How do i make my sort of "open minded " friend that god doesn't exist and islam is false and made up

How do i make my sort of "open minded " friend that god doesn't exist and islam is false and made up

ps : your hollywood muslim insults doesn't helps he believes in equality with women and gays should have fun etc..

i told him this contradicts with islam but he says it's kind of his version of islam
which is absurd really.

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>Islam is what I think it is
So islam is also infiltrated with post marxistic deconstructivists.

But nevertheless
>Worldwide Muslim Genocide Now

You cant, this is not only for muslims but also communists and other liberals who are demoralized and have no intention of changing you will never win with them unless they open up. It will be like talking to a wall

>How do i make my sort of "open minded " friend that god doesn't exist
God does exist, you good goy

Don't go with the 'God doesn't exist' angle.

Go with the "Maybe an illiterate desert Arab didn't talk to an angel in a cave alone with no witnesses" angle.

his arguments are

>So islam is also infiltrated with post marxistic deconstructivists

i should live the way i want and god will judge me

>Worldwide Muslim Genocide Now
The actions of others doesn't make my faith wrong, they are animals and don't represent me or my beliefs

I live in a muslim country and 99% are muslim and like this, it drives me into depression, you can't have an intellectual conversation with someone, event my educated friend, 22 year old college students

his argument to that is

god made it he can make miracles, we can't understand his ways but in the after life those wronged will be granted eternal happiness

"everything happens for a reason and god is testing us"

if god did exist, would he be smart enough to know it? if he is god. then yea probably. so god knows god exists. god doesn't need an atheist's approval for his existence. atheists sound like asses to god because of this, so he ignores them.

tldr god knows god exists and doesn't really need your validation for that

who gives a shit what god thinks
i'm talking about my friend.

go back to the church, it appears the priest didn't molest you well

Just bring up the banu qurizayza
t.ex muslim

ugh americans aren't helpful, where the germans at


I'm an apostate. What did it for me is just reading the Quran and seeing that it was bullshit. It didn't make sense so I just stopped believing.

Good luck

Like i said he believes in parts of it and other parts should change like the part about killing gays and killing infidels

from talking to him he appears to be a theist in denial

believes in god thinks he's a muslim but only does about 3 or 4 things islam says and doesn't do the rest

well start by proposing to watch 3adnan ibrahim

Just remind him that what he's doing is biddah and that is haraam.

>well start by proposing to watch 3adnan ibrahim

other muslims actions doesn't make his beliefs shaken up because he doesn't agree with those people, some muslims doing bad shit isn't what islam is for that type of argument

>Just remind him that what he's doing is biddah and that is haraam.

he says that is between him and his god, he will judge him, not another human

Those are the worst, he lacks critical thinking skills.

If he acknowledges parts of the Quran are wrong then obviously it is not a book from God because God is perfect. Therefore Islam is not a religion from God, it is man-made and false, just like all other religions.

The End.

Gays shouldn't have fun and women are not equal. Tell him that his religion is retarded and is not good for society. Then point to christian societies and compare them to muslim ones.

Your argument valid.
but his faith is not shaken up, i even showed him this

Take your christian cross and shove it up your ass.

Maybe he's one of those people that need religion/god for spirituality and as some sort of outlet for their troubles.

My mother is like that, she doesn't follow the Quran or the religion and is pretty lax about everything, but she likes to pray every night. She actually believes God answers her prayers.
She thinks those fundamentalists are mentally insane, I tell her they're just following the religion as it is, but she won't have it. She's literally just cherry picked all the good stuff and made up her own religion.

Whatever I give up, I guess she needs prayer in order to stop herself becoming depressed.

It's good for you, just your mum.
For me it's everyone i know, being born in this shithole.
dad left when 7 years old, mom religious all friends are religious even though they are studying IT engineering or Biology or medicine in University, it's mind numbing

How can i not be depressed

Stephen Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure demonstrates serious problems and huge incompatibility with civilization. It does not disprove God or prove Islam is trash because that's the wrong question.

I think you should try and find a way out and work/live in another country. In the meantime just ignore your family who are hopeless. Maybe continue talking with that friend but don't let it depress you.

There has been research done by scientists that show difference in brain structure between people who prefer to keep things as they are and believe in religion etc. Research this. It's interesting and helps you come to terms with the fact that you can't change everyone and everyone can't be the same.

I don't know if you can look online for some clubs or groups in your area that have similar views to you. You can't be the only person in the country. Maybe hang around ex-pats foreigners?

Good Luck and don't be depressed you should be happy that you are able to transcend being a blind follower.

>She's literally just cherry picked all the good stuff and made up her own religion.
She sound like my parents.

Download Boku No Pico and watch together.

"they just feed themselves false hope, to keep their ignorance" they are basically addicts because subconsciously they know that there is nothing after death and that there is no power protecting them if they believe in it and they just can't handle that truth.

I wonder though, what would happen if aliens appear and make that 90% of the world get their religion shitted on, or maybe that's the reason none appeared.

Just ask him why he would listen to fucking Muhammed, a guy who married a 6 year olf after saying "you cant marry a chick till she reaches her period" and defends the lives of trees but is willing to kill all infidels