How do you respond Sup Forums? Don't you want to be morally in the right?

How do you respond Sup Forums? Don't you want to be morally in the right?

cool mac

A person like this isn't worth a response

Yeah fucked up the screencap, here's the right one

What are we suppose to be responding to? She says 'He crossed a line today' and then just rants without talking about this line.


I've seen the light by this post...Drumpf no longer has my vote...he has crossed the line!

>morally in the right

There's no such thing

From another thread.


combat infantry non-white (korean) 04-05 07-08 iraq

fuck that horse shit

They're a fucking puppet with a hand up their ass.

a: you cant argue against them unless you're a veteran/parent who lost something (that vague feeling when)

b: They used their son as a matyr for the DNC's cause

c: they (the parents themselves) have never seen combat. How the fuck do they know what their son was feeling

d: there is a immigration generation gap that 1st generation parents will never understand and accept


a fucking haji blew him up in a shithole country we tried to "democratize"

I don't believe a word these muslism say, they are religion based upon deception. Why should I care what they have to say?


Morality is wholly subjective to the times

or perhaps, time has jewish lawyer'd itself into relativity.

Why didn't he let his wife speak?

you know exactly why nigga

wtf trump crossed a line?


i hate trump now i'm a #CruzMissile

Now we're cooking with gas!

Fuck this trap bullshit

>duhh im a muslim my son died in baghdad f u trump

what did hillary sacrifice? oh thats right, americans.

>Finally, FINALLY Trump can't recover from this
>I'm serious this time

>he is a fear mongerer and a hater!
>b-but if you don't keep democrats in power Hitler will rise from the grave and get you ahhh!!

They are literally in full chaotic damage control. They are now playing off of emotion and nothing else, trump is the truth.

It is a very common tactic to bring out people who can't be argued against by normal people. That is entirely what racism is for. So they can bring out people you can't argue with without being called racist.

We need a nationalist President to prevent the globalist elites from taking everything we have for themselves. Nothing else matters.

>talking about morals
>While supporting Hillary Clinton

shit's deep #100

Nice argument! She keeps ranting on about him crossing the line but doesn't say what he did to cross the line or what the line is supposed to be.

9/10, would trigger again. It's these no impulse control niggerlike white trash that is goint to convince the normal American to vote for Trump.

They are also trying to claim theyvare more patriotic and proud of their country while simultaneously painting America as a racist shithole run by the klu klux klan

I can only imagine the debates

>but hillary, wouldn't you consider lying to the american people about Benghazi simply to protect the image of Clinton/Obama also past the moral line.


lol no one will remember this shit a week from now

this is like the 50th time now that liberals have said that exact sentence; "there is no longer any defense" blahblahblah. No one cares. Trump's lack of giving a flying fuck about the reaction to his comments is one of the reasons he is doing so well. If you don't understand that by now then you're foolish

What did Trump do?

liberals are delusional

>Disapproved of
>By the people that broke our economy with a completely unnecessary war that destabilized the region and killed thousands

>This country needs [...] vigorous debate on the issues
So, why don't the dems actually debate any issue that Trump brings up. Instead, they claim, that their opinion on the issues is the only valid and morally correct one.

Practically nothing. He said it was interesting that his wife didn't say anything. And that some wondered if she wasn't allowed to. Not really crossing the line or attacking him. Moreso an observation.