kevin Brennan
Jim Norton
Gavin McInnes
Pat Dixon
Geno Bisconte
Louis Cuck King

Did you see ep 5 of W/Bob & David?

Louis says nigger in just about every thing he does.

He was funny in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Granted, he sort of just did Tobias.


Nigger Mr Show is easily the best thing he's ever done