What causes shittier countries to be more nationalistic and have tendency to "protect" their shithole...

What causes shittier countries to be more nationalistic and have tendency to "protect" their shithole, while much more successful countries are full of people basically not caring at all about their homelands?

Shouldn't they appreciate more the possibilities they have thanks to their countries and willing to preserve it to the all costs?

And why the fuck Finland is the only exception to this?

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And this map shows how European countries should change their gdp to meet European Average of GDP.

>And why the fuck Finland is the only exception to this?

The finnish pasts make them rage to protect from this happening again.

So that's the power...of the western civilization



Sweden 55... It must be a joke. about 50 percent of the population are migrants from the beginning of the 20th century

good times create weak men

In Finland "fight for your country" means keeping your family safe when the Russians invade. In England or Germany "fight for your country" means keep schlomo safe by fighting some goatherding peasants in a literal hellhole.

Their poor so they have a greater appreciation for the things they have, and fight to protect them, no matter how little or low-quality those possessions might be.

Whereas the people from wealth countries have money, and can use their wealth to replace anything that they might lose. They've no attachments to anything but their money.

It's pretty much been national policy to move us towards internationalism in the West. Being nationalistic meatheads isn't going to bring about a global world order.

1. People only value those things that they afraid of eventually losing, they don't value what they take for granted
2. Postcommunism and lower distance to Russia correlates with aforementioned fear
3. Finland has mandatory conscription and Winter War is an important element of their national ethos/memosphere

So is it necessary for countries to have some "enemy" at their border to keep them from turning into pussies?

People who don't care about their countries migrate away to more successful ones, causing them to have a deceptively higher number.

>What causes shittier countries to be more nationalistic and have tendency to "protect" their shithole, while much more successful countries are full of people basically not caring at all about their homelands?
It is because in wealthier countries people are on average ... wealthier. That means they are basically "sovereign" on their own, they are less constricted, they can afford more, they're more in control of their life, so they don't need to make up for anything through some perceived "national sovereignty". They simply don't care about it as they are sovereign on their own. Meanwhile, in shitholes like Russia or Poland people love to jerk off over their "based" country because their own life is miserable.

My people have never been at war nor do we even have an army so "fighting to protect" doesn't really come into question.

What are you talking about?
Despite the memes swedes are pretty alright, they had state-run eugenic program not so long ago.

Austria or Switzerland also have conscription and the former is quite obviously in line with OP's conclusions.

That is very true too. Probably the real answer.There is very little in the way of a big, overwhelming threat to Western European countries. Eastern Europe is much more vulnerable and has a history of getting steamrolled.

That's why Russia will be a forever shithole-boogeyman. You start to understand politics.

No, the question is too vague and has different connotations depending on the culture and history of the countries in question.

If the Tans invaded again I would definitely pick up arms and fight, but if my government wanted me to go to irrelevantistan to fight gommies or mooslimbs or something I would tell them to get fucked.

If you asked a more exact question you would probably get closer answers.

"enemy" is too strong word. I think we have one of the warmest relations with Russia when it comes to EU countries

I don't give a shit about this country as a whole. I'd protect my family, but it's retarded to die for an idea and people you've never even met. Only americans do something so stupid.

Not enemy, just a boogeyman. Like North Korea light.


Your claim corresponds little with your pic.

False, shitaly is a shithole

People come and go, the country is still 70% ethnically Swedish.

You think they would have restraint over fighting Russian White devils?

As you please. I think differently, based on the data referred to

no, I don't think about it

For now. Won't be within a few generations.

17 years old data. I have realized some countries like France and Sweden tend to publish less about such statistics. I wonder why...

Why are Finns, Turks and Ukrainians so aggressive? Is it their mongol blood?

we all have shitty neighbors

Sweden is also rather high compared with other countries with similar development levels, why is that?

Poles are such grotesque retards


Dont ever fucking compare us to Ukrainians. I thought you were my brother

Actually, it’s more than 80% Swedish

t. illegal memesaving pro

Lack of education.

Finland? Russia + Sweden

Byzantine collapsed when the elite turned gay and started philosophized about humanity. Just keep this in mind.


>And why the fuck Finland is the only exception to this?
Because of him.

swedish education system is shit

Wew, I knew Moldova was poor but that's fucking ridiculous. Makes me think this non-country is actually decent

>Lack of education.
Another burger proving american stereotypes to be true

It correlates with the direct threats to a country. And shitholes face more dangerous threats.

the better countries have higher iq and education to realize nationality is just a spook

Sweden and Finland aren't in Nato, so they have a slight Russian threat.
Ukraine and Poland face Russia.
Greece has a conflict with Turkey.
Serbia and that thing next to it have a conflict.
Ireland sometimes has a light conflict with the UK.
Switzerland is surrounded by the EU.

The Benelux and Germany have no threats at all.

And if you ask a Dutch person if he'd fight for his country then that probably implies fighting for Americans in Iraq.

But in reality Dutch people have no choice if they want to fight or not. We have a mandatory draft.

>1. People only value those things that they afraid of eventually losing, they don't value what they take for granted
This is very true. You can most clearly see it in the way westerners and eastern Europeans think about the future. Americans or Western Euros always assume everything will be about the same or better than now and plan accordingly, eastern Europeans are always on the lookout for the next Mongols/Germans/Turks/Russians (or, in our case, the next Yugo war) that will come and destroy everything and feel what we have achieved so far needs to be protected.

Someone needs to carry on the torch.

No one ever conquered us and won. We kicked the German/French/British out several times. Our worst defeats were against Napoleon, who we Waterloo'd later, and Hitler, who got defeated by our allies.

I think most Dutch people believe any invasion would just blow over without too much hassle.

Our current biggest threats are:
- Russia, who would need to fight entire Europe before they can reach us.
- Venezuela, who could attack some of our Islands, which are under the protection of the USA, France and the UK.

You also never faced a serious, protracted, total war invasion from one of the most powerful empires in the world at the time like Eastern Europe did over and over and over again with the Mongol Empire, Ottoman Empire, German Empire, Russian Empire etc.

Your wars with the British were trade wars, you profited from the Thirty Years War etc. The one time you faced a serious enemy - the nazis - you folded in matter of weeks.

Western European advantage over Eastern Europe is geographic.

1. You're at the far edge of the Eurasian landmass so the enemies have to go through most of Eurasia, including us, to get to you. If the Mongols, who almost managed to do just that, conquered HRE the history would have been massively different.

2. With Mongols especially, you got all the benefits with none of the drawbacks suffered by EE, you got uninterrupted trade with East Asia (the most developed part of the world at the time) with no tariffs without suffering the ridiculously brutal Mongol conquests or Mongol occupation

3. Your geographic position at the tip of Eurasia, open to the Atlantic, Mediterranean and the new world and the simple fact that WE is built in such a way that you're never far from water meant that you could trade a lot more, with a lot more people and lot more efficiently and that you had prime pickings of colonies in the world. And it's excess wealth from the new world that allowed WE to really propel ahead of EE.

When the Nazi's invaded our government and military just settled in England.
And our Prime Minister thought it wouldn't even be such a bad idea to work with our German brothers. ;/


Ukrainians: POCCNR

Turks: Terrorism + shitty war-torn hellholes as neighbours in the south.

>Shouldn't they appreciate more the possibilities they have thanks to their countries and willing to preserve it to the all costs?
No wars that involve the UK or US have proven themselves as a necessity of preservation of either country's success in the last 50+ years. So the people generally (the patriotic shitters don't make up a large minority) do not trust the government to wield the military in a responsible manner as the Finns might do.
On the other hand, Russia and Turkey are just nationalistic retards.

Useless map

What about "fighting to protect my country's fishing rights"?

>Our current biggest threats are: Russia
>toothpaste land

Bosnian man is right.

Which other threats do we have?

>why aren't people who live comfortable, fulfilling, safe and successful lives bonding together over dick-stroking national myths and looking for enemies to fight?

I imagine that plenty of those 55% are Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs circling "yes" while thinking "Why yes, I would fight for Croatia/Serbia."

Our national myths are more about our great entrepreneurial spirit. We used to have the most successful company that has ever existed. We traded with the world. Our King also wants to be seen as our trade King.

Wars are just a footnote lol.

>entrepreneurial spirit
>as bad as the rest of Europe at internet and technology companies

No, seriously, we're like 20 years behind the Americans. What's the most successful European tech company, Soundcloud? And that's Swedish, the country whose entire national spirit is crawling back up inside their mother's vagina where its warm and safe.

same thing as how rich people tend to be less religious because they fill their lives with what money can buy to make up for what money can't buy.

Where can I get some of this Soviet taint?

fighing ‘for’ your country for big ZOG isn’t the same as fighting against a raping horde of Russians

Security breeds complacence.

Worse societies are more vulnerable and so have a more apparent, immediate need to protect themselves.

More advanced/developed societies have just as much (if not greater) need for self-protection, but the people are so comfortable that they don't realise this, becoming careless and stupid.

Of course, the better your country, the more you can afford some stupid mistakes. So we could also think about it in this sense: energy expended on vigilance is not used elsewhere; an opportunity cost. Pay-off of vigilance becomes lower when you have plenty to spare, because you'll never lose everything all at once. So the opportunity cost outweighs the pay-off and it becomes better to expend energy on other pursuits.

I think the above is a miscalculation, because there is a real risk of losing everything, and even minor harms to things like national pride, racial hygiene, or public morality, can have disproportionate long-term effect; but if people have stupid values ("becoming careless and stupid") and priorities in the first place, then what I have explained is at least rational.