I'm going to start my own Correct the Record movement

Did you know that just before Hitler came to power the Jews killed over 16 million Ukrainians and declared war on Germany?

Other urls found in this thread:


>did you know




>16 million Ukrainians
find that a little hard to believe

You're probably a kike then


People don't understand that this is the eventual conclusion to the Marxist ideology that we see growing today.

>Starved to death
>Tortured, experimented on, made into lampshades and soap, gassed.

The Jews had it alot worse.


oy gevalt you spotted me goy

Let's not forget China

Correct the Record:

1) Holomodor deaths are estimated at 2.5-3.5 million

2) The Soviet Union was not "the Jews". There were Jews that were in power in the Soviet Union, but on balance the regime was anti-Semitic. See, for example, Stalin's Doctor's Plot, for which many Jews were executed. Stalin him self was an anti-semite.


>Jews in power

>Jew government was "anti-semitic"

>You see goy, we're the real victim here.


>Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia
>Sent Lenin into Russia along with many prominent Bolsheviks

This is the end game.

The USSR was started by Jews. If you deny this you are either insane or a kike.

Stalin started purging Jews, yes, because he knew they were the real power behind the curtain.

Never forget





This is the true Jew

16 million is a lot of people. Where are they buried?

Next to the holocaust victims