What did you think Sup Forums?

What did you think Sup Forums?

I liked it better than Civil War

I am not a cross posting Sup Forums shitter that worships BvS either. That movie was garbage.

No, it just means you have shit taste

Your preference for awful movies doesn't trigger me in the least, sorry.

I think your shit taste triggered me

Had fun. Strangely comfy movie.

Only parts I didn't like were how Shredder was an utter charmless douchebag to everyone for no reason, Splinter and Karai not doing much, and that one fart joke.

Movie Krang was strangely enjoyable.

Best part was the Brazil chase/fight

My man

I was legitimately worried that Casey had actually killed Bebop & Rocksteady with that grenade. But then MY MAN!

They were the highlight of the film. I loved every scene they were in.

I think my biggest beef with the film is that there wasn't a legitimate final showdown with Bebop and Rocksteady in the final act of the film. But it's not really a big beef considering that the fight we did get was with fucking mechanized Krang in the middle of the Technodrome. That's hardly something that's worth complaining about.

I thought we could've used more Splinter again till I thought back on it, and I think he was in the movie the perfect amount.
My only real problem with the movie is that Shredder and Krang's alliance should've been developed better, and Casey's casting.

The ending was a lot more clever than I thought it would be.

>Bebop and Rocksteady
>All the Turtle scenes
>Far less April than the previous movie
>Krang and the fucking Technodrome
>Actual Foot Soldiers

This is what the first movie should have been

At the very least, the movie gave us that great gag where the Turtles trick Casey into bumrushing Splinter.

This pig is FLYING!

I'm Finnish. Because whenever there's a fight, I always FINISH!

Those two were phenomenal.

I just enjoy how so many people are legitimately angry at Civil War's success.

We're not on Sup Forums faggot. I've got no company loyalty.

Civil War just disappointed me as it felt like it was weakened mainly due to the fact they forced an Avengers movie on us instead of just making a Cap film. This interconnected film universe is going too far where the stand alone films are nothing more but tie in fillers to bigger films, rather than just being a stand alone movie.


My brain just kept pasting Bojack over him whenever he was on screen. I couldn't help myself.

Every description of this movie makes me want to see it. But it's what it is.

Help me.

You have shit taste op

>people have been pushing that every single movie that has come out after Civil War was better than CW
>you will never be this mad

For what it was, it was enjoyable. Not smart, but no capeshit film really is. Like Deadpool, it was predictable and cool action with fun interactions between characters. I felt kind of tired that this movie went into the whole "WE'RE NOT A TEAM" route again, because I felt like it was already kind of done in the last film, but hey.

He should have expected it to kill them though

this. Pure shit taste. You should probably stop telling people.

The bad
>The cg was inconsistent in quality
The worst of it was probably when the tank was driving through the jungle partialy the tank but more so the trees and the way they fell
>Pretty much everything with Casey
The hamfisted gonna be a detective one day line
Trashing a store and threatening it's owner with 0 evidence
There were others but those stand out in my memory
>I dident like how shitty shredders senses were how the fuck did he not notice April.
>It made no fucking sense for shredder to betray his scientist
>Shredder should have had a bit of a fight with orange before he got frozen just have orange work him towards that spot during the fight or something.
I think shredder might have had plenty of time to react to the betrayal and make an attack but that may be my memory playing tricks on me
>These movies remember there meant to be ninjas more then pretty much any other turtle media but they apparently lack the stealth skills to go out in the day.
>Holy fucking shit why was that detective women so fucking incompetent.
There was nothing that odd about Casey's story considering they were dealing with ninjas a disguised truck makes sense. You don't get to where she is without learning to accept the strange.
Also she overstepped her boundary's I'm pretty dam sure she has no right to deny a phone call
>Why was the guard outside the lab not loyal to shredder
>Why did Casey take so long to fire his taser he could see that shredder was getting away
>Bebop and rocksteady had no reason to be in the van
>In the end it dident need to be bebop and rocksteady they sent into the jungle they dident do anything needing there talents.
>Not enough fight scenes
Continued in next post

>Everything Donatello made was shiny and high tech except for the gear the turtles wore which was still fucking strapped to there arms with tape for some reason
Also April's headset was attached with fucking wires.
>The shotgun shells scene was clearly designed to make you think he meant right in the back I auctualy was a little confused for a few moments when we saw him loading them
>Having Raphael agree with Leonardo in the end was apparently more important then getting the job done as best they could
>The download speed on that watch was all over the fucking place
>Why was nobody trying to shoot down the technodrome parts as they came in

The good
>Much better fanservice satire the o niel arse one was allright but it ruined Verne's character
>The foot soldiors themselves got to be badass especialy in the police HQ scene
>Turtles were great
>Bebop and rocksteady
>Humorous transformers plug
All we need now is a turtles refrence in the mlp movie and the snake shall be eating it's own tail
>Krang looked great initial impressions were brought down from great to acceptable by the wierd tentacle beard but it they worked better then the promo stuff made me expect
>The dump truck was great
The flames coming out of the side were fucking awesome and they had the good sense not to keep them for more then one scene (which admitidly doesent make a whole lot of sense but makes for a better movie)
>That fucking camera wire scene
>Verne was much better this time around.
>The pizza drop scene
>The opening character intros
>Baxter called shredder sensei we might get a fight scene with him in the next movie (hopefully they wont make him to good a fighter)

Overall though I have to say I liked the movie

>because I felt like it was already kind of done in the last film, but hey.
That would bother me a lot more if splinters line about them growing into men dident pretty much show they weren't going to have that problem again
Teenagers often have to make a mistake twice to learn there lesson

Better than BvS, but not as good as CW.

It was better than the first movie by a rather wide margin, but it was still no better than a 4/10. The final 10 minutes made my head spin with Vernon and April taking out Karai in one poorly filmed scene and the Turtles magically gaining the upper hand on Krang, 90 percent of the jokes didn't land, and the designs on the Turtles are still particularly dreadful. At least Tyler Perry, Bebop, and Rocksteady were mildly amusing and it's always nice to see Will Arnet. And I have a soft spot for Stephen Amell even he wasn't given much to do and Arrow has gone to shit. I'm happy it isn't making as much money at the box office. If we're truly lucky, the series will end here.

Apparently they at least tried to tone down the edgy gritty bullshit with this one?

It still seems incredibly pointless to make the turtles superstrong hulksters that can bodycheck SUV's, thats not exactly related to being a ninja.

Yeah, that shit was fantastic.
The movie was all around really funny.

It's the second best TMNT movie of all time.

>because I felt like it was already kind of done in the last film
The conflict was only between Raph and Leo in the first movie.

That's an incredibly low bar, to be fair.

... I guess.
It still has a lot of great stuff going for it.

There is literally NOTHING this film could have that could be a light year as good as Batfleck.
Burn the fuck in hell campfags.


To be fair they were never very ninjalike in cartoons either
We're they ninjaey in the comics at any point?


Why are you praising this movie? The script was all over the place. They got everything in this sequel wrong!

I liked it but I like that it's auctualy getting proper criticism from people that dident like it instead of the waaaah I don't like explosions all bays other movies get.

I'm not sure why people have decided to change to proper criticism but it really is great

It was okay but even though they fixed a lot of issues with the first movie I still have a hard time saying it was better. The first movie had highs and lows while this one was just kinda meh throughout. Maybe it was the director.

I appreciated that they embraced the cartoony-ness but the first movie at least had some "so bad it's entertaining" moments between the action. Too many new characters were introduced and it was a mixed bag of good and bad. Bebop -and Rocksteady were great, Baxter was okay, and Casey was weak. Krang looked great but didn't have enough screen time.

My biggest gripe though is that there were hardly any fight scenes. The first movie wins in that department, hands down. Out of the Shadows had like 2 and they were extremely short.

I do hope they get another chance and hopefully a better director. Just give me more/better fights and I'll be okay.

Not much of a turtles fan but i'm interested enough to torrent this. Do you guys think there's gonna be a third one? Who would they fight?

How was Amell? Will he finally be free?

Bring in triceratons

If you think he is wooden in Arrow he is 10 times as wooden in this piece of crap