Michael Moore drops redpills about why Trump will win

>That’s a small peek into the mind of the Endangered White Male. There is a sense that the power has slipped out of their hands, that their way of doing things is no longer how things are done. This monster, the “Feminazi,”the thing that as Trump says, “bleeds through her eyes or wherever she bleeds,” has conquered us — and now, after having had to endure eight years of a black man telling us what to do, we’re supposed to just sit back and take eight years of a woman bossing us around? After that it’ll be eight years of the gays in the White House! Then the transgenders! You can see where this is going. By then animals will have been granted human rights and a fuckin’ hamster is going to be running the country. This has to stop!

Is he right?

Why is this white man so excited and obsessed with the demise of white people?

why does he look like a fat old woman??

also, those arent red pills, he is just being cynical.

>hurr i get my opinions on guns from bowling for columbine

What the fuck is Trinidad and Tobago

they are fucking white males. moore looks like older/fatter version of aids skrillex to me.

he was probably raised by a men hating single mother.

MM omits the people who are a very real threat to western democracy, the threat which has caused so many to support Trump, the threat which has discredited the liberal ideology of MM and many other champagne socialists.


Let's all pretend this wasn't irony and spread it as chemo to SJWs.

While being a fat fucking goof he does have his finger on the pulse of blue collar america. It's the one thing that makes his films successful by getting the feels going

They write shit like this and then complain that we fight them.

why does she have such bad fashion sense?

that shit looks awful, you're not supposed to wear a chinese tapestry

>There is a sense that the power has slipped out of their hands
who is this faggot talking about? the white basement rednecks or the GOP?

He is right about the future hamster leader.

Moore is wrong. The media is having a field day over Trump's comments about the Muslim solider's parents. I'd honestly say this could be the end for him.


>the Endangered White Male
I think he's talking about the anti-feminist ,anti-SJW types who hate the idea of a feminist president.

No he's talking about the Western countries that have to take in brown people to compensate for their catastrophic birth rates

All he's up to is electioneering for Hillary by scaring angry burn victims into supporting her

>huffington post
top kek mate

They always act like things were horrible, wrong, and backwards in these times, as if all the success of the US over the years was actually grave failures caused by all white males that were oppressing all the barely existent minorities of the time.
Its fucking infuriating being treated as the source of all evil at all times by these fucks, especially infuriating watching the Dems who agree with that thinking try to fucking pretend that they're on my side in their fucking convention of pandering.

>”the thing that as Trump says, “bleeds through her eyes or wherever she bleeds
Funny, because he never said that.

He's paraphrasing and twisting his words to have completely different meaning.
Man, I just read a the first 20 or so pages of Crippled America and this is exactly the type of dishonest he addresses. Fuck the media

Next time don't link directly to huffington post, but thanks for the flag.

You can be fat up to a certain level and I'll give you a second and listen...but when you start hitting hyperobesity...SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BUCKET OF CHOLESTEROL. No intelligent person can get that fat.

Him dying is taking too long.

Look up Mighty Sparrow

>birthrates meme

The world is overpopulated. With less people public services would be less strained and the quality of life would be better.

Immigration has only worsened it

Are you familiar with Michael Moore? It wasn't really satire, hyperbolic maybe, but he really does hate white America that much.

>overpopulation meme
not even close.

The issue with birthrates is not the decline of the population; it's the aging of the population. Japan for instance, is pretty much doomed because of this.

His delusions about a black president telling white men what to do is silly. No one gives a fuck about Obama; he doesn't tell me what to do lol. He can't, thanks to the Second Amendment. He's not the Stalinist tyrant Moore is waiting for. Doesn't have the balls to war with the Aryan and Moore is crushed.

do I need to be as fat as him to understand what he just said?

>brown people will take care of old white people

immigration is not a solution

He's right. Women and foreigners rights exist at the whim of the white man who being civilized, let the leash out and let bygones be bygones. This wasn't enough though and the women and minorities want revenge. What was forgotten is that white men held the leash in the first place because they are the most brutal group to live on earth and if you want a fight, you will get it.

Isn't the public advocacy of genocide a crime as per the UN Declaration of Human Rights?

People have been right before with less necks.

I know. The solution is to eradicate feminism, but that's not happening anytime soon

this is like satire

Partly but its deeper than his cuck view of things, most of the damage has been done by white male liberal cucks like him

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I firmly oppose the idea of letting hamsters rule over us.

Fuck hamster apologists.

This mythical blue collar WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male, who allegedly dominate the country and control everything in social justice scripture. It's a strawman that helps support their beliefs.

>hates capitalism
>rich because capitalism
>lardass who has nothing to do except complain
>points fingers at the people who gave him success
>hates all core american values
>waves flag around

kek, i humbly request you pay Michael Moore his dues.

praise him, amen.

some of the reasoning is correct

bracketing it with his mouth foaming fanaticism just makes me roll my eyes

people like this know they are wrong, and they do it anyway, which is exactly why he understands the Trump vote so well, his entire life is intentionally fucking with people by lying to them

Of course he omits. He was trying to start a failed force meme #IAmAMuslim or some such shit after the Paris attacks butchered 137 people.

He is a self-loathing socialist fuck who earnestly believes that everything bad that Muslims do is just a reaction to western imperialism and that those that die probably deserve it.

>black South Africans have the right to control their country and keep it black
>whites are not allowed to do the same

It's just anti-white shit. The vitriol these anti-whites have is astounding. Multiculturalism for whites, protectionism for everyone else.

Michael Moore is such a beta cuck. I'll bet he's never had sex in his life.

You want the genuine truth though?

Liberals keep painting this narrative about the jealous white man growing anxious at his own decline in relevance... but I wasn't, until you decided to say I was. Honest.

But no matter what I do, I'm increasingly becoming the scapegoat for everything that's wrong in the world so I might as well become the "villain" you all think me to be.

Helicopter rides soon.



people like michael moore only further push white men to vote for people like trump and endulge in whiteness

white scape goatism is the best thing for right wing politics

>Coming back to the hotel after appearing on Bill Maher’s Republican Convention special this week on HBO, a man stopped me. “Mike,” he said, “we have to vote for Trump. We HAVE to shake things up.” That was it. That was enough for him. To “shake things up.” President Trump would indeed do just that, and a good chunk of the electorate would like to sit in the bleachers and watch that reality show.

Basically this. It's time to introduce a little chaos.

>my owls donahld

>doesn't understand that Hillary's victory has been decided on already

This. I didn't become a villain until they made me into one. Story of my life.

Show me a single, successful, first world country that has ever been run, competently, by a woman or minority who wasn't a conservative.

Wait what power am I supposed to have that is being taken away? Pretty sure men haven't had rights over women for a hundred years.

The truth of the matter is that blue collar people are hurting and the establishment have ignored it, that's why they voted Trump


I didn't even care too much about politics in general until white people started getting the blame for everything

Pretty much this. I honestly didn't give a shit about immigration or diversity or multiculturalism until the people pushing it started singling me out as "The Problem".

White males have been told since the day they were born that they're evil. That they're worthless. That they're stupid. That they're responsible for all the world's woes and that everyone would be better off had we never existed at all.

They should be thankful we've kept it together this long.

You know: Trini dad chewing Tobago

MM is basically hedging his bets and more to the point, trying to position himself at the front of the pack when it comes to being the first to make big bricks off of liberal tears of butt-hurt over Trump winning.

Deep down, MM wants Trump to win, so that he can rush out a new documentary on Trump being elected and why it happened/the first couple of months of his Presidency and all of the horror it will unleash.

If Trump wins, a LOT of liberal douchebags will have egg on their faces and their credibility ruined by them refusing to admit Trump was going to lose. MM saying that Trump will win will allow him to save face and keep his credibility in a post-Trump world, since he can say without any hypocrisy that he warned everyone but that "the liberal establishment" refused to take off their blinders and ran a shit candidate in Hillary. And any documentary made is going to have to fess up to Hillary being a shit candidate, which means Moore has to throw her under the bus NOW so that no one asks him why he is suddenly saying Hillary is shit after she fails.

People talk about how the right is going to have to recover if Trump loses, but no one talks about how the left will have to recover if Hillary loses. There WILL be chaos on the left, especially since none of the establishment will DARE blame Hillary and have already laid the groundwork to scapegoat Bernie for everything, since the entire liberal establishment side bet everything on Hillary with zero back-up plan. Which will make any recovery on the left harder to do since the Hillary-ites will triple down on blaming Progressives for their own failures.

Moore is angling to keep his dignity and credibility so he can stand in the rubble and try and have a role as a major figure in the rebuilding of the left once Hillary loses to Trump

She killed him and stole his wardrobe

Was gonna ask why he aged so badly but he's
like close to 70 in that pic

Yea now that I think about it I've never suffered watching a landwhale gasp out it's sentences in between mouthfuls of food because they've had something intelligent to say.

>Uses slippery slope fallacy against white men
Jesus fucking Christ
How has this fat idiot not died of a hilariously embarrassing accident?
KEK please dispose of this moron

WTF, I love Jabba the Hut now.

That usually means he's a jew.

If it was literally only white people then yeah he may have a point. But its not and he doesn't. I'm a shitskin and I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. No, the reason he's doing as well as he is is because he's exposing just how fucked the status quo is.

All those shit trade deals you never hear about from your politicians? Yeah, turns out they're actually really shit and they're just not talking about it in hopes you'll forget eventually. You know that crazy right wing conspiracy that the media favors the left? Never has it been more evident. You know all those shitty immigrants that your government tells you to be tolerant of and you want to know why you should have to but your representatives arent asking? Well now he's asking. You know all those faggot 'Republicans against Trump' cucks that just cant bear the thought of not having a True Conservative™ on the ticket? Yeah they're selling any morals they might have had for the corporate puppet because they know that's safe for them and not for you the average joe.

He's winning because a lot of people in America feel like their country is being sold down the river for interests that aren't their own. The problem has been, nobody has been willing to vocalize those grievances until Trump crashed this circlejerk of useless fuck politicians that do shit for themselves and the elite. And the thing that emboldens him is the fact that now this sentiment has been given a voice, and its falling on deaf ears to the tune of 'racist, bigot, misogynist' and many others instead of trying to address the grievances being aired. So when average joe just wants immigration laws to be properly enforced, and that's met with the label of racist, its no fucking wonder why people are sticking with Trump, because nothing is being offered by the other side to go with them other than 'dont be a meanieface'.

>if you don't let this happen you're just a mad white male

What a fat faggot. Losing weight is easy as fuck, I lost 80 pounds and couldn't believe how easy it was after the first week. I refuse to listen to obese morons. Can't even take care of his own body, why should anyone give a shit what someone with zero will power thinks.

leaf noes whats up


he is the epitome of the self hating white liberal

>Give me the Chinese communist look

It hides her fat